  • Treatment and symptoms of laryngitis in adults and children

    Laryngitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the throat. The disease can be divided into chronic and acute forms. This disease can be a concomitant disease in ARVI, influenza, and other diseases of this type.

    Symptoms and Causes of

    Disease Laryngitis may occur for completely different reasons. As a rule, a direct connection between the development of the disease and the supercooling of the organism and a general weakening of immunity are noted, as well as a simultaneous virus attack.

    There are also mechanical causes of the disease, for example, burns or injuries.

    When a person speaks, his vocal cords vibrate, thereby producing a sound. This disease leads to swelling of the vocal cords, which causes loss of voice.

    This also constricts the airways, it becomes difficult to breathe, there is a "barking" cough. All troubles are due to the fact that the airways, as already mentioned, are narrowing.

    It is important to know that labored breathing can lead to complications of the disease and develop into a separate disease. This situation is often found in childhood.

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    How does laryngitis manifest in children?

    Since the baby's nasopharynx can not yet hold the viruses that have got inside, they quickly and easily go down into the larynx. In inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa, adults, unlike children, suffer only from discomfort. In children, however, laryngitis is considered a serious problem.

    With the diagnosis, the symptoms of laryngitis in the child manifest in the form of a cold, then a dry cough is added, the tone of the voice changes, hoarseness and rapid shortness of breath occurs. At night and in the morning the situation is aggravated - the airways narrow even more, the child breathes in the air with a characteristic whistle. Then begins a fit of cough, which is accompanied by swelling of the wings of the nose and the expressed anxiety of the child.

    Cough in this disease resembles the sound of "barking".In addition, the child pales face, and the nasolabial triangle becomes a cyanotic shade. In rare cases, you can see an increase in temperature to 39-40 degrees, usually it does not rise high. Symptoms of laryngitis in adults are manifested in a lighter form.

    Now consider the symptoms of acute laryngitis. In acute form, there is a swollen appearance of the larynx, the vocal cords can not completely close. If the flu is accompanied by laryngitis, it can lead to bleeding in the larynx in rare cases.

    Laryngitis can also affect not all of the throat, but only one part of it. This disease is called isolated laryngitis.

    How to recognize chronic laryngitis?

    Chronic laryngitis develops against the background of a recurring acute laryngitis. The cause of its development can also become inflammatory processes in the nose, its paranasal sinuses and pharynx.

    In chronic laryngitis, the following symptoms are noted:

    • hoarseness;
    • a sore throat;
    • fast voice fatigue;
    • sensation of sore throat;
    • periodically appearing cough with phlegm.

    When the disease worsens, the symptoms intensify.

    It is important not to forget about preventive measures and try not to breathe cigarette pairs and, moreover, not to smoke. Besides, you can not always strain your voice. When working in hazardous production, experts recommend regular medical examination.

    Signs of the disease

    The first thing that a patient usually complains about is the dryness in his throat. Also, pain can occur when swallowing food. A simple cough that occurs at the beginning, over time, grows into a cough with phlegm. During the entire period of the disease, the voice can either just be hoarse, or even disappear altogether.

    Increased temperature, as well as headache, are observed with acute laryngitis. In most cases, the disease lasts about a week. Acute appearance is the most dangerous form of the disease, as it is accompanied by stenosis of the larynx. A similar reaction can also be caused by the inhalation of certain harmful substances.

    The child with a diagnosis of laryngitis symptoms and signs of the disease are the same as in adults, but the disease is much more complicated. With rapid flow in the child there is swelling, which blocks the access of air to the lungs. Breathing becomes hoarse and brings the child to tears. These signs of laryngitis lead to a lack of oxygen, which in the end can lead to a coma.

    The organization of treatment for

    The first thing to do when treating any form of laryngitis is to stop talking loudly. In addition, at least until the complete cure is desirable to give up smoking, do not eat spicy food and do not drink alcohol.

    Many people with a diagnosis of "allergic laryngitis" or other forms of the disease are looking for an answer to the question, how to return the voice? There are many means for its recovery, including methods of traditional medicine.

    Recipe for voice restoration

    • Cut small pieces of horseradish( the size of a hazelnut) into small pieces and fill all the third cup of boiling water.
    • Then cover with a lid and insist for 20 minutes.
    • After adding a small amount of sugar, stir and throughout the day drink on the 1 tsp.1 time per hour.

    The voice will be restored in one day.

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