  • Varicose veins of the pelvis in women and men

    Varicose veins of the pelvis are related to diseases that are in second place after violations of venous outflow in the lower limbs. The clinical picture of such a pathology is not typical, and can mask the diseases of the organs of this area, especially for women. Therefore, it is very important to recognize the main signs of the disease.

    Varicose veins of the pelvic region is divided into primary, with valve failure, and secondary, as a consequence of the ongoing pathological inflammatory condition.

    Manifestations of varicose veins of the pelvis in women

    With the development of varicose veins in the small pelvis, women have a drawing pain in the lower abdomen. They can give irradiation to the lumbar and inguinal region. Symptoms are aggravated after physical overstrain, prolonged standing or sitting, sexual intercourse.

    The main reason why women develop varicose veins is a disruption in the structure of connective tissue. Dysplasia causes changes in those organs where muscle tissue is least represented. Therefore, the venous network of blood vessels begins to suffer. The development of varicose veins in the pelvis is determined in the presence of obstruction of the uterine tubes, the uterus and ovaries themselves, or by occluding the lumen of the large veins with the passage of blood to the collateral circulation, followed by the expansion of its vessels.

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    The provoking factors are:

    • hard physical work, work associated with prolonged standing or sitting;
    • frequent and severe birth and pregnancy;
    • high level of estrogens( including when using hormonal contraceptives);
    • chronic and acute inflammatory diseases of the gynecological profile.

    Many women in the occurrence of a pathology such as varicose veins of the pelvis, note the violation of the menstrual cycle. Menses are becoming more and more painful. The secretions intensify, the premenstrual syndrome aggravates. Sometimes urinary organs suffer, dysuric phenomena are observed.

    All such manifestations are rarely isolated, and are usually accompanied by varicose veins of the lower extremities. There is swelling in the groin with the seizure of the labia, visualized nodules of veins, sometimes this disease can lead to infertility.

    Diagnosis is somewhat difficult in the early stages of the disease. But according to statistics, many cases of successful cure from this pathology have been registered.

    You can diagnose using additional methods such as Doppler ultrasound, overgrowth phlebography, sometimes you need to do diagnostic laparoscopy.

    How does varicosity in men look

    Does not avoid varicose veins of the small pelvis and a strong half of humanity. If we talk about the main factors that lead to this disease, the main of them is, like women, the disruption of connective tissue, due to a change in its structure.

    Any inguinal hernia, or malignancy can provoke the disease, and does not matter whether it is malignant or benign.

    Varicose veins in the pelvic area may still appear after:

    1. of a constant physical strain;
    2. irregularities in the regularity of sexual activity;
    3. constipation and other conditions associated with increased pressure in the abdominal cavity;
    4. varicose veins develop due to the peculiarities of the structure of the venous system of these organs.

    In the first stage, the symptom complex of the pathological condition is not expressed, but sometimes some expansion of veins on the penis is noted. Then, discomfortable and pulling sensations in the groin, an increase in the scrotum, all of which are intensified when lifting weights.

    Further development of the disease already leaves no doubt in its presence. The scrotum considerably increases in size, the pain becomes pronounced and permanent, dysuric phenomena occur. The most dangerous complication of pelvic varicose veins is the development of infertility due to impaired spermatogenesis. Varicocele changes the quantitative and qualitative composition of the seminal fluid.

    How to cope with varicose veins of the pelvis

    Treatment of this disease is necessary at an early stage, as it is irreversible, and with the constant impact of provoking factors, can lead to serious problems.

    To restore blood flow to damaged veins and prevent the formation of thrombosis, venotonics and disaggregants are prescribed. With the aim of arresting the pain syndrome, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is often recommended. In a pronounced process in women and men, the use of steroid hormones is recommended. They relieve pain, swelling and eliminate inflammatory reaction.

    When the disease is neglected, treatment becomes possible only with the use of surgical intervention.

    For this, artificial sclerosis of the damaged portion of the vessel is often used by the method of introducing a special substance into it. Instead, the result is a fibrous cord, and the blood begins to flow through the healthy veins. If this method is impossible for some reason, the varicose dilated part is completely removed.

    Men with varicocele are recommended to solve the problem with the help of an operation. After the surgery, more than half of the cases are restored to reproductive function in men, provided that the disease was not neglected, and taking into account the age of the patient.

    A minor abnormality in the form of a change in the veins in the region of the penis usually does not need correction in the early stages. To prevent further worsening of the state, it is enough to follow the doctor's recommendations: elimination of bad habits, prevention of infection, regular sex life, performance of some exercises, mandatory combination of sedentary work with physical activity.

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