  • Neurosis of compulsive states: symptoms and treatment, causes

    The neurosis of compulsive states is a multifaceted psychological disorder, from which 2-3% of the world's population suffers.

    Constant frightening thoughts, coming under the arm with a sense of anxiety, cause a person to perform the same repetitive actions.

    These actions are designed to remove some of the anxiety, calm down negative thoughts and feelings, which happens, but only for a certain time.

    Thoughts leading to a similar result are called obsessions, and actions are compulsions. Thus, obsessive-compulsive disorder is otherwise called obsessive-compulsive disorder( OCD).In some cases, a person may have a separate obsessive and compulsive disorder.

    Obsessive thoughts with this disease tend to be constancy and stability, and actions often take the form of rituals. A person who is sick with OCD can sincerely believe that the actions taken by him will save his relatives or himself from some terrible event.

    This belief is contrary to common sense, because there is no causal relationship between the event and the ritual. There are many kinds of obsessions. A person can suffer both from one phobia, and from their totality.
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    Phobias in the obsessive-compulsive disorder

    There are criteria for determining that a person's thoughts are not just a permanent character due to adequate causes, but they are precisely a neurosis.

    So, obsessions should:

    • take a person's attention more than an hour a day.
    • cause a strong alarm or have an unpleasant "tint".
    • soaps must be constantly repeated.
    • cause the desire to perform this or that action due to resistance to disturbing thoughts or the desire to suppress these thoughts with other thoughts or images.
    In response to an obsession, a person often takes certain actions that should prevent the onset of any unpleasant event. Making an action, compulsion, a person feels some relief. For example, a person can return home several times to make sure that the door is closed.

    The interesting thing is that a healthy person can also return home for this purpose, but his actions will not have the nature of an obsession.

    Compulsions are those actions that are elevated to the rank of rituals, while the person must recognize that he suffers from these actions. Compulsions are characterized by strict rules, for example, only count to a certain number or wash hands a certain number of times. A person in this case can not choose, he must adhere to the rules, otherwise the alarm caused by the obsession will not go away.

    There are many kinds of obsessive states, but most often observe the following:

    • obsessive desire for purity;
    • a constant fear of causing harm to someone;
    • striving for symmetry and ideal order;
    • obsessive gathering;
    • obsessive fear of infection with a particular disease;
    • obsessive coming up with "right" actions( lifting from the bed only with the right foot, counting to a certain number, making purchases only in one store, etc.);
    • constant inspection of doors and electrical appliances, etc.

    Symptoms and signs

    Symptoms of a neurosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder are manifested in the presence of a person's thoughts, which are characterized by constancy and obsession. They cause a feeling of anxiety or fear.

    Obligatory for the obsessive-compulsive disorder is the observation in a person of certain repetitive actions that appear in order to eliminate anxiety caused by obsessive thoughts.

    Thus, neurosis can be considered as the following system: a compulsive obsession - fear or anxiety - an obsessive action, a ritual is a temporary relief. If a person's condition is suitable for this system, then one can talk about ROC.

    Read also, the symptoms and treatment of neurosis.

    Treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder

    Good results are provided by OCD treatment with the help of psychotherapy. The doctor should help the patient not only realize the disease and its harmful effect on the quality of life, but also simplify the conduct of rituals, which will reduce the level of manifestation of symptoms. It is very important to let the patient understand the difference between the really necessary actions, for example, the rule of washing hands before eating, and the symptoms of OCD.

    The use of antidepressants in combination with psychotherapy is often necessary, as it allows the patient to free himself from many fears and feelings of anxiety, which helps to ease the condition and the subsequent recovery.

    Together with the above methods also use physiotherapy, which includes the reception of warm baths, dousing with cool water, and bathing in sea water.

    When treating the obsessive-compulsive disorder, it is very important to completely eliminate or reduce the stressful situations that obsessive thoughts generate. In addition, a great role is assigned to managing a healthy lifestyle, which implies the rejection of bad habits, the organization of proper nutrition and general restorative actions.

    All of the above treatment methods together provide a tangible and stable result with a softening of symptoms and the return of the patient to a normal life.

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