
Hairstyles for Halloween with your own hands for witch, vampire and cat: video

  • Hairstyles for Halloween with your own hands for witch, vampire and cat: video

    As you know, Halloween is not very common in Russia, because it is not completely our holiday, but still nobody forbade it to celebrate! However, before you go out and frighten passers-by, you need to pick up a suit with all the subtleties: the visibility of human blood on a vampire suit, the hooked nose and wrinkles on the face of an old witch. Certainly, the hairdress is an integral part of the overall image, but often the hair is quite strange and seek help from a hairdresser - it means giving your head all the way! Therefore, in this article I will tell you how to make hairstyles for Halloween with your own hands so that no one before your time has seen your image. Attention on the photo below.

    As you have noticed, the hairstyles are chosen individually for each image. Now we will consider the techniques of decorating hair for such images as a vampire, a witch, a female cat and a puppet appearance.


    In whatever story, the female vampire is always a clearly negative character with a bitchy and cheeky character. Usually her costume consists of a short dress or miniskirt, and the chest area is never completely closed. Means, and a hairdress should correspond to such "norms".

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    Most of all among vampires are spread loose or heavily-stitched hair, often curls curl. But if you create the image of some noble vampire, then you should approach the hairstyle according to all the rules of female beauty of the past years. Namely: high neat hairstyles and long dresses.

    Photo of the first image.

    Photo of the second image.

    So, the first haircut will be for the vampire image of "our days".We need to create and fix the visibility of shabby, sloppy hair or a nice neat styling with curls.

    Careless laying of

    Now we will try to make this careless laying of long and medium hair.

    Tools that we will need:

    1. Comb or brush;
    2. Two rubber bands;
    3. Mousse or hair foam;
    4. Lacquer( optional).

    Let's get started.

    1) Wash your head well, dry hair and comb them. Then divide into two parts;

    2) Distribute hair foam over the entire length;

    3) Make sure that there are no knots on the hair! If necessary, comb again;

    4) Twist one of the two strands into a tight bundle, and wrap the tourniquet around itself and secure the resulting bundle with an elastic band;

    5) Do the same with the second strand( item 4);

    6) Now you need to wait a while, about half an hour;

    7) Dissolve the bundles and straighten the hair;

    8) Adjust your hair style the way you want. Here you can sprinkle with a small amount of varnish.

    Note that for owners of short hair it is much easier to give your hair a disheveled look.

    1) Rinse your head well and comb your hair;

    2) Take a round comb and twist the strands, in parallel, drying the hair with a hair dryer;

    3) To make a volume bang, you must first detach a small strand( from the bang), and the rest with a pin;then use the varnish, sprinkling a little on the inside;comb the lock of the comb from the roots to the tips, also from the inside;walk along the hair with a hair iron. In this way, treat all strands of bangs.

    4) You can also do step 3 and with all the hair, but then the view will not be what it was supposed to be at the beginning.

    Video master class can help you.

    P. S.: however, you can just do not brush your hair in the morning.

    Neat tresses and high hairstyle

    Now it's time to become a vampire of noble blood, 19th century or early 20th, or our time.

    Now we'll look at how to make two hairstyles, not bad suited for the image of a female vampire.

    1. Well comb your hair, select the strand in the nape of the neck;
    2. Twist the strand into a tight band;
    3. Wind the tourniquet around its axes, thereby creating a strong bundle and securing it with an elastic band or studs;
    4. Take the strand from the very top of the head and close the bundle;
    5. Now take one strand from the temples, take them back, as shown in the photo, and fix it with invisible ones.

    And here in the creation of ringlets we will be helped by skilled video bloggers.

    Elegant hairstyle in the style of Lana Del Rei.


    But still, not only girls and women can be dead princesses on Halloween, sometimes children want to see themselves as a terrible vampire. Therefore, this part is dedicated to the hairstyles for girls-vampires.

    You probably noticed that for a vampire girl's costume, strict hairstyles are used in the form of beams and straight or slightly curled strands for long hair;just straight strands for short hair. It is advisable not to color the child's hair in different colors, since there is a chance to spoil this hair.

    Here is such a bunch at medium height can go to the costume of a small vampire.

    But such a low interesting bunch suits older girls.

    Girls can curl curly in the same way as adult women.


    Now we will start to design the hairstyle for the witch and in the end will also affect the appearance of the little witch.

    To be honest, the witch is most suited only by three types of hairstyles: straight hair( medium and long), slightly curled and completely disheveled. Any wise hairdo is not worth doing, as you know, witches did not really care about their appearance, if that, they could just bewitch the right person.

    So, with straightening of hair this master class will help us.

    And this video lesson will tell you how to make wavy curls without using curls. Ideal for those who are afraid to spoil their hair.

    In order to create the appearance of disheveled and unruly hair, a lesson from the part of the hairstyle for vampires will help us. Look at this lesson above in the section "Careless Styling".

    For little witches

    As you can see, the hair for a little witch is no different from the hair for an adult witch. That is, you can make the girl the same hairstyle as you would have done to yourself, but do not overdo with different means and wave!

    The image of a female cat

    The cat's hair is created quite simply, as in the previous paragraphs, you can use curly hair or straight hair, you can also make a bunch from behind, but then the image will become serious and lose its festive appearance.

    In the creation of a beam and ringlets, these master classes will help us.

    And this video will tell you how to straighten your hair.

    Puppet appearance

    It's not a secret that among girls, it's quite common for a Halloween costume like a doll. And now we'll look at the hairstyles that are most suited to him.

    So, the dolls look rather strange and exotic, which gives them enough awkwardness and popularity. For them, these three types of hairstyles are most suitable: tightly curled locks, rasped hair in the tail( two tails) and neatly laid hair, but the latter does not inspire fear.

    Correctly to lay hair to us the here this video will help.

    And this video will tell you how to curl curls.

    But the ruffled hair in two tails is very easy to make. Just do not brush your hair, but braid it like that. But remember that this kind is used for the image of terrible dolls.

    Great, now the main thing is not to make a mistake with the chosen costume and you can safely go scare the neighbors.