  • How to cure inflammation of the glands

    Inflammation of glands is a disease that has already been well studied. Its causative agent is one of many types of streptococcus.

    The disease can be successfully cured with traditional medications, if it is started, it will go into chronic form, which can lead to serious health complications.

    Causes of the disease

    If your tonsils are inflamed, you are likely to have weakened immunity. As statistics show, in children this disease occurs 2 times more often than in adults.

    Inflammation of glands can also cause hypothermia, infections that are not cured at the time, contact with the carrier of the infection.

    Symptoms of inflammation of the glands

    The increased glands in the child in combination with the sharply increased temperature is already a sign for concern. In addition, the symptoms of this disease include sore throat, difficulty breathing, general deterioration of well-being, strong weakness.

    Inflammation of the glands, if not cured in time, can lead to the development of serious pathologies: rheumatic heart disease, myocarditis, pyelonephritis. To prevent the disease, you need to follow all the recommendations of specialists.

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    Symptoms of the disease can be expressed and purely individual: they can be both pronounced and "blurred".In some cases, symptoms can be noticed only a week after infection, but there are situations when all the signs "on the face" after 4 hours after contact with the infection.

    Sore throat also may be different: moderate or very severe. In addition, if the glands are swollen and the anterior wall of the pharynx is inflamed, you can see the hoarseness of the voice.

    You have all the symptoms of a disease, but you do not know how to treat inflamed tonsils? Leave the advice of friends for the next time and do not use unchecked folk remedies. All you need to do first is to go to bed, drink warm, but not hot tea and call a doctor.

    Only after your throat is inspected by an expert, he will be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment for you. If you have any doubts, you can also take a scraping from the throat to analyze for fungal attack. And yet in most cases, inflammation of the glands arises because of streptococcal infection.

    If you notice white corks on the tonsils, you should know that this is just a plaque, which is formed due to the accumulation of white blood cells. It is not necessary to remove them from there - just rinse with a special solution up to 7 times a day. To make a solution, dilute 1 tbsp in a glass of water.salt, 1 teaspoon.soda and a few drops of iodine. This tool also serves as a preventative for the further appearance of traffic jams.

    In angina, the purulent glands may also be troubling. Stoppers with pus are abscesses, which usually have a closed character. Most likely, the causative agent of the disease went to those shells of the larynx, where there is no way out with pus. Diagnosing purulent plugs is easy enough.

    In this condition, you need to immediately begin treatment. Pus in the throat, unable to exit, can threaten the life of the patient. Therefore, in the presence of pus in the glands, in most cases they are opened with a medical scalpel. Immediately after surgery, the patient's condition improves.

    The subsequent treatment includes the use of antibacterial agents. Excellent rinse aid, as well as irrigation of the opened tonsil with antibacterial solutions. During the treatment it is not recommended to eat rough and hot food - the cavity remaining after the abscess should be able to undergo healing.

    Treatment of inflamed glands

    Depending on how the disease is progressing and, given the form of infection, the doctor should prescribe treatment. Only a specialist will be able to tell you what to do if glands are enlarged, what and how much to take antibiotics, how to reduce pain.

    If you have pus in your throat, ask your doctor how to properly clean the glands. The procedure for removing pus can be done independently at home. If you do not do it, pus will have to be removed with the help of surgery.

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