  • Diet at an atrophic gastritis, as a basis of treatment

    Atrophic gastritis of the stomach is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, characterized by a decrease in the number of glandular secretion glands and thinning of individual sections of the mucosa.

    Because of this pathological change in the structure of the membrane, the role of the digestive glands has to be performed by ordinary tissues having simpler structures - they are not adapted to active secretion of gastric juice, so the redistribution of these cells very quickly leads to their death. But because of its structure, cells of ordinary tissues of the mucous membrane can not produce gastric juice rich in proteolytic enzymes. Diet with atrophic gastritis is necessary, because with this disease the gastric juice is diluted with mucus, produced by the usual cells of the gastric membrane tissue.

    Diet for chronic atrophic gastritis

    The atrophic form of the disease involves a strict diet and a complete rejection of medicinal and folk remedies for symptom relief. With heartburn, it is enough to remove unpleasant sensations by taking a medicine or water with the addition of soda. But if you follow a diet with an atrophic gastritis, heartburn simply does not appear.

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    As with any other form of gastritis, atrophic one should give preference to shredded food at a pleasant room temperature. At the same time entering the stomach food should not increase the acidity of gastric juice and stimulate the production of acid.

    Fractional food in the menu for atrophic gastritis is the basis of an effective treatment system. There is a need often, the volume of servings should not be too large. In order to prevent overeating, which is prohibited in this disease, you need to allocate sufficient time for food intake, try to eat slowly, feeling the taste of food - attempts to replace a full meal with "quick" snacks in most cases cause an exacerbation of the disease.

    Nutrition with atrophic gastritis allows for the consumption of baked bakery products and white bread. In any disturbance of the stomach, soups should be included in the daily diet. It is desirable to cook soup-puree( for this, any ready-made soup should be grinded in a blender or food processor).

    If you do not like these dishes, you need to cut the ingredients as small as possible and increase the duration of cooking, and then separate the vegetables immediately before eating. Soup soup should be low-fat, slightly salted, it is forbidden to add to the soup canned ingredients and spices that have a sharp taste.

    Nutrition with subatrophic form

    Subatrophic appearance is a disease that is the initial stage of atrophic type of inflammation of the gastric mucosa. With timely detection and taking appropriate measures, it is curable.

    Its one form of atrophic gastritis is erosive atrophic, the pathology proceeds with the formation of erosion on the thinned mucosa of the stomach. The diet that is followed is suitable for any of the diseases described above.

    With such a food system, the preference should be given to cereals - rice, buckwheat, semolina, it is not recommended to eat pearl rump and millet. Also, as an independent dish or a garnish, you can cook stewed vegetables, a variety of casseroles and mashed potatoes. Do not forget that it should be varied and nutritious. The menu also requires the inclusion of fruit( preferably soft and not acidic), berries, herbs that do not have a sharp taste.

    The diet for chronic atrophic gastritis allows the use of desserts with sugar, but you can not eat complex confectionery. You can use milk and dairy products, except for spicy cheeses and finished products with the addition of flavor enhancers and dyes.

    Unable to display menu at atrophic appearance without meat component. It is recommended to eat lean fish, beef and veal, a bird. All these products should be cooked or steamed in a shredded form( cutlets and soufflé).

    Sometimes you can eat some natural sausages or boiled beef tongue. The total caloric content of the diet on such a diet should not exceed 2,800 kcal. The volume of liquid drunk per day - 1-1, 5 liters.

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