Nicotinic acid for hair: before and after photos and doctor's reviews
The growth and appearance of new hair on the head, as well as their loss - this is quite normal development cycle. But sometimes it turns out that growth slows down beyond recognition, new hair is being pushed out by the old ones, but they are barely growing either. There is an option and even worse - too frequent and profuse hair loss.
With such problems, various folk and professional masks are helpful, but if you set yourself the task of growing a beautiful head of hair as quickly as possible, then the range of drugs is significantly narrowed. In it there are only a few masks, ampoules and nicotinic acid. The latter is the most effective acting remedy and does not harm the hair. But all the same, before deciding to use it, it's good to know what other consumers think about this. In this article you will find out what nicotinic acid is for hair, photos before and after and reviews will help you with this.
What is nicotinic acid and how to use it
As a matter of fact, nicotinic acid is a vitamin PP that perfectly influences the growth of hair by the method of widening of peripheral vessels. From frequent use of vessels in the scalp expand, thereby increasing the flow of blood.and hence the supply of useful substances. After a month of regular consumption, the result will be clearly visible.
Here we note that, despite its name, nicotinic acid has nothing to do with narcotic drugs and it should not be feared.
For those who are interested in trying out this drug, it is recommended to study the use of nicotinic acid for hair growth. Women use nicotinic acid in ampoules, rub it into the hair.
The simplest option is to carefully rub the contents of the ampoules into the scalp. If after the first application you notice a strange sensation similar to the itching, or the head itches, then in the end dilute the acid with water, since the first is strongly allergenic.
Also, at home it is very popular to mix acid with any other masks, like egg, mustard or oil masks, and multi-layered masks, that is, consisting of many elements. You can even add other vitamins, it is recommended A, B, E, C, D.
Opinion of trichologists about nicotinic acid
The doctors' comments on nicotinic acid are mostly positive, of course, almost all emphasize the allergenicity of the substance and strongly recommend not to abuse it. Also, trichologists do not advise to dwell on "nicotine" to those who already have healthy hair, although you can use the drug in small doses.
All doctors noticed that such a remedy also has contraindications. It can not be used if you:
1) Allergic to artificial vitamin PP;
2) Any liver disease;
3) High blood pressure;
4) Stomach ulcer.
You should not even try to dilute the drug with water if you have one of these problems.
Reviews and photos before and after
To get started, you are invited to review a few photos before and after the course of applying nicotinic acid, and then learn the opinions of ordinary people on this topic.
Svetlana: "I decided to add nicotinic acid to my shampoo, my head once every 2-3 days. The result was clearly tangible, the vitamin does its job! "
Oksana:" When I decided to test the course of nicotinic acid, I could not complete it. Unfortunately, I clearly did not fit the composition. My head began to itch very much, I was afraid that I would stay without hair! ยป
Maria:" I can say about the use of nicotinic acid here, the main thing is to observe periodicity and technique, apply to damp hair. If your hair is prone to excessive fat, then before use, wash your head - the effect will be better. "
Irina: "I heard that nicotinic acid does not always help, and it can cause problems with the scalp, so I do not really want to use it myself."
Alla: "I used nicotinic acid not for the hair, but for the eyebrows! First I plucked and painted them, and then I wanted thick natural eyebrows, but they stopped growing! Began to apply nicotinic acid( take care of the eyes!), After the course got the desired result. "
Svetlana: "I did not use acid in pure form, I tried the tablets. I can say that the effect is also there, although it appears only after a month with a little. However, for me it was a suitable option! "
Catherine: "Right now I'm going through a course of treatment with nicotinic acid, I've been suffering for two weeks already. It seems to me that the hair has become more silky, but growth has not yet been observed. "