
How does the atrophy of the leg muscles and the causes of its appearance

  • How does the atrophy of the leg muscles and the causes of its appearance

    Atrophy of the calf muscles is a condition in which trophic and innervation of the muscle tissue is disrupted, followed by a decrease in size and replacement by a connective tissue. And she is no longer able to perform the contractile function. If the process touches a large area, then paralysis may occur, in which the patient loses the ability to move.

    The disease most often occurs in young men who subject themselves to excessive physical exertion or to persons with disabilities who are forced to move around in the stroller.

    The risk factor is the atherosclerotic lesion of vessels with a change in lumen, a decrease in blood flow and a violation of tissue trophism.

    There is a primary lesion of muscles, the cause of which is a direct pathological change in the muscle fiber, and secondary - due to the impact of a number of factors.

    Why does this happen?

    Atrophy of the leg muscles occurs for a number of reasons:

    • Development of a common destructive process as a result of aging.
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    • Disorders in endocrine organs and hormonal changes.
    • Chronic diseases of the digestive system.
    • Diseases of connective tissue.
    • Affection of peripheral innervation( polyneuritis) due to complication of infectious diseases or helminthic invasion.
    • Disturbance of blood circulation of any genesis( vascular pathology, atherosclerosis).
    • No load on leg muscles( due to disability or severe illness).
    • Congenital pathologies are genetic abnormalities or enzymopathy.
    • Insufficient or incorrect power.
    • Excessive physical activity in the absence of adequate rest.
    • Complication after trauma.

    What happens to the patient?

    The onset of the disease manifests itself in the form of weakness in the legs, rapid fatigue under load. Calf muscles during this period are significantly increasing. The pathological process starts with muscle groups that are closer to the body, so at first the atrophy of the hip muscles develops. Functional abilities are reduced - the patient becomes difficult to climb the stairs and get up from the prone position. Later, there are changes in the gait, which resembles a duck.

    Destructive changes are slow enough, the process lasts for years. The lesion can be one-sided, or two-sided. Sometimes there are symmetrical changes, but in some cases this does not happen. All manifestations depend on the etiology of the onset of the disease, the age and condition of the patient's body. In any case, muscle weakness develops, there is trembling, some patients note a sensitivity disorder in the form of pricking or crawling.

    The characteristic symptoms for this type of atrophy are the reduction in muscle volume. This becomes visible even at the earliest stage. In the affected muscle there is a decrease in tone, flabbiness. To perform the usual load requires frequent rest. As the development of the state of movement becomes increasingly difficult.

    The process proceeds chronically, with periods of exacerbation, during which strong painful sensations( associated with the underlying disease) are noted, followed by a certain weakening of the general symptomatology.

    Symptoms of muscle atrophy of the legs are a type of disease, such as Duchenne's pseudohypertrophy. It is a hereditary pathology and is expressed in dystrophic changes in the muscles of the leg and pelvis. It occurs in boys, begins to develop from 5 years. It is combined with impaired brain function and weakness of the heart muscle, and intellect also suffers. In the 20th century, Duchene described a more benign disease, in which atrophy of the lower extremities is noted, but mental development does not suffer. The onset of the disease falls on 20 years. It flows slowly, and is also associated with heredity.

    Features of the atrophy of the quadriceps muscle of the thigh

    The cause of such a pathology as atrophy of the quadriceps femoris can also be changes in the knee joint( patellar instability, arthritis and arthrosis).Clinically, this is manifested in the onset of pain syndrome and difficulty in flexing the knee.

    Sometimes the pain syndrome is so severe that the patient can not find a comfortable position to reduce it. Especial difficulties are caused by descending the stairs. When walking, a knee or hip joint may be bowed. Such a sign can also develop with a combined defeat of the muscles of the thigh and lower leg.

    Therefore, the treatment of atrophy of the hip muscles should begin with the diagnosis of the joint on the side of the aching leg and the removal of its inflammation or reduction of deformity.

    Methods for assisting atrophy of leg muscles

    Methods that are used to treat leg muscle atrophy should include medication, physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy, folk remedies. Only with a comprehensive campaign can you achieve certain positive results.

    Treatment should begin with the elimination of the cause that caused atrophy. If this is not possible, then it is recommended to somewhat weaken its influence.

    Treatment with medications

    Nivalin( galantamine) is prescribed among such drugs. The purpose of its reception is to optimize the conduct of the nerve signal in the muscles.

    Pentoxifylline( trental) is used to improve the blood supply and increase the lumen of the vessels. The same action can have antispasmodics, sometimes recommend the use of no-shpa or papaverine.

    Group B vitamins are used to improve the state of the peripheral nervous system and conduct nerve impulses. In addition, they allow us to normalize local metabolic processes.


    Low-voltage currents stimulate muscle atrophy.

    A good effect also gives a massage with atrophy of the muscles of the legs. It allows to accelerate blood flow and increase the rate of local metabolism, which as a result leads to regeneration of muscle tissue.

    Therapeutic physical training

    The goal of exercise therapy is the restoration of muscle mass after atrophy. At the very beginning the patient performs exercises lying and sitting, then the load gradually begins to increase. Classes should be combined with proper nutrition. The lack of vitamins and especially protein foods will contribute to the progression of the disease.

    The workloads and types of training are selected by the doctor strictly individually, and depend on the severity of the lesion, the age of the patient, the general condition of the body.

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