
Treatment of purulent sore throat in a short time - is this possible?

  • Treatment of purulent sore throat in a short time - is this possible?

    Any person is susceptible to attacks of pathogens that cause a variety of diseases as soon as the immune system fails. This is the way that purulent angina is caused, which manifests itself in the inflammation of the tonsils. The pathways of infection with streptococcus, the causative agent of this unpleasant malaise, can be the following:

    • Airborne droplet
    • Contact with unwashed products, hands, utensils

    When a person begins to feel chills, sore throat, weakness, joint pain, and then a sharp jumpbody temperature up to 39 degrees. Enormous discomfort, even at rest, can bring abscesses. Treatment of purulent sore throat should be medicated.

    At the initial stage of the disease, the patient needs to create the following conditions:

    • Bed rest
    • Food should be balanced and rich in vitamins
    • It is important to exclude spicy food, as well as hot and cold dishes
    • Provide abundant drink

    The therapeutic approach required by purulent angina is the treatment with antibiotics andobligatory bed rest. This is the main thing that any person should know.

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    How to treat purulent sore throat is better to learn from your attending physician, as this disease is serious enough and can have complications.

    Medication for the disease

    This treatment consists of the following drugs:

    • sulfonamide preparations
    • antibiotics( aerosols, in the form of capsules and injections)
    • intake of vitamins A, C, E
    • rinsing with furatsilin solution

    The question of how quickly to cure purulent sore throat,rises when a person needs to urgently go to work or solve urgent problems. It is important to understand that this disease can not be carried on legs. All cases must be postponed and treated only by treatment.

    Treated with folk remedies

    As an additional means of symptomatic treatment can be applied and methods of traditional medicine. The most famous "grandmother's recipes" are the following:

    • inhalation of a decoction of garlic with the addition of
    • food soda
    • rinse throats with various herbs( sage, elderberry leaves, mallow)
    • classic rinses with purulent sore throat( salt and soda solution, iodine,strong tea with the addition of salt)

    It should be remembered about the danger of the disease. Sharply contraindicated any local warming up, compresses. These procedures can cause additional spread of the infection. It is important to understand that the patient needs a qualified doctor who correctly diagnoses and correctly selects a cure for purulent sore throat.

    Purulent angina during pregnancy

    Purulent angina is an infectious disease that can cause various complications such as:

    • heart defects
    • rheumatism
    • arthritis
    • kidney disease
    • pregnancy complication

    When pregnant, purulent angina carries a double risk to the mother and the baby. Medicamentous treatment of this disease consists in the appointment of antibiotics, which with caution should be taken by pregnant women. But the risk of complications from the disease is much higher than the potential threat of a specially selected drug.

    Now there are a number of antibiotics, which is not contraindicated in pregnancy. In no case can you take them yourself, without prescribing a doctor.

    Otherwise for pregnant women all methods of local treatment are applicable:

    • rinsing with purulent sore throats of herbs, furatsilinom
    • inhalation
    • adherence to drinking regimen
    • balanced and vitamin-rich food

    This is important!

    • If you are concerned about symptoms that are typical of purulent sore throat, immediately consult a doctor
    • Immediately start rinsing your throat with salt, soda and iodine
    • Take antipyretic and analgesic medications
    • Do not try to pick up your medication for purulent sore throat, ie.antibiotics
    • Remember about possible complications

    Monitor your health and adequately respond to the symptoms of various diseases. Be healthy!

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