
Signs of varicose veins: how to timely identify and cure a most dangerous disease

  • Signs of varicose veins: how to timely identify and cure a most dangerous disease

    Varicose veins are one of the most ancient diseases. The doctors say that people suffered from it even in ancient times. Then, having discovered the alarming signs of varicose veins, the doctors preferred to act radically. Today, the disease can be cured even bypassing the intake of medications. Of course, this requires timely contact with a doctor.

    Women at risk are over 25 years old.

    Insidious disease

    This disease often first proceeds asymptomatically. The result of this is sad: the young lady often finds signs of varicose veins when he has already progressed to the second, and even the third stage.

    The first swallow

    If the young lady is attentive to her health, then finding the first signs of varicose veins for her will not be difficult. So, the earliest sign, indicative of the onset of a serious disease, is pathological fatigue of the legs. Alas, many women, especially those whose activities involve a long stay in a vertical position, write off the fatigue of the lower extremities on the costs of the profession.

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    But the next sign of varicose veins can already make you wary. Still, if the fatigue of the legs can be explained at the least by the many hours of work, then the regular heaviness in the lower limbs does not just happen.

    Another sign of varicose veins is the mild leg soreness. This symptom is also flippantly ignored by women: is it not enough, who does not have legs hurt today? The reason to consult a doctor is a specific spiderweb of small vessels. However, young ladies, not suspecting that this "beauty" is a direct sign of varicose veins, are concerned only with the aesthetic component of their legs.


    At the first stages of the development of the disease, specific nodal appearances often appear above the surface of the skin. There are varicose nodules on the inner surface of the thigh or shin. If a person presses on them, they easily fall off.

    Then a new filling of the nodules takes place with blood and they again acquire the original size. The presence of nodules is accompanied by such unpleasant sensations as:

    1. Feeling of heaviness.
    2. Feeling of bursting of actual sites.
    3. Appearing aching sensations( they can be transformed into sharp stitching).

    Discomfort disappears after a person rests.

    Features of painful sensations

    Pain in varicose veins is quite common. One of the reasons for the appearance of painful sensations is an increase in the pressure in the veins of the affected limb. Also, the appearance of pain can be justified by swelling of the veins, which occurs against the background of an additional flow of blood. Deformed venous valves prevent the free movement of blood to the heart.

    Against this background, the valves become much weaker, which causes significant damage to the elasticity of the venous walls. And the veins, under the influence of these factors, are twisted under pressure, which also provokes the appearance of sometimes severe pain.

    Another cause of pain is the appearance of trophic wounds. But this is possible only in the neglected case, when a person neglects treatment or the opportunity to visit a doctor.

    Features of edema

    There are many reasons for the formation of edema in varicose veins. Among the main provoking factors should be allocated:

    • heart failure;
    • deficiency of proteins;
    • to lymphedema.

    Also, swelling in varicose veins is due to the poor functioning of the valves. In connection with this, the blood travels to the lower limbs from the heart.

    A little later, the fluid penetrates through the deformed venous network into the surrounding tissues.

    Most often, the affected areas are calves.

    By the evening puffiness can become frighteningly large. But after a long rest, an anxious symptom may disappear.

    Other features of edema in varicose include:

    • slow and gradual formation;
    • skin over the puffiness does not undergo any changes;
    • puffiness density( pits are not formed when pressed);
    • asymmetry.

    Sometimes puffiness may occur against the background of surgery to remove the lesion in the mammary gland. This is relevant for a young lady who has crossed the forty-year boundary.

    To prevent disease

    Varicosity is very tricky, but it is possible to prevent its progression. The best preventive tool is wearing comfortable shoes and moderate physical activity with a sedentary lifestyle. Also allowed to use gels and ointments, selected by a phlebologist. It is equally important to wear the doctor's recommended underwear.

    An effective weapon to combat the expansion of veins is a contrast shower. Cool water has a beneficial effect on the increased vessels, so the condition of the lower extremities is successfully stabilized. From visiting the sauna and solarium, as well as from drinking alcoholic beverages must be discarded.

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