
Vareniki for a couple: a recipe and tips on how to make a delicious and tender dough

  • Vareniki for a couple: a recipe and tips on how to make a delicious and tender dough

    Vareniks for a couple are more lush and delicate than normal. Usually stuffing for vareniki take a berry: cherry, currant, strawberry. But it is also possible to cook steam vareniki with cottage cheese, and with potatoes, and with meat.

    Vareniks with berries are more convenient to cook for a couple, as they are not boiled, they are whole and juicy.

    The main thing that is included in the recipe for vareniki is, of course, dough. Dough for dumplings, which are brewed, very similar to dumplings. For dumplings, which are cooked in a steam way, the dough is done quite another.

    Today we will tell you how to properly prepare the dough for steam vareniki with your own hands.


    Flour - 500-600 g, one egg, 300 ml of kefir, a teaspoon of baking soda or baking powder, half a teaspoon of salt. For the filling, take any berries.

    Preparation of vareniki

    To make the dumplings gentle, we sift flour into a large bowl, add baking powder or soda and egg, pour kefir and knead the dough. We spread it on the flour-strewn table and knead the dough with your hands until it stops pestering your hands. The dough should not be steep. It should be soft and fluffy. The prepared dough is left to stand for half an hour.

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    While the dough settles, we will prepare the filling. Berries need to be sorted, cleaned of twigs or stems depending on what berries you took, and dried.

    We have all prepared, now you can start to mold vareniki.

    Roll the dough into a layer with a thickness of about 0.5 cm. Do not make the dough very thin. Our dough is tender, it just can tear. Cut the dough from the dough with a glass or a cup. Usually steam dumplings do larger than those cooked. In the middle of a circle we put berries, we pour a spoonful of sugar and zalyplyayem varenik.

    These are the basic rules for how to cook steam vareniki at home on your own. We put the vareniki in the steamer for 7-8 minutes. If you do not have a steamer, then wrap the pan with gauze and lay the dumplings on gauze, and top with a bowl or a deep lid. Bon Appetit!

    Video recipes

    Dumplings with cherries:

    Vareniki with potatoes:

    Vareniki with strawberries:

    Dumplings with eggs: