  • Lactovegetarianism: benefit or harm

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    Read in the article:
    • Lacto-ovo-vegetarianism and healthy lifestyles: the essence of
    • Lactovegetarianism: what can be eaten, recipes
    • Lacto Vegetarianism as a diet: opinion of nutritionists

    Advantages and disadvantages of lacto-vegetarianism

    One of varieties of vegetarianism is lacto or ovo-vegetarianism: such food crops are considered to be the most uncomfortable and allow for a number of indulgences, as well as health benefits.

    Lacto-ovo-vegetarianism and healthy lifestyles: the essence ^

    Lacto vegetarianism is a nutrition technique that is very different from vegan, allowing the use of milk and dairy products.

    It should be noted that vegetarians generally refuse from fats and proteins of animal origin, which are contained in meat, fish, cottage cheese, milk, kefir, eggs, as well as honey.it is extracted through the exploitation of living organisms - bees.

    Also ovovegetanianstvo is separated, under which it is allowed to eat eggs, and in rare cases it is possible to afford seafood and fish on weekends. All this is done in order to replenish the stocks of substances contained in meat, which in all varieties of this food culture is prohibited.

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    Lacto Vegetarianism: Pros and Cons

    The benefits of ovo vegetarianism have been known for a long time, which is why he has a lot of supporters:

    • The vegetarian menu does not include products that raise cholesterol or contain chemical additives;
    • As a rule, the adherents of this culture change not only their food, but also their way of life: they start to play sports, often walk outdoors, take a great interest in oriental practices - all this positively affects the psychological and physical condition of a person;
    • Thanks to the right selection of products, you can achieve harmony with nature, improve your health and avoid many diseases;
    • Using lacto vegetarianism for weight loss, you can achieve good results: the body receives much less fat and calories, and the number of nutrients increases, resulting in increased metabolism.

    Now, in more detail about the disadvantages of lactovegetarianism - they are expressed in the deficiency of important elements for the body due to the rejection of meat and other animal products:

    • Protein: although it can be obtained from plant foods, it will be absorbed much worse, due towhat can weaken muscles and appear problems with health;
    • The iron contained in meat and by-products is processed by the body better and faster than that found in plants, so iron deficiency anemia may occur;
    • The lack of microelements and vitamins often leads to the development of chronic diseases.

    In addition, with lacto-or ovovetarianism, the likelihood of hormonal disruptions and endocrine disorders increases, so this system of nutrition is not recommended for people with any chronic diseases, as well as pregnant and lactating mothers.

    Lacto vegetarianism: harm or benefit

    Understanding the useful features of lactovegetarianism, you can sum up:

    • It allows you to make meat rejection less tangible for the body by including in the diet of milk and products made from it;
    • Such a nutrition system has a positive effect on health, becauseit is dominated by vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits.

    The drawback here is only one - the inability to obtain the iron, as well as animal fats and proteins, contained in the meat, without which it is impossible to balance your diet.

    Lacto-vegetarianism: what can be eaten, recipes ^

    Recipes for lactovegetarians

    Lacto-vegetarianism: a list of

    products As mentioned earlier, lacto-vegetarians can include milk and dairy products, but it is built from other foods:

    • Fruits;
    • Vegetables;
    • Green;
    • Honey;
    • Bitter chocolate;
    • Tea and coffee;
    • Groats.

    Vegetarians are allowed to eat cottage cheese, eggs, seafood and fish, but only in rare cases.

    Lacto-ovo-vegetarianism: recipes

    Cottage cheese casseron recipe:

    • We clean and grind garlic, mix it with grated parmesan, sprinkle with a mixture a baking dish;
    • Wash and put tomatoes in the mold, sprinkle with sunflower or olive oil;
    • Beat with sour cream and eggs cottage cheese, add pepper and salt, add to tomatoes;
    • Bake 20 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees.

    Recipe for beetroot salad:

    • Boil the beet, grate it;Soak the prunes in hot water;
    • Mix everything, salt, fill with unsweetened yogurt.

    Lacto Vegetarianism: Recipes

    Recipe for fruit salad :

    • Cut the pulp of pineapple, peaches and banana;
    • Everything is mixed, watered with soy yogurt.

    Vegetarian soup recipe:

    • Boil water, add bay leaf;
    • Cut and boil the potatoes, then throw the washed rice;
    • Put the grated carrots and chopped onion, salt in a saucepan;
    • 10 minutes before cooking sprinkle with greens.
    We also recommend that you read the article "Truthfulness: Myth or Reality."

    Lacto ovo vegetarianism as a diet: the opinion of nutritionists ^

    Doctors advise to pay special attention to the transition from a normal diet to lactovegianism: you can not immediately abruptly give up meat, becausethis can lead to a rapid subsequent breakdown.

    To lose weight, it is recommended to make up your menu mainly from fruits, vegetables and legumes: they perfectly satisfy hunger, promote bowel cleansing, normalize cholesterol level and allow you to easily reduce weight, tk.contain a minimum of calories.

    The output from lactovegetarianism is also of great importance: it is undesirable to introduce sharply meat products into the diet, otherwise putrefactive processes in the intestine may occur, the digestive system will worsen, besides such food after using another diet is very severe for the stomach.