
Causes of development of atrophy of pectoral muscles, manifestation and treatment of disease

  • Causes of development of atrophy of pectoral muscles, manifestation and treatment of disease

    Atrophy of the pectoral muscles is a pathological process, consisting in a change in their structure and function.

    Reasons for the appearance of

    All causes of atrophy of the muscles of the breast can be divided into congenital and acquired. Congenital pathological changes can concern both the cellular structures of muscle fibers, and the violation of their metabolism and nutrition.

    Sometimes the reason is that the myocyte( muscle cell) itself has not the amount of organelles that is necessary for a complete reduction, development, and exchange.

    Causes and varieties of muscular atrophy

    Most common of congenital atrophy of the chest muscles:

    • Amyotrophy Duchene. It is a form of progressive muscular atrophy of neurogenic origin. It is based on the gradual degeneration of the anterior horns of the spinal cord. It occurs only in adults and is more often diagnosed in 40-60 years. Begins with atrophic changes of the hand on the side of the lesion, and then progresses and passes to the shoulder girdle, chest and stomach. Muscular jerking is observed in the atrophy zone. Later, there is a degeneration of the muscles that take part in breathing.
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    • Becker's Amyotrophy. Initially, the calf muscles are affected, then the muscles of the back and chest are involved. Most often, children from 10 years old are ill. Both diseases are genetically determined. Other pathologies - Erba( with defeat of pelvic and shoulder muscles), Landuzi-Dezherina( with atrophic changes in the shoulder and scapula), Kugelberg-Welander, and others are described.

    Muscular atrophies of the acquired character can be divided for reasons of their occurrence:

    1. Dystrophic changes resulting from inflammatory processes or myositis. From the pectoral muscles this process is affected by the front serrated muscles and intercostal muscles. The mechanism of their degeneration is the same as with any atrophy that occurs against the background of an inflammatory reaction.
    2. Development of trophic disorders as a result of impaired innervation and normal metabolism processes. That is, the mechanism that triggers the process is the same as in congenital pathologies. This refers to Bekhterev's disease, herpes zoster, various kinds of radiculopathy.
    3. With prolonged absence of movement, for example, during immobilization after an injury. All the muscles of the chest can be atrophied, except for the intercostals.
    4. Chronic poisoning.
    5. Power failure. Destructive processes will be observed in the muscle group that needs a higher metabolism.

    Clinical manifestations and diagnosis

    Regardless of the cause of the appearance of dystrophic changes in the muscles are always the same. The difference is only in time of appearance. The muscle layer decreases in volume, everything starts with a pronounced weakness, and ends with the inability to perform its function.

    The only reliable way to determine such a disease, as atrophy of pectoral muscles, is electromyography.

    Often occurs atrophy of superficial pectoral muscles, which manifests itself in disorders of the structure of the chest wall. This pathology is directly related to changes in the brachial plexus. This increases the relief of the clavicle and upper ribs. The excursion of the thorax decreases noticeably, the force of withdrawal and bringing the arm to the trunk also suffers.

    Treatment of

    Methods for improving the condition in this pathology is reduced to eliminating the cause that caused dystrophic changes, as well as in methods of stimulating neural transmission and muscle contractions.

    Helps improve the state of physiotherapy, performing special exercises, taking medications that accelerate metabolism and improve blood circulation.

    Treatment of folk atrophy of muscles consists in the application of massage and rubbing. To do this, use an alcoholic tincture of angelica, cold water with apple cider vinegar. A good effect is provided by baths with English salt( it can be replaced by sea salt), applying young willow branches with muscle pains, compresses with cabbage leaves, grinding oil, cooked from field horsetail.

    Muscle atrophy in children, as well as adults, manifests itself in the onset of muscle weakness, a decrease in volume that can be masked by an excess of adipose tissue. Progressive course and accompanying pathological symptoms of disruption of the cranial nerves are often observed. There are changes in the structure of bones, pronounced deformation of the chest. The longest muscles of the back are most often affected. There are fascicular twitchings. Tendon reflexes are greatly reduced, or absent.

    Such children need full nutrition, as well as carrying out all types of activities to prevent the development of contractures, the improvement of the condition can be achieved with the help of physiotherapy exercises. The treatment of such pathologies, transmitted by hereditary path, is only symptomatic. With the development of the disease in early childhood, the prognosis of its course is unfavorable.

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