  • How to make Hollywood ringlets at home: a video compilation

    How to make Hollywood locks at home: training course

    Oh, these star beauties! Anyone can turn heads. Especially stylish lady, dreaming to wear similar hairstyles on her marvelous heads. Especially attractive and trendy was the hairstyle in Hollywood style, namely, curls. Every second lady asks: How to make Hollywood locks at home? The answer will please you. Simple and without much time.

    Hair dryer with diffuser

    The easiest way to create curls without a curling rod and other arsenal "a la Hollywood."Effectively, catchy and wildly fashionable. To do this, simply apply the stapler to the damp, clean hair and lightly remember them with your hands, creating a natural negligence. After that comes the time of a unique nozzle on the dryer - diffuser. Dry hair in a circular motion, moving in any direction. The result will stun you. Easy dishevelment and stunning wavy hair will draw everyone's attention to you without exception. And, by the way, this kind of laying, made on medium hair, looks no worse than salon biowave.

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    Simple and beautiful: laying on curlers

    One of the handy tools for creating curls, like star maidens, are hair curlers. Styling hair on curlers can be at home itself, it's done simply and quickly.

    Babushkin method does not require additional skills. The main thing is to choose a diameter. Optimal for locks Hollywood origin will be the diameter of the lock about 5 cm. The main thing is to hold the hair curlers longer on the hair, then the curls will be more voluminous and elastic.

    Natural laying of

    This variant of laying is also possible. On damp hair, you need to put a little mousse, and, twisting each strand in a tow, blow it dry with a hair dryer. For a more persistent and pronounced effect, you can walk on the flagellum with an iron. The finished natural wave is fixed with varnish.

    Simple curl with a curler

    A great way to create curls of any size. Dry hair lubricate with mousse and start winding the curly hair, divided into strands. The thickness of the string will depend on the amount of curl. Move in a spiral, winding the strand from the tip to the roots. Keep in one position should not more than 20 seconds. Ready hair can be combed with a comb with small teeth, or beat the waves with your fingers. Add an additional volume at the roots with a lightly fleeced. Fix the varnish and go out into the light.

    Iron as a tool for curling

    Even an iron can create elegant Hollywood curls. Instructions and techniques are step-by-step in the photos below.

    A more understandable tactic and instruction in the video.

    And a little more about hollywood ringlets.

    Oh, these stellar beauties! Anyone can turn heads. Especially stylish lady, dreaming to wear similar hairstyles on her marvelous heads. Especially attractive and trendy was the hairstyle in Hollywood style, namely, curls. Every second lady asks: How to make Hollywood locks at home? The answer will please you. Simple and without much time.

    Hair dryer with diffuser

    The easiest way to create curls without a curling rod and other arsenal "a la Hollywood."Effectively, catchy and wildly fashionable. To do this, simply apply the stapler to the damp, clean hair and lightly remember them with your hands, creating a natural negligence. After that comes the time of a unique nozzle on the dryer - diffuser. Dry hair in a circular motion, moving in any direction. The result will stun you. Easy dishevelment and stunning wavy hair will draw everyone's attention to you without exception. And, by the way, this kind of laying, made on medium hair, looks no worse than salon biowave.

    Simple and beautiful: laying on curlers

    One of the handy tools for creating curls, like star maidens, are hair curlers. Styling hair on curlers can be at home itself, it's done simply and quickly.

    Babushkin method does not require additional skills. The main thing is to choose a diameter. Optimal for locks Hollywood origin will be the diameter of the lock about 5 cm. The main thing is to hold the hair curlers longer on the hair, then the curls will be more voluminous and elastic.

    Natural laying

    This variant of laying is also possible. On damp hair, you need to put a little mousse, and, twisting each strand in a tow, blow it dry with a hair dryer. For a more persistent and pronounced effect, you can walk on the flagellum with an iron. The finished natural wave is fixed with varnish.

    Simple curl with a curler

    A great way to create curls of any size. Dry hair lubricate with mousse and start winding the curly hair, divided into strands. The thickness of the string will depend on the amount of curl. Move in a spiral, winding the strand from the tip to the roots. Keep in one position should not more than 20 seconds. Ready hair can be combed with a comb with small teeth, or beat the waves with your fingers. Add an additional volume at the roots with a lightly fleeced. Fix the varnish and go out into the light.

    Iron as a tool for curling

    Even an iron can create elegant Hollywood curls. Instructions and techniques are step-by-step in the photos below.

    A more understandable tactic and instruction in the video.

    And a little more about Hollywood ringlets.