
Causes, symptoms and peculiarities of treatment of sensory aphasia in children and adults

  • Causes, symptoms and peculiarities of treatment of sensory aphasia in children and adults

    Speech agnosia is referred to as sensory aphasia. For this pathological condition is characterized by a complete loss of understanding of human speech on the background of complete preservation of hearing.

    A person diagnosed with sensory aphasia, hears the words spoken by the interlocutor perfectly, but the meaning of what has been said remains unclear to him. The sounds of human speech are perceived by him as an absurd noise, and sometimes a person does not perceive anything and does not understand anything.

    When the patient is diagnosed with this disease, there is a lack of motor speech.

    This is manifested by the fact that the structure of words is broken, paraphasia is observed.

    Provoking factors

    There are many reasons for the onset and progression of sensory aphasia. According to physicians, the anomaly develops against the background:

    1. Trauma GM.
    2. Leukoencephalitis.
    3. Encephalitis.
    4. Presence of a tumor affected by certain areas of the neocortex.
    5. I'm sick of the Peak.
    6. Stroke.
    7. Inflammatory process.
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    In addition, the anomaly can be triggered by various mental disorders.

    Forms of the disease

    To the syndrome of sensory aphasia should be attributed violations:

    • all kinds of expressive speech;
    • graphic presentation of thoughts;
    • reading;
    • of the oral invoice( due to a violation of the analysis of sounds);
    • rhythm evaluation;
    • playback rhythm;
    • emotional sphere( the person differs a high degree of uneasiness and is unstable in emotional reactions).

    Sensory aphasia is characterized not only by the absolute absence of speech, but also by the radical deformation of its structure. The human lexicon is pretty poor, and it turns out to be incapable of formulating even elementary proposals. Often aphazics know the meaning of the subject, but remember the name is difficult for them.

    Specialists distinguish the following forms of aphasia:

    1. Acoustically-mnestic.
    2. Amnestic.
    3. Aphasia Wernicke.
    4. Sensomotive.
    5. Acoustico gnostic sensory aphasia.

    Features of aphasia passing through Wernicke

    Characterized by aphasia Wernicke is a complete loss of ability to adequately perceive words. Against this background, people cease to perceive graphic speech. Violation of the physiology of hearing is not observed, and a person is able to hear well what is being said to him. But the interpretation of what was heard, in view of the deformation of the cortical portion of the rumor analyzer, is not possible for the patient.

    With the progression of Wernicke aphasia, the words spoken by another person seem to the patient to be incoherent sounds, and their native language sounds unfamiliar. Therefore, this form of the pathological condition is also characterized as acoustical gnostic sensory aphasia.

    The speech of the patient also loses all meaning: a person tries to express scraps of rambling phrases. Quite often this state is accompanied by emotional or motor excitement.

    The person does not lose the ability to perform the simplest commands. Also, he can repeat after the expert some words and phrases, which, however, remain incomprehensible to him.

    Features of sensorimotor aphasia

    This form of abnormal condition combines the symptoms of motor and sensory aphasia. The patient loses the ability to understand what the other person is telling him. The initiation of one's own speech is also not possible. Often in this phase, a person loses the ability to even speak with incoherent phrases.

    Often this form of abnormal condition develops after a stroke.

    The pathological process is localized at the site of the left middle brain th artery. In view of the fact that speech is broken completely, physicians refer to this state as total aphasia.

    Anomalies in children

    Often, aphasia in children can be confused with a lack of speech, called alalia. The main difference between sensory aphasia and alalia is the presence of regression in developed speech.

    An abnormal condition developing in children is characterized by a rather specific manifestation:

    • progression of the pathology occurs surprisingly quickly( no less rapid recovery of speech functions is observed);
    • in younger preschoolers the disease is quite meager;
    • for speech regression, either restoration of the f-tions of the speech center is observed, or their compensation due to neighboring cortical zones.

    Helping a patient

    Speech reconstruction with sensory aphasia is a laborious and time consuming process. To achieve the best results, the maximum consolidation of the efforts of both the specialist and the patient is required.

    The process is complicated by the fact that the normal communication between the doctor and the patient is very difficult on the background of the fact that the latter has completely lost the ability to understand human speech. Also, the patient is unable to graphically state the feelings experienced by him.

    Logopedic correction features

    Logopedic exercises contribute to the restoration of speech with sensory aphasia. Thanks to mini-training, correct pronunciation of sounds is restored. Man restores the ability to talk meaningfully.

    Treatment is carried out through specific activities. These classes can be performed at home. At first the patient should:

    1. Call body parts and objects;
    2. Work on the picture, combining the image with the inscription.
    3. Answer simple questions.

    A bit later you can go to the thematic dialogues.

    Comfortable environment is the most important condition for working with a patient.

    Speak with aphasic should be slow and calmer. He must feel that he is understood and supported.

    Tablet correction

    Treatment of anomalies can be carried out and medicamentally. Regardless of the origin of aphasia, it is recommended to use:

    • neurotrophic;
    • vitamins B;
    • nootropics.

    If the development of pathology occurred against the background of a stroke, the patient is assigned blood-sucking medications and thrombolytics. Sometimes it takes a considerable number of years to restore the speech function. It is important to understand that there are many cases when this process is impossible.

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