  • Depression: symptoms and treatment, causes, symptoms

    This disorder, to one degree or another, affects every tenth person at the age of forty. In ancient times this disease was called "melancholy", in which a person lost the ability to experience joy, feel good mood and desire to communicate with people.

    At the present time, the disease is called depression and the number of people who are exposed to this condition is inexorably growing every year. With depression, not only the person suffers, but also his close environment, because the disease greatly changes the behavior, mood, and also the physiological indicators of the organism.

    In addition, it is not uncommon for a patient to immerse himself in alcoholism or drug addiction to ease his condition, which, of course, is far from being a cure.

    Causes of depression

    Depression develops under the influence of both external and internal factors. In the first case, they speak of a reactive depression that occurs as a result of a person's experience of certain dramatic situations.
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    These can include, for example, the death of a loved one, a serious illness, loss of social status, a favorite job, or a break with a loved one, that is, all situations in which a person feels loss and helplessness.

    But there are cases where a person's life is not burdened by serious troubles and losses, but depression still takes hold of it. Then we can talk about the endogenous depression that arises inside a person, and not because of external factors.

    The causes of this process can be:

    • disruption of the production of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine.
    • taking medications, in whose side-effects depression is listed.
    • neurological( see symptoms of neurasthenia) and endocrine diseases.
    • other diseases( viral infections, bronchial asthma, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, beriberi, etc.).
    • lack of sunlight and a rare walk in the fresh air.
    • abuse of alcohol, hypnotics and sedatives.

    Signs and symptoms of depression

    Depression does not appear suddenly. Usually a healthy person has a certain supply of internal forces, which helps to cope with life's troubles. But if the stock is depleted under the prolonged impact of negative factors, then a person can begin to experience severe stress, against which the development of symptoms of depression is possible.

    Of course, you should not confuse stress and nervous exhaustion with depression, because with the first person is able to cope with a long rest in conjunction with taking light sedatives. It's very difficult to cope with depression alone. Symptoms of depression develop gradually, beginning to manifest themselves in the oppressed state, in problems with sleep, in excessive irritability. Over the next two months, depression develops.

    The person is in a depressed state, he loses interest in what made him happy earlier, and from the physiological point of view, a strong decline in strength and fatigue is noticeable. These symptoms can be attributed to depression only if they are stable for a long time, for example, a month or more. In addition, to the above main symptoms can be added various additional symptoms, the manifestation of which is individual for each person.

    So, a person can begin to suffer from a low self-esteem, from a sense of fear and anxiety, thoughts of death appear and a general pessimistic outlook on life is observed. In addition to this, the appetite is disturbed and a change in thinking comes in, which is marked by inhibition and low capacity for concentration.

    Depending on the manifestation of these or other symptoms, their number and duration diagnose different types of depression. So, for a major depressive disorder is characterized by the presence of at least two major symptoms and three additional ones. Minor depression is diagnosed if there are only a few symptoms from both the main and supplementary lists.

    In addition, there are atypical depression, postnatal depression, dysthymia, transient depression, for which unique sets of symptoms are characteristic.

    Treatment of depression

    In rare cases, a person does not need to treat depression, and is able to cope with a depressive disorder without taking medications and psychotherapy. A timely visit to the doctor will help to overcome depression quickly and without relapse due to the use of antidepressants, which are designed for:

    • stimulating action antidepressants, designed to treat depressing depression;
    • antidepressant sedatives designed to treat anxious depression.
    Each type of antidepressant acts differently, so their appointment depends on the type of depression, the number of symptoms and the dominant symptom. In addition, it is effective in combating depression to conduct psychotherapy in combination with acupuncture and meditation.

    It is possible to conduct light therapy, music therapy and art therapy, which gives good results in combination with traditional medicinal treatment of depression.

    Is it possible to overcome depression yourself?

    Alone to get out of depression is difficult, but there are a number of recommendations that contribute to recovery. The most difficult step is the first, in which a person must admit that he is ill. According to statistics, most often women are ill, but usually they are not inclined to hide their condition, so they turn in time for help.

    Men, on whose shoulders the weight of a stereotype of masculinity and strength, lies, hide their fortune from both their loved ones and themselves. Of course, this does not lead to anything good. Therefore, before you start treatment, you must take your illness. And the most important thing in this is not to feel guilty.

    Emotions are a natural response to external stimuli. They are characterized by alternate recession and recovery, so do not blame yourself for the "bad" feelings, while trying to experience exceptionally pleasant emotions. It is a common mistake of many people who begin to struggle with depression.

    The next step will be the organization of leisure. Rest is not meant to be a weekend between working weeks, not a vacation, a fortnight in two weeks, but a long rest for several months. At the same time, such vacation should not be burdened with problems, household chores or work.

    Do not forget about physical exercises. Of course, in a state of depression, it is difficult for a person to force himself to do anything, but to recover one should try. Physical exercises will give energy and good mood, which is so lacking in a depressed state. A good source of pleasant impressions will be some creative activity. Drawing, sculpting from clay, writing is all that will give a person the opportunity to express themselves and their feelings.

    These recommendations will help ease the course of depression, smooth out many of the symptoms, but for a complete recovery, you need to see a doctor who prescribes the necessary medications and holds psychotherapy.

    Preventive measures

    Everyone is able to protect themselves from depression. Prevention of it is much easier to carry out than treatment. The basis of prevention is a simple rule: you need to protect your internal resources. Do not do things that do not bring pleasure and do not give time for rest, whether it's work or unhealthy relationships. From life it is necessary to remove everything that constantly gives only negative emotions.

    Protecting internal resources is not only in their literate expenditure, but also in replenishment. Regular physical activity should be present in the life of every person, because the power lies in the movement.

    In addition, the presence of a person in the society of loved ones also contributes to the replenishment of internal strength, so do not forget about parents, sisters, brothers, loved ones and friends. Favorite work, healthy relationships, proper rest - that's what will help to avoid depression.

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