
How to make a Greek hairstyle with a bandage and without at home( with photo)

  • How to make a Greek hairstyle with a bandage and without at home( with photo)

    Elegant, elegant, romantic - all this can be said about the hair style, made in the Greek style. In addition, the Greek hairstyle has its own characteristic features: lack of volume at the top of the hairdo and hair collected from behind.

    In order to help fashion women understand how to make a Greek hairstyle, this article will provide step-by-step instructions. You will be offered options without using a bandage. It will also explain how to form a hairstyle using a bandage. In addition, the girls will learn how to make a Greek knot. First, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the photo-selection.

    Using a bandage

    In order to make a hairstyle in the Greek style, you can use a bandage that will serve not only as an ornament, but also as a framework for a future hairstyle. The main thing - to choose the right bandage. The thickness of the dressing depends on the height of the forehead. Girls with wide eyebrows and a low forehead will not get wide models of bandages, they should choose thin models. And girls with a high forehead are perfect fit for wide bandages.

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    Below we will offer two detailed instructions for the implementation of Greek hairstyles with a bandage, taking into account the presence and absence of bangs.
    In order to make a beautiful Greek hairstyle for long hair without bangs, you must first put on a bandage on your head, but not pulling high on the forehead, and fix it with invisible ones.

    Then the hair should be divided into narrow strands and one by one wrapped under an elastic band. Then the strands need to be straightened, so that they look more natural, and fix the hair with a varnish.

    In order to perform a Greek-style hairstyle for long hair at home with a bang, it is necessary to put a bandage on the head in such a way that the bangs are under the bandage and fix it with invisible ones. Then the hair should be divided into thin strands and pass each one in turn under the bandage. It is desirable to lock locks with invisible devices. At the final stage, the finished hair should be sprinkled with varnish.

    Option without dressing

    Greek hairstyle can easily be done by hand and without bandage.

    1. Instead of a dressing, it is necessary to separate two identical strands from the right and left side, to lead them back and tie a few knots of them not low, but somewhere in the middle of the nape.
    2. Then the resulting bandage of hair should be fixed with invisible objects.
    3. Then the hair should be divided into strands and gently wrap them in turns by the bandage.
    4. For strength, each lock should be fixed with invisible.

    The bandage of the hair can also be made from braided braids, for this it is necessary to separate the lateral strands and the braids from them are pigtails.

    You need to braid the braids so long that they can be joined in the middle of the nape.

    Then strands should be refilled one by one under a bandage of braids and secured with invisible ones.

    Greek knot

    Hairstyle Greek knot in shape resembles a cone, because it is executed in the form of a high beam decorated with three bandages.

    1. The first thing to do is to separate the front strand.
    2. Then you need to do the tops and fix it with varnish.
    3. Then the curls from behind should be combed on the right side and fixed with a varnish.
    4. Then the free ends should be wrapped inward in the shape of a shell and secured with studs.
    5. Previously separated upper strand must be combed back.
    6. After this, two bandages should be fixed in the bang area, and with the help of the third bandage, the shell should be fixed.

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