  • Stretch marks during pregnancy

    Each woman wants to give birth, and stay in the same form. But you just need to apply the effort. But first, let's see, why do stretch marks on the body? This is due to a sharp fluctuation of hormones and weight during pregnancy.and the surface layers of the female skin begin to stretch and tear. The skin is stretched, and in those places where ruptures are formed, connective tissue appears, due to which stretch marks are formed. First stretch marks have a bright red color. Blame this blood vessels. But eventually they become white, which makes them less noticeable. Stretch marks appear on the abdomen, chest, hips and buttocks. Usually this happens after the fifth month of pregnancy, although it happens otherwise. How to prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy?

    First of all, you need to eat right. To do this, you need to eat oil, beef, cereals, legumes, eggs and so on. The fact is that these products have a lot of vitamin E. And he removes from the body those elements that contribute to the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. It is also important that the food contains protein. After all, it is the source of collagen, which makes the skin more elastic. It is better to give up sweets and flour products. They contribute to the appearance of stretch marks. To do this, of course, is not easy, but if you can not refuse, then at least limit the amount of flour products.

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    Keep track of the weight. Of course, when you are pregnant you will definitely get better, and that's normal. But if you do not have sharp jumps in your weight, then stretch marks may not appear. After all, they appear because of a sharp increase in weight.

    Now in stores a lot of creams from stretch marks. But often they do not help anymore, if stretch marks are formed. It is much more important to prevent their occurrence. To do this, buy a cream with collagen and amino acids, and as often as possible, moisturize the skin. If the skin is dry and itchy, then this is a sign that it stretches. Every day, apply a cream or moisturizing lotion to the hips, chest, stomach and so on. And the more often you do this, the more effective the cream will act. It is not necessary to purchase an expensive cream, most importantly, more often to apply it. You can do massage with olive oil. Various smoothing and slapping on the skin will stimulate it. The earlier you start to moisten the skin, the better.

    If all cosmetic products do not help, then you can use the help of surgeons. Now there is such a procedure - laser skin resurfacing. Its essence is that the laser removes the upper layers of the skin, and with them stretch marks. The skin becomes young again. Also, the laser stimulates the production of new skin cells. But the disadvantage of this method is that it can be used only six months after delivery. Also, after laser resurfacing, you can not use cosmetic products, take sunbathing and be in frost.

    There is also a procedure - mesotherapy. It consists in the introduction of drugs under the skin, which accelerate the process of circulation and renewal of skin cells. Because of this stretch marks dissolve. Contraindications to this procedure - intolerance of medicines, fear of needles and so on.

    Ozone therapy is a rather popular procedure. But it does not relieve much old stretch marks. This procedure revitalizes the skin cells, stimulates them, and because of this stretch marks become almost invisible. The course of treatment with ozone therapy includes about ten visits to a doctor. There are also contraindications.

    There is a chemical peeling, which with the help of a special acid renews the upper layer of the skin. It is recommended for old stretch marks.

    Remember, the most important thing is to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Then everything will be much easier and easier.