
What calcium is better absorbed by the body, which helps its assimilation

  • What calcium is better absorbed by the body, which helps its assimilation

    Now pharmacies offer a wide choice of calcium preparations in different forms. But how to choose from all this one that really will cope with the problem, what calcium is better absorbed by the body?

    Calcium value for the human body

    The most useful calcium organism receives with consumed food. But if the products are not very high quality, they can not meet the body's calcium requirements, which can lead to serious diseases.

    Calcium in the body maintains healthy bones, nails, teeth, hair. But not only that, it participates in many processes, which contributes to the proper functioning of the organism. Also, a small percentage of calcium is contained in the blood.

    The most common calcium preparations

    Most often calcium preparations occur in such forms:

    1. Calcium gluconate. Calcium carbonate. Calcium Citrate. Calcium chelate
    2. .

    Let us dwell in more detail on each of them.

    Calcium in the form of gluconate is very poorly absorbed by the body( up to 3%), while at the same time has an impressive list of side effects and contraindications. This drug is produced without D3 - a vitamin, which ensures the availability of calcium for the body. With little benefit to the body, calcium gluconate provokes the formation of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys.

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    The availability of calcium carbonate is 20%, which is significantly better than gluconate. But with a low acidity of the stomach, its effectiveness drops to zero. The use of this drug is fraught with the same consequences as the use of calcium gluconate.

    Calcium citrate contains vitamin D3, this increases the absorption of calcium to almost 45%, and also makes it independent of the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

    Calcium in the form of a chelate is a modern preparation, the availability of calcium reaches 98%, in addition, the absorption of calcium in it does not depend on either the gastric juice or the presence of vitamin D3.

    What facilitates the absorption of calcium

    A complex process of calcium assimilation is possible only when a number of factors interact.

    In order for calcium to be incorporated into bone tissue, the presence of certain vitamins and microelements is necessary. The main assistants in this process can be called vitamins K and D. Therefore, products for the assimilation of calcium should contain as many of these vitamins, for example, liver beef.

    In addition, vitamin D should go into the active form, and this is possible only in the liver. Therefore, a violation of the liver can lead to the fact that calcium is not available to the body, and this threatens its lack.

    As is known, the small intestine is responsible for the absorption of calcium, so inflammatory diseases in this part of the intestine can also interfere with the intake of calcium in the body. So often the problem of how to improve the absorption of calcium in the human body is solved by bringing the digestive system in order.

    Vegetarians are at risk for diseases related to calcium deficiency, because insufficient animal protein in the diet also does not allow this element to be absorbed. The same happens when you consume a lot of fatty foods.

    There are products in which the calcium content is many times greater than its quantity in dairy products - these are the seeds of poppy and sesame seeds. Among the vegetables, the leaders in calcium content are cabbage, spinach, asparagus, turnip.

    In products such as carrots, potatoes, black currants, blueberries, dogrose, gooseberries are active ingredients that potentiate the absorption of calcium. In no way prevent the use of herbal teas and infusions of herbs.

    Linseed oil contains omega-3 fatty acid, which also plays an important role in the assimilation of calcium.

    You also need to remember that calcium assists in the body in the presence of enough iron. Therefore, the use of products rich in this element is mandatory.

    Having studied various calcium preparations, it was found that calcium in the form of chelates is absorbed almost completely, but its high cost deters many, other drugs are less effective, but they are cheaper. As it turned out, in our kitchen there are foods that help calcium to be absorbed into the body. Therefore, what to choose for yourself, you must decide for yourself.

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