
Causes, symptoms and methods of treatment of deep vein thrombophlebitis

  • Causes, symptoms and methods of treatment of deep vein thrombophlebitis

    As a result of penetration of the inferior extremity of the infection into the vein and the appearance of a thrombus in the affected area, the patient develops deep vein thrombophlebitis.

    This dangerous condition is characterized by generalized or local inflammation in the vascular wall. In addition, against this background, blood coagulability is disrupted, which leads to the formation of a thrombus.

    Causes of

    pathology Deep vein thrombophlebitis can develop for such reasons as:

    1. Trauma of the venous wall.
    2. Overweight( against this background, the formation of venous stasis).Fruit bearing.
    3. The presence in the small pelvis neoplasm.
    4. Postpartum period.
    5. Abuse of oral contraceptives.
    6. The presence of malignant tumors.

    Often the pathology develops against the background of the progression of an autoimmune disease.

    With the "usual" thrombophlebitis of the deep veins, the first symptoms can occur against the background of "varicose veins".If a person develops acute deep vein thrombophlebitis, then the first symptoms can occur without any reason.

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    Dangerous signs of

    The first symptoms of deep vein thrombophlebitis are often associated with complications of a dangerous disease. Sometimes the first signs of this pathology resemble the symptoms of pulmonary artery disease.

    Local Symptoms of

    A growing sensation of heaviness in the affected leg is the first local symptom of deep vein thrombophlebitis. In view of the fact that it is not possible to endure the pain, a person is looking for any remedy for her cupping.

    Unfortunately, it is impossible to eliminate painful sensations even with the help of strong narcotic analgesics.

    Other symptoms of deep vein thrombophlebitis include:

    • body temperature increase;
    • hypercharge;
    • is a pronounced malaise;
    • strong cold snap;
    • problems with flexion of the lower limb.

    Specific symptomatology

    Acute thrombophlebitis of deep veins is characterized by the appearance of a characteristic edema on the limb. Its size depends on how high the level of thrombosis is.

    The fact that the patient develops acute deep vein thrombophlebitis, says the presence of permanent pain in the affected lower limb disease. Painful sensations differ in sharp, bursting character and become stronger when a person moves or takes an upright position. The skin with this disease takes first a white, and then a cyanotic shade.

    Do not hesitate!

    As soon as possible, the appearance of a qualified specialist should be when the veins become red, hypersensitive and swollen. These symptoms can be observed in a person leading a low-activity lifestyle or having close relatives suffering from a similar disease.

    An alarm must be raised in the presence of strong painful sensations, localized in the veins.

    Do not hesitate to visit a doctor and in case of coughing with blood or shortness of breath. This indicates that the severed thrombus began its journey towards the lungs.

    How can a doctor help?

    The treatment of deep vein thrombophlebitis depends on how timely the patient asked for medical help. Usually, with thrombophlebitis of deep veins, the physician prescribes injections to the patient:

    • heparin;
    • warfarin( it is important to remember that this drug may contribute to the occurrence of side effects);
    • dabigatran( taken orally, by oral route);
    • thrombolytic drugs.

    Often, thrombolytic medications are prescribed to a patient in the case of pulmonary embolism.

    If a patient has acute intolerance to anticoagulants, then in order to avoid pulmonary embolism, the doctor installs a special filter that is in the current zone all the time.

    Sometimes a patient needs surgical treatment of deep vein thrombophlebitis. To do this, the doctor decides on the removal of varicose veins, causing severe pain to the patient.

    Surgery is performed on an outpatient basis and often its main goal is cosmetic correction.

    In some cases, the decision regarding surgery is taken when there is a need to remove the pelvic blocking vein thrombus. After the operation, called in medicine by angioplasty, a person is required to undergo anticoagulant treatment.

    Prophylactic measures

    Many people are interested in the question, than treating thrombophlebitis of deep veins at home. It is important to remember that folk remedies should be used in addition to tablet therapy and only under the supervision of a doctor.

    On the question of how to treat thrombophlebitis of deep veins at home, it is not difficult to answer. So, in addition to taking anticoagulants, it is necessary: ​​

    1. Raise the lower limbs( it is important in case they swell).
    2. Wear compression underwear( stockings) during the day.
    3. Include foods rich in vitamin K.

    In thrombophlebitis of deep veins, the patient is given strict bed rest. Its duration is ten days.

    The most important preventive measure is the rejection of destructive habits. It is also important to treat opportunistic pathologies in a timely manner and pay attention to sports exercises. According to doctors, the best sporting decision will be swimming. But skates should be discarded.

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