  • Chronic fatigue syndrome: symptoms, treatment, causes

    Each of us felt tired after a hard day's work or hard mental work.

    After a rest at a healthy person fatigue passes, and the forces are completely restored. However, it can happen that a person can not recover from sleep and rest, feels weak, fatigued and uncomfortable.

    This disease was called the syndrome of chronic fatigue, and became the most common in developed civilized countries.

    It is assumed that the onset of the disease is associated with the neurosis of the regulatory centers of the nervous system responsible for the inhibition processes. Emotional burden, unfavorable ecology, chronic diseases, as well as viral infections provoke the onset of chronic fatigue.

    Who is more prone to such a disease than others? Residents of megacities, people whose professions require attention, responsibility, excessive emotional and intellectual burden. Against the background of overfatigue, the immune, nervous system, the entire body is depleted.

    The access of oxygen to the body decreases, the production of lactic acid increases, dysfunction of mitochondria is observed. In other words, there is a disruption of metabolism inside the cell. The lower in the blood plasma of a person carnitine, the lower its performance.
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    In addition, doctors state that a patient with chronic fatigue syndrome has insomnia, uncaused fears, insufficient appetite, weakness, constipation, or diarrhea over time.

    Causes of chronic fatigue

    Why develop chronic fatigue syndrome, and what is it? The reasons include internal diseases, heart failure, intoxication due to infectious diseases or medication.

    Drugs such as antiallergic, antihistamines, sleeping pills or contraceptives can cause drowsiness, weakness, and rapid fatigue.

    Chronic fatigue syndrome may manifest as a symptom of a serious disease, for example cancer or hepatitis, arthritis, diabetes, metabolic disorders, mononucleosis, etc. Often with lack of oxygen, due to diseases of the upper respiratory organs and nasal congestion, lethargy and constant fatigue is observed.

    Causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

    • Organic Diseases;
    • infectious diseases;
    • disorders of the nervous system, depression;
    • sleep disturbance;
    • increased physical or psychoemotional loads.
    To date, the exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome has not been established.

    As a rule, the well-being is influenced by the propensity to depression, anxiety, bad mood. The psychological factor plays an important role in the diagnosis of the disease. But before the diagnosis is established, clinical examination, a number of studies, blood tests, and urine tests are performed. Only then can you establish the true cause of fatigue and choose a strategy for restoring the body.

    Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome

    If overstrain appears for several months, we can state the fact of chronic fatigue syndrome.

    Symptoms include:

    • appearance of irritability, aggression, memory impairment;
    • muscle pain;
    • enlarged lymph nodes on the neck and under the arm;
    • sleep disturbance and frequent headaches;
    • inflammation and joint pain;
    • pharyngitis;
    • severe exhaustion and fatigue.
    Often, the signs of chronic fatigue syndrome coincide with other diseases, so only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis.

    How to treat chronic fatigue syndrome?

    What to do with a disease such as chronic fatigue syndrome? General recommendations of doctors - is the normalization of the regime of the day and nutrition, improving the quality of food, inclusion in the diet of vitamins and minerals, activation of physical activity.

    If possible, it is recommended to walk outdoors daily, forget about bad habits, including long stay near the TV.If the cause lies in nervous disorders, the doctor can refer to a psychologist or a psychotherapist. The complex treatment is carried out in several stages:

    • normalization of rest and loads;
    • diet therapy and fasting days;
    • massage, aromatherapy;
    • water procedures and exercise therapy;
    • elimination of chronic diseases;
    • medication.
    As for medicines, immunomodulators, antihistamines for allergies, sorbents and tranquilizers are used to treat CFS.


    Alternative medicine, including the Chinese, says that health is composed of a balance of energy. It is important to balance the energy of Yin and Yang within you. In other words, only a balanced state, a calm and philosophical attitude to life will help to preserve health, youth and beauty for a long time.

    Fatigue does not appear just like that. For sure, there are objective reasons for CFS, which can be eliminated. Reconsider your regime, lifestyle, habits, hobbies. Do not rush into depression, do not worry about trifles.

    Take care of yourself and your loved ones - a friendly, warm atmosphere in the family will help to overcome any difficulties. The best medicine is sports, hobbies, hobbies, communication with friends. Just do not forget that alcohol reduces immunity, and smoking provokes lung and stomach diseases.

    A cup of tea and a pleasant conversation will cheer up and energize and cheer. Your health is in your hands!

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