  • The human nervous system

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    Microclimatic conditions of a steam bath affect the whole body, but primarily neurohumoral regulation. The nervous system reacts immediately and for a short time. Changes in the central nervous system are manifested in the involvement of certain brain centers in the violation of its functions, in the changes in the psyche. Increased blood flow in peripheral organs during the stay in the steam room leads to a decrease in the brain. This causes mental retardation in some visitors to the bath. With further stay in the steam room, emotional activity decreases, which is also explained by a decrease in blood flow in the brain. However, these changes can not be regarded as negative, since a decrease in mental stress is simultaneously accompanied by a decrease in muscle tension, and a decrease in muscle and mental tension is very important for rehabilitation.

    Up to 70% of visitors to the baths go there for emotional and mental relaxation. Many baths are considered a means of positive influence with neurotic symptoms and internal anxiety. For two thirds of the sauna( sauna) visitors, staying in it means lifting the mental and muscular tension, they feel rested after the bath. For many, visiting a bath causes a feeling of mental comfort, a decrease in excitability.

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    Many people have headaches or rarely repeat, on the second day after the bath, there is a rush of vivacity. The bath has a noticeable euphorizing effect on the emotional state of a person. It positively affects the skin and muscles by irritating the endings of the autonomic nervous system in the skin, which is related to the ability of the skin to directly participate in emotional reactions of the human body( joy, anger, fear) and exert a reverse influence on emotions when its temperature changes.

    At the same time, if the reception mode is incorrect, for example, if you stay in the steam room for too long, vegetative disorders, headache, dizziness, restlessness, sleep disturbances and other changes in the vegetative order may occur.

    The high temperature of the bath causes an increased release of adrenaline, norepinephrine. In general, because of the pronounced influence of the bath on the human body, it can be regarded as a stressor, although most people tolerate the bath well.

    The change in the activity of the vegetative nervous system under the influence of a bath reflects primarily the cardiovascular system( heart rate, blood pressure) and the activity of organs with vegetative inertia. Improved function of the gastrointestinal tract, cold tolerance, increased appetite.

    Stay in the steam room improves the activity of the sympathetic nervous system.

    Indications for a visit to the steam room with diseases of the nervous system: mild paralytic after the acute stage of poliomyelitis, inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system 12 months after the acute period, dystrophic myopathies and myotonia, cerebral palsy, children's enuresis, hypertonic muscles, neuroses, vegetative and neurocirculatorydystonia, sleep disturbance.

    Contraindications: epilepsy and epileptic seizures, syringomyelia, myasthenia gravis, vascular myelopathy, central paralyzes of vascular etiology, extrapyramidal diseases with motor disorders, Parkinson's disease, acute inflammatory diseases of the central, peripheral and vegetative parts of the nervous system, severe neuro-vegetative disorders, migraine.