  • Syndrome of the vertebral artery: treatment and prevention

    A vertebral artery syndrome occurs when blood flow to the brain is disrupted one by one or even by both vertebral arteries.

    The brain receives food from two pools:

    • vertebrobasilar;
    • carotid.

    The carotid basin includes carotid arteries that provide 70-85% of the blood flow and are responsible for circulatory disorders. The syndrome was first described in 1925 by Barre.

    Vertebrobasilar basin includes vertebral arteries that supply the posterior parts of the brain and provide 15-30% of the blood flow.

    The main vessels that are involved in the blood supply to the brain, as well as the soft tissues of the head, are called brachiocephalic arteries. When vertebral arteries are damaged, dizziness, hearing, vision, coordination, and loss of consciousness may occur.

    Causes of lesion of the vertebral artery

    1 group. Nonverbrogenic

    These include atherosclerosis, congenital malformations of the arteries. Usually such anomalies do not have independent significance, but when combined with other causes form an unfavorable background when the arteries are compressed.

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    2 group. Vertebrogenic

    These include dysplastic and post-traumatic instability of the cervical spine. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the spine from an early age. Changes may occur in the development of osteochondrosis in a later period.

    The artery passes through the bone channel, which is formed by the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae, to the skull. The lateral processes of the vertebral bodies are deformed: it is unco-vertebral arthrosis or vertebral instability, which is caused by the destruction of the intervertebral discs.

    All these causes cause spasm, then - compression of the arteries with short-term circulatory disturbances with tilting and turning the head, changing the position of the trunk.

    In case of vertebral artery syndrome, headaches can be caused by infection, trauma, cooling, forced position of the head( for example, when working at a computer).Then there is pain in the cervico-occipital part. It can happen:

    • ;
    • blunt;
    • shooting;
    • tightening;
    • pulsating.

    Pain can occur in small( 2-10 minutes) or large( several hours) seizures.

    Syndrome of the vertebral artery - diagnosis and treatment

    The main method, which is used to diagnose circulatory disorders in blood vessels that supply the brain with blood, is ultrasonic dopplerography.

    After diagnosis, the complex treatment of vertebral artery lesions is performed:

    1. Autogravitational therapy is a quick and safe method that allows to relieve pain, increase the distance between vertebrae, and remove the compression of nerve endings.
      For stretching the spine are added:
    2. Hirudotherapy;
    3. Manual and massage complex;
    4. Acupuncture;
    5. Gymnastics NIĆ I.

    Is it possible to cure vertebral artery syndrome? Only when complex approaching to the solution of this problem, there is a chance to achieve a good result in treatment.

    The vertebral artery syndrome was revealed - the treatment begins with relaxation of the strained muscles of the neck. To do this, the cervical spine should be in a state of complete rest. Sometimes they wear a special removable collar. When there are intolerable pain, bed rest is prescribed. As an urgent matter, a novocain blockade is used from medications. After the improvements, therapeutic physical training, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed.

    Exercises for vertebral artery syndrome

    • Turning the head to the sides( 5-10 times).
    • Nodding your head( 5-10 times).
    • Head inclinations to the sides( 5-10 times).
    • Anteroposterior displacement of the head( 5-10 times).
    • Shrugging( 5 times).
    • Back pressure on the head( in different directions, 5-10 times)
    • Circular movements of the head( 5-10 times).

    Extension of the cervical spine is carried out as follows: landing on a chair, the cervical section is in neutral position.

    The head is wrapped around the arms so that the thumbs rest against the cheekbones, and the rest are on the back of the head. On exhalation, the head is pushed vertically upwards( 10-15 seconds).And so it repeats 10-15 times.

    Sometimes, with vertebral artery syndrome, thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery may occur when the lumen of the trunk or branches of the pulmonary arteries is closed by a thrombus, causing a sharp decrease in blood flow in the lungs.

    There was pulmonary thromboembolism - the symptoms will be as follows:

    • sudden dyspnea;
    • chest pain;
    • hemoptysis;
    • heartbeat;
    • swelling of superficial veins of the neck;
    • cyanosis of the upper half of the body.

    In 90% of cases two hours later, death already occurs. Therefore, if it was possible to maintain vital functions more than two hours after the appearance of signs of pulmonary embolism, the chances of recovering are high.

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