  • Appendicitis: postoperative period and recovery

    Appendicitis is a disease in which surgical intervention is simply necessary. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately go to the doctor, because from the simple inflammatory process of the appendix can pass into appendicitis gangrenous, which will contribute to the development of serious complications.

    Currently, appendicitis surgery is considered one of the most simple surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity.

    The postoperative period of appendicitis is the time interval that lasts from the time the last seam is adjusted to the incision until the patient's full capacity for work is restored.

    A patient from the operating room is delivered to the ward, where he is carefully watched, for each person proceeds from anesthesia in different ways, and can lead to serious consequences. Perhaps the occurrence of vomiting, so the patient is turned on his side to prevent aspirating vomit. In the case of a strong effect of narcotics, there is a possibility of stopping breathing and the heart, in this connection there is strict control over the measurement of blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rate.

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    It is not always operative intervention that passes without a trace for the patient. In case of incorrect tactics of the doctor or incorrect behavior of the patient in the postoperative period complications after appendicitis may develop:

    1. severe blood loss disrupts the function of the cardiovascular system - this can happen due to inexperience of the doctor who could not react quickly to the damage of a large vessel, and alsowith poor suturing, postoperative bleeding may be revealed;
    2. dysfunction of breathing - with severe soreness of the operating wound, there is a restriction of respiratory movements, which causes hypoxia of tissues and organs. To eliminate, you need to do respiratory gymnastics.
    3. paresis of the bladder and intestines - muscle relaxants, which were used during the operation, continue to act and at the end of it, so in the postoperative period there is a retention of urine and flatulence;
    4. purulent-septic complications of the wound surface - with poor septic treatment of the wound, both during the operation and after it;
    5. inflammatory diseases - the operation is accompanied by a strong stress for a person, therefore all immune processes decrease, which facilitates the attachment of pathogenic microorganisms( peritonitis, congestive pneumonia, sepsis, pylephlebitis - portal portal inflammation, etc.);
    6. pulmonary embolism( instant death), which can occur with the development of thrombophlebitis, and detachment of a clot from a damaged vein can clog the pulmonary artery;
    7. the formation of fistulas( an opening that connects the intestine with the external environment), intestinal obstruction due to the adhesive process in the abdominal cavity.

    Rehabilitation after appendicitis

    In the first two days after the operation, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed to prevent diseases with a bacterial infection. After 8 hours the patient is allowed to climb and move, but not very diligently, so that the seams do not split. For the prevention of congestive pneumonia and the formation of adhesions prescribe respiratory gymnastics, and in order to avoid thrombophlebitis - move the lower legs in the ankle and knee joints.

    At the first time on discharge from hospital, the patient must observe limited mobility of actions. Do not overexert, i.e.excessive physical activity, lifting of heavy objects are forbidden, and also it is impossible to have sex, because all this can adversely affect the healing of the wound and prolong the period of recovery.

    Appendicitis - the postoperative period basically though passes safely because of a small trauma of fabrics, but in this period lethal outcomes because of non-observance of a level of exercise stress are possible, and also the diet after an appendicitis should be supported.

    What you can eat after the operation?

    In the first minutes of getting out of anesthesia, the patient asks to drink, so you can give a little boiled water, but in small portions. If this amount does not cause vomiting, then this amount of liquid can be increased. In the uncomplicated operating period from the second day, the patient is assigned a menu that looks like this:

    • 1 and 2nd day - liquid porridge, vegetable puree, you can drink milk and jelly. If the patient is unable to eat, then honey.staff helps him, because at this stage you need to eat, so that the stomach and intestines begin to work.
    • 3rd day - all too, but with the addition of black bread and butter.
    • 4th day - if you feel well, the patient can be transferred to a normal diet.

    In conclusion: although appendicitis is the organ of the immune system, but with the development of purulent inflammation, it must be removed immediately, because then the process will spread to the surrounding tissues. Never ignore the first symptoms of the disease, and do not be afraid of medical intervention, because if you follow the rules in the postoperative period, you will never have complications, and only the scar from appendicitis will remain for memory.

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