  • Adenoids: Symptoms and Prevention

    Adenoids - the accumulated lymphoid tissue that surrounds the pharynx and the nose, helps maintain immunity. Growing adenoids become a source of reproduction of microbes, fungi and viruses. In this case, the air that enters the nose is not cleaned and immediately appears in the lower parts of the respiratory tract.

    For this reason, children easily get sick, they have long catarrhal diseases. Adenoids grow gradually after the transferred diseases: ARVI, influenza, scarlet fever and others.

    Adenoids are divided into three degrees:

    • 1st degree. During the day, the child has free breathing, and during sleep the size of adenoids increases and this prevents the child from breathing freely.
    • 2nd degree. Difficulty breathing for days, snoring in the dream, breathing through the mouth.
    • 3rd degree. Adenoid tissue completely or almost completely blocks the flow of air through the nose in the throat, the sick child is forced to breathe through the mouth.

    Adenoids in the nose

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    The nasopharynx of the child cold air warms, hot - cools, dry - moisturizes, and at the same time cleans from dust. Inflamed adenoids disrupt the work of these processes. Difficult breathing leads to weakening of the body's strength and to various diseases, such as:

    • angina, laryngitis, bronchitis, increases the risk of pneumonia-pneumonia;
    • swells the mucous membrane of the nose, thus aeration is violated( filling with air) and mucus from the paranasal sinuses flows, which contributes to their purulent inflammation - sinusitis;
    • , the pharyngeal opening of the auditory tubes closes: the child hears worse.

    Symptoms in adults

    It used to be that adenoids are a childhood problem, but now doctors have proven that they are found in adults. Adenoids in adult people have met before, just they did not reveal.

    Previously believed that they disappear by the time of puberty. Recently, new methods of research have been used. The doctor inserts an endoscope tube into the nasal cavity and can carefully examine the nasopharynx, and also make an accurate diagnosis. This is how adults detect adenoids. After a while, it was discovered that most adults have an ailment who complain of difficulty nasal breathing.

    Very adenoids complicate the life of people with allergies, so they should be examined by an ENT doctor. It is strongly recommended that those who were in their childhood, and then allegedly disappeared. They could not be seen during the inspection, and they remained in place. If in childhood adenoids were not, then they can appear and then. The appearance of an illness is an immune reaction that occurs in the following way: a person begins a runny nose, mucus drains into the nasopharynx and the pharyngeal tonsil reacts. Adenoids slightly increase.

    The same category of people who were removed adenoids in childhood, should also come to the reception to Laura. It happens that they grow up again. The cause may be a genetic predisposition and an unsuccessful operation.

    Prevention of adenoids

    For prevention it is recommended to perform bouncy breathing exercises:

    • "Crow". Sit on the bench, raise your hands up. Hands exhale slowly down, loudly pronounce the word "kar-rr".Repeat 3-4 times.
    • "Geese". Sit on the bench, hands to the shoulders. Take a breath, then tilt the body forward and exhale gently, pronounce the word "ha-ah", "gu-u-u".Repeat 4-5 times.
    • "The Stork". Position - standing, legs together. Raise your hands to one side, lift one leg and bend it, inhale. Slowly lower your arms and leg, exhale. On exhalation, say the "sh" sound. Repeat 4-5 times.

    For cleaning the nasopharynx and treating adenoids, it is recommended to wash the nose. Usually it is washed with warm tap water, but sea water can be used. You can prepare a solution for washing the nasopharynx by stirring two teaspoons of sea salt in a glass of warm water.

    During the washing procedure, mucus and dust are removed, which contain a large number of microbes. And thanks to the salt water, swelling is removed and pathogenic bacteria are destroyed. You can use decoctions of herbs of sage, chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, eucalyptus. These infusions cleanse the nose of dirt, microbes and relieve inflammation.

    Enlarged adenoids

    Symptoms of enlarged adenoids can be:

    1. Difficulty breathing through the nose.
    2. Impairment of hearing.
    3. The onset of a cold.
    4. The onset of colds: ARD, pharyngitis, tracheitis and others.
    5. Frequent acute and moderate otitis media or exacerbation of chronic otitis media.
    6. Nasal voice and fuzzy speech.
    7. Decreased efficiency in school.

    If you have any suspicions, then immediately consult a doctor-otolaryngologist.

    Symptoms of the disease

    The main signs of the onset of the disease are violations of nasal breathing, when the mouth is open during sleep, headaches, hearing loss, apathy, fatigue after sleep.

    If the patient has adenoids: symptoms may be such - a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract may occur, anemia may develop, sometimes urinary incontinence, coughing at night, asthma attacks. In acute adenoide - burning in the nasopharynx, the temperature rises 39 degrees and above.

    For the chronic form is characteristic: vomiting after food intake, purulent mucus flows down the rear walls and provokes a sudden cough, the inflammation gradually grows up to the throat and nose, it becomes difficult to breathe and swallow.

    What causes adenoids

    The cause of the appearance of an ailment can be any chronic inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, which has not been cured. Blood begins to stagnate in the lymph and in the nasopharynx.

    For this reason, the child does not work the immune system, because in children it is weak and not fully formed.

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