
Chronic cerebral ischemia: how to recognize and cure a dangerous disease

  • Chronic cerebral ischemia: how to recognize and cure a dangerous disease

    A dangerous variety of vascular cerebral anomaly is chronic ischemia of the brain. With this disease, a diffuse disorder of the cerebral blood flow progresses gradually. Dysfunctions grow slowly but surely.

    General data

    According to modern physicians, foci of chronic cerebral ischemia are formed as a result of a combination of local and systemic provoking factors. The main cause of this disease is atherosclerosis. But often the pathology develops against the background of clogging the arterial lumen with a cholesteric plaque or a thrombus.

    Statistics state that this form of cerebral ischemia occurs in 75% of all cases of cirrus.

    Symptomatic of the disease

    Chronic ischemia of the GM is manifested:

    1. Abnormal condition of the vessels of the carotid system.
    2. Abnormal state of the vessels of the vertebral-basilar system.
    3. Mental disorders.

    Symptoms of each form are often similar.

    When the anomaly develops to an initial degree, the person is often visited by headaches. Also, he can complain about the presence of noise in the head, memory impairment and decreased intellectual activity.

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    Specific signs are most often present during emotional or mental overexertion.

    The specialist establishes a presumptive diagnosis if the patient complains of 2-4 symptoms for a period of ninety days.

    The anomaly clinic has a progressive development.

    Signs of the initial stage of

    When chronic cerebral ischemia develops to the initial stage, patients undergo reanimation of deep reflexes. Also, cognitive activity is impaired, memory is reduced, a person becomes distracted. Patient is difficult to navigate in current events. Social adaptation and professional skills remain unchanged.

    Signs of subcompensation

    Developed to this degree, the disease is characterized by a decline in professional memory. Mental processes are significantly reduced. Against this background, a person can suffer from a depressive disorder and emotional lability. Social and professional adaptation of a person can be reduced, but the ability to independently meet everyday needs is not lost.

    Signs of decompensation

    Against the background of signs characteristic of the second stage, the doctor can diagnose the presence of pseudobulbar disorders.

    The main symptom is the reduction of criticism regarding the state of their health.

    The patient is completely disinhibited, it is difficult for him to control himself. The ability to self-service is lost, a person needs proper supervision and care.

    It is important to remember

    For chronic cerebral ischemia, there is a correlation between the age characteristics of the patient and the severity of the symptoms. A good diagnostician always takes this fact into account when assessing the signs that are natural for the elderly.

    Features of medical care

    Treatment of this disease must include:

    • normalization of blood pressure( the patient is prescribed taking medications that dilate blood vessels);
    • resuscitation of adequate cerebral blood flow( most often the doctor appoints nootropics);
    • resuscitation of the patient's basic functions( the doctor prescribes massage procedures, exercise therapy and electrophoresis).

    A special role in treatment is played by the provision of general strengthening therapy.

    Dietary recommendations

    A formidable weapon against the appearance of cholesterol plaques contributing to the development of this pathology is adherence to a diet prescribed by a doctor.

    Sometimes a special "anti-cholesterol" diet is prescribed to the patient. The essence of the diet is that the percentage of fat should not exceed 1/3 of the total diet. The patient should receive the carbohydrates needed by the body only from food of plant origin.

    Refuse from fatty foods and shopping sweets. If the patient feels the need for sweet, then he is shown dried fruits or "diabetic" culinary products.

    Meat consumption should be minimized, and pork should be excluded from the diet until complete recovery. Preference should be given to chicken or turkey.

    Minimize the use of salt. Some nutritionists and culinary experts advise to replace this product with citrus juice. So the dish turns out much tastier and more useful.


    A huge role is played by preventive measures. A person at risk should stay in a stuffy place as little as possible and pay more attention to sports loads. Swimming and aerobics are very useful. If possible, it is advisable to swim in a natural pond. If there is no such possibility, it is recommended to enroll in the pool.

    It is equally important to treat opportunistic pathologies on time. For this, you need to undergo an examination twice a year.

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