  • Properties of bacon useful for the body

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    If earlier this product was considered harmful, recently nutritionists rehabilitated lard and found in it many advantages for our health. What will help this product?

    First, fat is beneficial for the work of the cardiovascular system. This product contains a large number of vitamins, but for the vessels and heart the most important is vitamin F. It is he who is responsible for strengthening the vascular walls, which contributes to their protection against atherosclerosis.

    Also worth mentioning the presence in the fat of unsaturated arachidonic acid, which helps to maintain the normal operation of the cardiovascular system by strengthening the blood vessels. Present in fat and lecithin, which allows to normalize the level of cholesterol. In addition, this substance is useful for cerebral vessels.

    With a sufficient amount of lecithin, attention, memory, and improvement in stress resistance are observed.

    Secondly, fat is beneficial for the figure. Despite the fact that this product is quite fat, it will help to maintain a normal weight. When used, fat is quickly absorbed, which makes it possible to forget about the feeling of hunger. And this, in turn, will not allow a person to eat superfluous.

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    Many nutritionists recommend using this product as a snack. For example, instead of biscuits or sweets for work, you can take a piece of fat.

    It is also useful as a source of energy for our body. It contains a large number of unsaturated fatty acids, many of which are very valuable. For example, the most beneficial are those that melt at body temperature.

    Simultaneously, when melting these fats, a significant amount of calories is released( 9 kcal from 1 g of fat).Therefore, this product can be considered a good source to get enough energy.

    In this case, bacon is characterized by high biological activity, which is several times greater than beef fat and butter. This allows us to maintain the general tone of our body.

    Separately it is necessary to stop on presence of selenium in fat. This chemical element helps protect the body cells from cancer. In his presence, the damaged cells are restored, as well as protecting them from disturbances in the DNA structure.

    Selenium helps to maintain the body's defenses. Therefore, it is especially useful to consume fat in the cold season, in this case it is better to add 1-2 cloves of garlic to it.

    As you can see, eating fat can bring a lot of benefits to our body. Therefore, do not abandon this product and it is desirable to include it in your daily menu.

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