
Than the varicose of the lower extremities is dangerous

  • Than the varicose of the lower extremities is dangerous

    Varicose veins of the lower extremities are a chronic and progressive disease in which blood stasis in the veins of the legs occurs, with the expansion of the vascular wall and the insufficiency of the valve apparatus.

    Varicose is not a new and modern disease, it is described in ancient medical treatises, the most famous doctors of antiquity tried to cure it, among them Hippocrates and Avicenna.

    The prevalence of varicose veins in our time is quite high. Among the residents of large cities, they suffer up to 90% of women and about 68% of men, and recently clinicians face such a manifestation even in school-age children. A sedentary lifestyle, a reduction in motor activity, an increase in body weight in modern man create all the conditions for the development of a multitude of pathological conditions, one of which is varicose veins.

    How does the disease occur

    With prolonged standing, physical exertion, or any other disease-provoking factor, some stagnation of venous blood occurs. The inner wall of the vessel begins to respond to this change and attracts leukocytes, the origin of such a phenomenon still has no clear scientific explanation. With prolonged exposure, the leukocyte cells of the blood firmly settle in the endothelium and cause an inflammatory response.

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    This causes dysfunction of endothelial cells, then the entire wall of the venous vessel. Even more rapid pathological changes affect the valves, which in such a situation are also subjected to severe mechanical overload. This circle closes, the walls of the vessels are stretched, which further causes stagnation and worsens the condition.

    The pump, which consists of the leg muscles, now begins to discharge part of the blood into the subcutaneous venous network, causing it to expand. Therefore, even when walking, the pressure in the vascular system does not drop to the desired level, which forms a venous insufficiency. Through the wall begins to leak into the tissue structure of the liquid, and then the blood elements. Developing increasing swelling, sclerosis, pigmentation, and then trophic ulcer.

    Causes of the appearance of varicose veins

    The current understanding of the causes of varicose veins indicates that the pathological condition is based on the inconsistency of the drip apparatus. It can be primary or secondary.

    The main factors that lead to the disease are:

    1. Pregnancy. This is due to the fact that under the influence of hormones, the volume of blood in this position increases. The ever-increasing pregnant uterus presses on the vessels and reduces the possibility of venous outflow. In this period, the rheology of blood changes, in this way the body does not allow the development of massive blood loss during the removal of the placenta during childbirth. Even more exacerbating the situation is the increase in weight.
    2. Some professional harmfulness. People who are forced to stay in a vertical or sitting position for a long time, become prone to varicose dilatation. They are pharmacists, teachers, drivers.
    3. Overweight. The pressure of the mass of the body on the feet increases the load on the veins considerably and causes stagnation.
    4. Any condition that increases intra-abdominal pressure. These may include permanent constipation, chronic cough, prostate adenoma.
    5. Traumatic injuries and surgery on the legs.
    6. Older changes. Violations of the structure of the vessel wall cause a loss of elasticity.
    7. Congenital malformation of the structure of blood vessels. This happens with arteriovenous fistulas. There is a discharge of arterial blood into the venous system.
    8. Deep vein thrombosis of the legs. In this case, stasis occurs in the deep veins, which, when deficient, drain the blood into superficial ones. And with the failure of valves, the expansion of the subcutaneous veins occurs in a secondary way.

    Manifestations of varicose legs

    Symptoms of varicose veins of the lower extremities are, first of all, in the expansion of superficial veins, respectively, the name of the disease. Most often, the first manifestations occur in young women during pregnancy.

    In such a disease, a person may be bothered by:

    • severity and leg pain;
    • raspiranie in the legs;
    • cramps at night;
    • swelling first in the area of ​​the ankles, and then along the course of the dilated veins.

    The severity of the entire symptom complex is intensified at the end of the day and in the hot season, but it does not appear much in the morning( in the first stage).Disease can progress at different rates, sometimes years and decades. At the last stages, marked swelling is observed throughout the tibia, which indicates the development of chronic venous insufficiency. Skin of feet changes color to cyanotic, ulcers appear as a result of skin nutrition disorders.

    By itself, varicose veins are not particularly dangerous, but thrombophlebitis, which develops against it, can lead to fatal consequences. So TALA( pulmonary embolism), which in a matter of hours can result in a fatal outcome, most often occurs against the background of advanced varicose veins of the lower extremities.

    What to do with leg varicose

    In the initial stages, the disease can be quenched by taking medications for dilution of blood, venotonics, ointments for topical use with heparin or horse chestnut.

    Since the second stage, the disease begins to progress steadily, and all methods of prevention and conservative treatment can only slightly reduce the rate of development of complications.

    In such cases, treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities should consist only in radical care. For this, depending on the degree of deterioration, the patient's age, other individual characteristics, the doctor can recommend the use of a laser, phlebectomy, radio frequency coagulation, sclerotherapy.

    For any kind of treatment, such a patient is recommended wearing a compression knitted fabric, which is selected individually.

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