  • What are the secrets of gray matter?

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    The brain has earned the reputation of the most mysterious and surprising human organ. Engaged in its study are the great minds of ancient Egypt. Even now, there are many interesting facts around the brain, and there are many myths. Here are some of them.

    We expose the myths of

    1. Perhaps the most common myth is the opinion that using a person in everyday life is only 10% of the possibilities of his brain. Studies have shown that in fact, even in the process of performing the simplest actions, all departments are involved. Therefore, it is safe to cross out this myth from the general list.
    2. In people whose vision is limited, the hearing is better than that of healthy, sighted people. Scientists have been shown that the ability to perceive sounds from blind people is the same as with all the others. The only difference is that the blind have a more developed auditory memory, quickly catch the meaning of foreign sentences and are more easily guided by sound, better finding its source.
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    4. The human mind is directly dependent on the size of its brain. In fact, the size does not affect the human intellect. But some researchers believe that the indicators of the mind are influenced by contacts between neurons of the brain, which have received the scientific name of synapses. The number of synapses increases during childhood and adolescence.

    Curious facts

    1. The tickling of a person by himself is not perceived by the brain as an irritant, since this amazing organ is designed in such a way that it perceives only external stimuli. Such a structure helps not to miss important signals in the general flow of various sensations.
    2. Viewing a graphic image of a person is given more difficult than playing chess. This phenomenon is associated with the difficulties in identifying visual objects. The human brain is often deceived, taking one glimpse of the object seen for a completely different object( for example, in the dark, an ordinary bush may appear to a person as some animal).
    3. Yawning serves the brain as a means of awakening. Paradoxically, yawning, which is usually considered a consequence of lack of sleep or boredom, promotes the expansion of the respiratory throat, through which the human body is saturated with a large amount of oxygen and is encouraged.
    4. Computer games are a good way to learn how to perform several actions simultaneously. In the process of computer game, the player's organ continually has to switch attention and immediately react to any minor changes in the state of affairs.
    5. Exercise is an excellent solution to support the performance and tone of the brain. As a result of regular exercise, this human body begins to receive more glucose and oxygen due to the increase in the number of capillaries.
    6. The amount of energy expended by the brain is less than the amount of energy used by a light bulb in the refrigerator. Electrical signals are a way of transmitting messages between brain cells;The energy spent here is only 12 watts.
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