  • Hypotension of the stomach is the cause of many problems

    Hypotension of the stomach is a pathological condition in which there is a decrease in the tonus of the musculature of the walls and motor function of the stomach, as a result of which the food is poorly digested and moves along the gastrointestinal tract. This condition can be acute and chronic, as well as focal( partial) or diffuse( general).

    Causes of gastric hypotension

    By the mechanism of occurrence and causes of hypotension of the stomach is primary, when the causes are hidden in the stomach, and secondary, when the causes of the appearance are other diseases.

    So, below are all the reasons, due to which the disease can develop:

    • Nervous overstrain and stress.
    • Mechanical injuries.
    • Mental and emotional stress.
    • Active and frequent sex life.
    • Chronic infections and intoxication of the body.
    • Long stay in bed due to chronic diseases.
    • Condition in which there is not enough potassium in the blood.
    • Disturbance of metabolic processes.
    • Asthenic type of build. Digestion of the stomach or gastroptosis.
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    • Violation of menstrual function in women.

    Reducing the tension of the smooth muscles for a long period of time causes an increase in the stomach in size. Also, a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the stomach is observed in parallel with a decrease in overall muscle tone or muscle hypotension. This symptom can lead to the appearance of hypotension of the intestine and its sphincters, as well as the bladder.

    If hypotension of the esophagus joins, the patients begin to feel chest pains, heartburn, burning, discomfort, especially after eating, when the contents of the stomach can flow into the esophagus or even the mouth. This is possible in the event that the patient after eating lay down and took a horizontal position, since hypotension of the esophagus has a reduced tone of the cardiac sphincter( place of transition from the esophagus to the stomach).

    When attempting to occupy an upright position, all symptoms tend to pass, which can also serve as an occasion for examination and treatment.

    Clinical signs of stomach hypotension

    The weakening of the musculature of the stomach and the developing inability to tightly cover the food causes the following symptoms:

    • Rapid fatigue and weakness.
    • Brokenness and inability to concentrate your attention.
    • Mental, emotional and physical exhaustion.
    • Sleep disturbance.
    • Fast saturation with eating.
    • Flatulence and chronic constipation.
    • In rare cases - increased appetite.

    If the hypotension of the stomach muscles continues for a long time, then the patients begin to experience a deficit of weight, become angry and irritable, they often change their mood, sometimes they are listless and apathetic. Such symptoms appear due to the fact that food in the stomach is delayed more than 6 hours and changes occur in the mucosa.

    When trying such patients to stay in bed for a long time, all the symptoms intensify and sharply worsen the condition of the patients. Conversely, a long stay in the fresh air, walking, swimming, cycling and physical training significantly improve the condition of patients. First of all, this is due to the fact that during movement, the general tone of the organism rises, causing an increased tone of the walls of the stomach.

    If the main cause of the disorder lies in the disruption of the nervous system, then a certain mitigation of the symptoms from the nervous system leads to a situation where the tone of the stomach rises. If this does not happen, then the cause of the changes lies in the organic changes in the walls of the stomach.

    The prognosis for such a disease is usually favorable, provided that there is no organic damage to the walls of the stomach. Therefore, it is very important to start treatment and prevent complications when the first signs of the disease appear.

    Methods of treating the disease

    Treatment and the method of therapy will depend on the causes that caused the disease. If this is organic damage, then the treatment must necessarily begin with the elimination of the causes and restoration of the gastric mucosa. If the cause of the disease is neurotic disorders, then you need the help of a psychoneurologist or psychotherapist.

    In the case of gastric hypotension, treatment includes the following:

    • A regulated and complete rest during sleep of at least 8-9 hours.
    • Elimination of all causes for overstrain and stress.
    • Daily walks with a length of 5 km and more( not less than 3-4 hours in the open air).
    • Regulated work and therapeutic exercise.
    • Sport activities( if possible).
    • Courses of therapeutic massage.
    • Healthy lifestyle, including refusal of alcoholic beverages and smoking cigarettes.
    • The power supply mode in fractional and small portions, thoroughly chewing food, every 3 hours.
    • Compliance with diet during treatment and eating foods that are easily digested. These include dairy and sour-milk products, vegetables, greens, as well as products rich in coarse fiber, vitamins and minerals, enzymes and amino acids.
    • Several restrict the use of fluids, especially with meals. Drink water better before eating and 2 hours after it.
    • Normalize the motility of the intestines and everyday bowel movement. Thus it is necessary to avoid an enema and such an easy method, as laxative tablets from hypotension. Strengthening motility with help from outside can aggravate the condition of patients in the future. It is necessary to normalize the diet and include products with laxative properties.
    • Contrast, fan, rain shower, as well as warm baths - salty, valerian, coniferous, pearl, followed by a therapeutic massage. To this end, it is useful to conduct a treatment course in specialized sanatoriums, where there is a profile - treatment of diseases of the digestive tract. Such sanatoria are in Essentuki, Sochi, Pyatigorsk, Borzhomi, Feodosia.

    Medication for the treatment of gastric hypotension The following are used:

    • Sedatives that calm the nervous system.
    • Means that reduce pain.
    • Antiemetic and nausea preparations that contain anesthesin, bismuth and aluminum hydroxide.
    • Means stimulating the tone of the stomach.
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