
Diagnosis of vasculitis: treatment and symptoms of the disease

  • Diagnosis of vasculitis: treatment and symptoms of the disease

    Inflammation of the wall of any blood vessel is called vasculitis. This disease can occur on the ground of the primary lesion of the blood stream for unexplained reasons, as well as secondary, which arises under the influence of bacteria, toxins, immune complexes and viruses on the wall of the blood vessel. It should be noted that secondary vasculitis can be formed in infectious or autoimmune diseases, as well as in malignant tumors. Treatment of the disease, as a rule, is conducted by a rheumatologist.

    How to treat vasculitis?

    Treatment of vascular disease primarily depends on the type of vasculitis, the severity of the inflammatory process and the involved organs. People who have a severe form of illness need to take regular medications. In extreme cases, surgical intervention may be required. Patients with mild illnesses are treated with OTC drugs, such as aspirin, naproxen, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen.

    The main goal of the treatment is to reduce the inflammation of the blood vessels involved in the process. The desired result is usually achieved with a decrease in intensity or with complete suppression of the immune response, which is the cause of inflammation. One should distinguish between hemorrhoidal, hemorrhagic and systemic vasculitis. Hemorrhoidal is an acute infectious - allergic disease, during which small vessels of the joints, skin, kidneys and intestines are affected. The appearance of such a disease is associated with such infections: staphylococcal, streptococcal, helminthic and viral, as well as food and drug allergies. A fairly large role in the occurrence of vasculitis is played by foci of chronic infection in the body. However, we should not exclude a hereditary predisposition to allergic diseases.

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    Disease of hemorrhagic vasculitis in most cases occurs in children under the age of 14 years. This type is accompanied by multiple hemorrhages in the mucous membranes and skin.

    With such a systemic inflammatory process of small vessels, small vessels in the kidneys, joints, gastrointestinal tract and skin are simultaneously affected. In turn, systemic vasculitis treatment involves a complex and individual approach, because several processes or tissues are involved in the painful process. In nature, there is also an allergic vasculitis-an inflammation of the vessel wall as a result of various allergic reactions. In this case, primary vascular lesion is assumed to be the target organ.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Vasculitis has many different symptoms, as it affects various organs. If it affects the skin, then there is an itch and a skin rash. If the disease affects the blood vessels that supply blood to the nerve tissue, then there is a decrease in sensitivity and muscle weakness.

    In case of "affecting" cerebrovascular disease, the risk of stroke increases, and if the heart is affected - a heart attack is possible. Also, the disease is characterized by a lack of appetite, weight loss, fever and a decline in strength.

    Diagnosis of

    At the first stage, it is necessary to undergo a general examination, and then carefully examine the affected organs. As a rule, if vasculitis begins to manifest as a result of an allergic reaction, then treatment is not required, it will pass by itself. But if the lungs, kidneys, brain or other vital organs are affected, then medical treatment should be started immediately.

    It should be noted that the causes of vasculitis in many cases remain unknown. Sometimes its origin can be established after studying the patient's anamnesis. For example, this disease can begin to "multiply" after the transferred virus. Some medications and allergic reactions can also trigger the onset of the disease. In patients with vasculitis, only

    "How to cure the disease" "sits" in the head? In addition to hospital inpatient treatment, most refer to "people's therapy."Treatment of vasculitis with folk remedies is primarily aimed at preventing bleeding and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

    In some cases, recipes of traditional medicine quite successfully fit into the scheme of treatment of the patient. Traditional medicine recommends the use of herbal remedies that contain vitamin K, which increases the ability of blood clotting. These "medicines" are:

    Nettle nettle
    • ;
    • bilberry calf;
    • St. John's wort;
    • water pepper, yarrow;
    • fruits of mountain ash, arnica flowers;
    • is tall and sorrel.

    These plants should be treated with caution, as they are able to activate the thrombogenesis process, which is characteristic of vasculitis. To strengthen the walls of blood vessels will help:

    • green tea;
    • rose hips and rue fragrant;
    • white cabbage;
    • cranberries and black currants;
    • fruits of Aronia ashberry.

    Treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis with folk methods will not be superfluous either. You can prepare a water infusion of lamb grass, as well as an ointment based on the flowers of rue scent or arnica mountain. It is very useful for hemorrhagic vasculitis tincture of black elderberry. The diet should be dietary. It is recommended to abandon chocolate, fish, eggs, citrus fruits, chicken, nuts, honey, sweets, and canned foods and foods that contain preservatives. From the diet it is better to exclude fried, and to use only cooked foods.

    At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to urgently consult a rheumatologist. As a rule, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, drugs that improve blood flow in the vessels and immunosuppressants, ie, suppress immunity. An important aspect of vasculitis treatment is the involvement in the treatment process of specialists of various profiles. Basically vasculitis of skin treatment requires with the agreement of therapists, neurologists, nephrologists, surgeons, otolaryngologists, ophthalmologists, etc. Here a single approach is very important in the treatment of this disease!

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