  • What is external cerebral hydrocephalus substitution?

    Hydrocephalus of the brain, or as the common people call this disease - dropsy, represents an excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid( CSF) in the subshell space of the brain and in its ventricles. As a result, brain enlargement and atrophy occur. The cause of this disease can be pathological processes leading to disruption of outflow and circulation of cerebrospinal fluid. Such processes arise as a result of inflammatory diseases of the brain, craniocerebral injuries, asphyxia, developmental defects of the central nervous system, brain tumor, cerebrovascular diseases, parasitic diseases.

    Vodian can be affected by both infants and elderly people.

    Main manifestations of dropsy:

    • headaches,
    • convulsions,
    • irritability and nervousness,
    • vomiting,
    • paralysis.

    In neonates, the main symptom of the disease is the rapid growth of the skull. But in general, the symptomatology of the disease depends on its shape and type.

    The most common form of dropsy is external cerebral hydrocephalus substitution. In this case, for a number of reasons, there is a decrease in the volume of the brain, the place of which is filled with cerebrospinal fluid.

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    The causes of the disease can be: hypertension, atherosclerosis, brain concussion, violations of the functions of the cervical vertebrae.

    The main signs of external hydrocephalus substitution are numbness of various parts of the body( most often limbs), lack of air, pallor, darkening in the eyes and impaired coordination. But a sick person may not notice its manifestations due to the compensation of the volume of the brain by a cerebrospinal fluid.

    Diagnosis and treatment of cerebral hydrocephalus substitute

    External hydrocephalus of a substitute nature is diagnosed by computed tomography( CT) and magnetic resonance imaging( MRI), as well as by taking a lumbar puncture and examining the fundus. If, as a result of the examination, the patient receives an MR picture of a picture of external hydrocephalus substitutive, he is prescribed treatment. In addition, such studies as: ultrasound, radiography, angiography, laboratory diagnostics for the presence of rubella virus, herpes, syphilis, toxoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus.

    External cerebral hydrocephalus substitution can have both progressive and permanent flow patterns. With a constant flow, no reduction in brain volume progresses and, accordingly, an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid occurs. And if the patient has a satisfactory condition, the treatment is usually not prescribed, limited to regular examination and observation by specialists.

    The progressive nature of the disease can lead to dementia, gait disturbance, severe headaches, urinary incontinence and even death. Therefore, immediate treatment is required.

    A satisfactory result of the treatment of hydrocephalus substituting the brain is the reduction and stabilization of intracranial pressure.

    If the nature of the disease is constant, then outpatient treatment is carried out. Usually, the set of prescriptions includes: general restorative therapy, salt-coniferous baths, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and desensitizing therapy.

    Diacarb( diuretic) and preparations containing potassium( for maintenance of electrolyte balance) are prescribed for a long period. If the swelling can not be removed, then puncture the cerebrospinal fluid.

    With the progressive nature of the course of external cerebral hydrocephalus substitution, resort to surgical methods of treatment.

    Surgical treatment methods

    The most common method of surgical intervention since the fifties of the twentieth century was the bypass operation restoring the circulation of the CSF.This is a very effective operation, but it has many complications. After the operation, during the whole life the patient often has to undergo surgical interventions due to the revision of the shunt.

    Today, the priority method in neurosurgery is endoscopic treatment of hydrocephalus. Endoscopy has several advantages over shunting. These are:

    1. restoration of physiological circulation of cerebrospinal fluid,
    2. does not apply shunt system implantation, which reduces the risk of complications,
    3. less surgery and injuries,
    4. is more economical,
    5. in the postoperative period, the patient's life quality is better.

    The surgical method for the treatment of external hydrocephalus substitution is the only method to combat this disease. Medication can only halt the development of the disease.

    With the timely treatment of external hydrocephalus of a substitute nature in an early child, stabilization of pathological processes occurs in most cases, which contributes to its normal development. And timely treatment of older children and adults leads to their full recovery.

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