
Hair color platinum blonde: photo shades and reviews on the choice of colors

  • Hair color platinum blonde: photo shades and reviews on the choice of colors

    Very effective and beautiful looks hair color platinum blond, the photos, however, show that it is suitable, unfortunately, not for everyone. A huge role in choosing this shade for yourself is played by the color of the skin, the natural shade of the hair and the color of the eyes. Also important is the structure of the curls, as turning a brunette into a blonde is difficult, and not every hair can survive.

    Platinum is a cold color, and therefore combine it with a cold color. This shade looks good on girls who are related to the winter color. They have pale peach skin or a pinkish complexion. But with the skin of a golden or swarthy tinge, platinum looks extremely vulgar and ugly.

    Eye color is of great importance. Platinum hair looks perfect blue eyes. Brown and green eyes are also not bad combined, but only if the skin tone matches this color curls.

    When making a choice in favor of platinum hair color, it is important to take into account your own hair color. An excellent result is obtained if you have a light brown hair. They more quickly lose color and take the necessary shade. But here everything depends on the pigment: there are such hair that get a reddish tinge with discoloration.

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    It is extremely difficult to make platinum blondes from brunettes. To get the desired result, the hair has to be clarified, and sometimes not one, but several times. Naturally, this greatly damages and dries the hair. To somehow resuscitate the hair, you will have to purchase a lot of care products - nourishing hair masks, shampoos, rinses, oils.

    It's very important to choose the right wardrobe for a platinum blonde. As for the styles, there are no special preferences, but as far as color is concerned, it's better to dress in light, "dusty" shades.

    What is said from the personal experience of the girl who tried this shade on herself.



    "I regularly bought hair color Garnier Color Neychurals" Platinum blonde. "This is the same color from the entire line of Garnier, which effectively fights against the yellow hue of the hair, this color falls flat on the hair, the color is washed off not very quicklyand the price is normal.
    It does not cause irritation on the scalp, but after this dye the hair becomes completely lifeless, thin and over-dried. The producers of this paint always boast that their cosmetics contain many vitamins andminerals, my hair did not feel it. If you have damaged hair, the paint will fall badly, even if the original color is fairly light. "


    "I am painted in blond all my life, while my natural shade is light brown with an admixture of ash. I tried many different colors, mostly in beauty salons, recently I only do root bleaching with Vell's color., and the hair is alive. "


    "I get the Garnier cream cream for the second time. In principle, the result is satisfied, it fully justifies my expectations, and the result corresponds to the picture on the package." The hair color turns out to be stunning, with a beautiful lively reflection, and the hair after dyeing softand elastic. "


    "For me, the paint Garnier Color The Necherls is the golden center among all possible hair colors. Sometimes Palette gives a slightly better result, but it is very aggressive. The paints are bezammia, they take care of the hair as much as possible, but also do not have a special effectgive. The color falls weakly, and is washed out quickly.
    I also want to say that the professional paints Estelle and Capus did not impress me at all, so Garnner, in my opinion, is one of the best hair colors. "