  • Bath as a means of losing weight

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    Obesity is known since ancient times. Hippocrates in his treatise "On Healthy Lifestyle", in the section "How to Lose Weight" gave advice on weight loss. K. Galen in his works also sets dietary

    recommendations for obese patients. Celius Aurelian recommended fat people a diet, fast running, short sleep, baths. Avicenna in the "Canon of Medicine" recommended moderation in eating and other ways to combat obesity.

    Obesity now belongs to the most common diseases, especially in countries with a high level of economic development: 30% of the population of these countries is obese.

    Obesity is a very dangerous disease. It is a risk factor for such diseases as atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus. Patients with obesity suffer from coronary disorders, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, respiratory failure, frequent acute respiratory diseases, reduced immunological defense mechanism, pneumonia, bronchitis, pneumosclerosis, changes in the gastric mucosa, fatty liver infiltration, chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder dysfunction, pancreatitis, nephrolithiasis, changes in the musculoskeletal system( arthrosis, joint damage, dislocation), disordersmi water-salt metabolism, edema.

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    Obesity has a significant effect on the functional state of endocrine glands: the loss of secretion of the hormone hormone, in women - ovarian hypofunction with menstrual disorders, in men and women - impaired function of the sex glands.

    Leading in the development of obesity is the alimentary( nutritional) imbalance caused by excessive caloric content of food, mainly for the

    account of animal fats, as well as carbohydrates( in 60% of the primary obesity), eating disorders - eating the major portion of the daily ration of food and calories inevening hours. The Russian bath has long been considered a good way to get rid of excess weight. Experience shows that with the proper use of bath procedures it is possible to lose weight excessively and painlessly, especially when combined with rational balanced nutrition.

    To reduce weight in the bath you can use different means and procedures, the choice of which depends on the purpose of losing weight and on the amount of excess "stocks" on the body and in the body that wants to lose weight.

    To the radical means of weight loss, the author of one of the first brochures about the Russian bath, V. Stakhov attributed the rubbing in the bath of the body with honey, salt, grated radish, tar, turpentine and pepper. Paying tribute to our ancestors who were capable of such exploits, it is unlikely that we will now find followers of this method.

    However, some recipes are used today. For example, rubbing the body with honey and grated radish or honey with salt. By the way, the use of salt is possible only in the absence of even the slightest signs of skin diseases on the body: rashes, fungal lesions, scratches, ulcers, etc.

    When rubbing the body with a mixture of salt and honey and then visiting the steam room, you can achieve an effective result. Already in the first minutes of being in the steam room, sweating begins swiftly, which lasts for some time and after leaving the steam room. In order to make the most of this procedure, it is necessary, when leaving the steam room, not to immediately wash off sweat from yourselves, but to wrap yourself in a bathing

    bathrobe or towel and continue to sweat. And only after a while you can take a warm shower;an attempt to quickly cool down is dangerous.

    There are other radical ways of "sweating" in the steam room( using alcohol, dousing with salt water).But all radical methods require very strict conditions, and we will not touch them. They are usually resorted to by athletes, as well as those who are prescribed therapeutic weight loss, and do it according to a specially developed technique, which includes, as a rule, and therapeutic massage.

    Ordinary visitors to the Russian bath for weight gain use mostly steam. Here are a few simple recommendations for them.

    Visits to the steam room should be short-lived, but frequent. I stayed in the steam room for 8-10 minutes and in the dressing room, wrapped myself in a towel or bathrobe and continue to sweat, as the sweating process continues for some time outside the steam room. Thus it is necessary to refrain from drinking. Such short-term visits to the steam room can be made 4-5.Of course, under this regime it is difficult to refrain from drinking, but to achieve the desired effect, drinking should be small.

    The bath method of weight loss should be coordinated and combined with a specific diet that eliminates overeating. Compliance with such a diet and bath procedures ensures a gradual and healthiest from a medical point of view, weight loss. At the same time, gradually, but guaranteed, you can achieve weight loss to the norm. In any case, for one bath visit can be reset to 1-2 kg of weight.

    In addition to complying with strict drinking regimen in

    , bathing procedures should avoid the use of such beverages that provoke thirst: beer, water such as fanta, sprite, cola, etc. It is best to take a small amount of regular tea or herbal teas.

    It is especially difficult to drive weight to those who suffer from severe obesity. Bath procedures in such cases can be considered only as additional. The main ones are a special diet, movement and even medication.

    Unfortunately, fat is an aggressive tissue, striving for active reproduction due to overeating. This tissue is capable of accumulating poisonous substances( heavy metals, pesticides, etc.) that get into the body from the outside with drink, food, air.

    One bath, no matter how much it is in it, getting rid of obesity will not help. True, with an active clamping-stitching of a broom, you can slightly stir this fabric, but only. Adipose tissue has a low thermal conductivity, and in order to warm it up more quickly and more thoroughly, we must at least thoroughly work with a broom, especially oak, which is suitable for oily skin. The leaves of oak contain a large number of tannins, there are essential oils, quercetin and quiverin, pentosans. They are active on the skin and deeper layers of the body. It is these substances that purify the fatty skin from fat, make it matte and elastic. Oak broom quickly cleanses the skin, deeply warms it, promotes increased sweating, "melts" the fat. When the body is actively treated with a broom, metabolism is activated in the body, "combustion", that is, fat oxidation, takes place. By the way, this process continues for some time and after the bath( up to 30 minutes).

    But using bath as a tool for weight loss obese patients should be cautious, especially suffering from pathological forms of obesity. This can be done at 1-2 degrees, when there are no signs of cardiovascular failure.

    Even the ancient Greeks in the V-VII centuries. BC."Banished" the fullness and obesity "sweat-causing" exercises and a bath.

    The bathhouse, as a radical means of fighting obesity, was actively used by the ancient Persians: they were soberly weighed in a hot bath for weight shedding. Herodotus noted that a man with an obese abdomen scorned the Persians. It was believed that he was devoid of manliness, lazy, inactive, betrayed by gluttony. Such a person was ashamed to appear in public. As already emphasized, a bath can be an effective means of reducing weight only when drinking is maintained during its use. If right after hovering or even during this procedure a person consumes a lot of fluid to restore her deficit in the body, then there will be no effect.

    Some visitors to the bath, especially athletes, go to the other extreme - they do not drink any liquid in the bath and drive the weight down to almost complete dehydration. It's unhealthy. In this case, together with water( sweat), the salts necessary for the normal functioning of muscles and other body systems of the body, in particular potassium and sodium, are removed from the body.

    It should be borne in mind that it is absolutely unacceptable for weight reduction at the same time to use bath and diuretics.