
Restoring hair mask at home: choose the best( with reviews)

  • Restoring hair mask at home: choose the best( with reviews)

    When girls want to radically change their image, they start with hair. The first means - is their coloring or melirovanie, most often clarifying. But not everyone is lucky in terms of choosing a new appearance, sometimes it turns out that the curls deteriorate, become weak, the ends split, even stopping hair growth is possible.

    In this case, you can resort to two methods: either restore the former beauty by chemical means, or learn how to do a restoring hair mask at home, and try to correct the situation.

    To begin with, you need to understand why the home hair restoration procedure is better than the salon technique.

    Firstly, in the salon you will get much more expensive, and the procedures for the restoration are carried out more than once, and a few, so you'll have to spend the amount of sky-high. Secondly, in salons use the funds from patented manufacturers, that is expensive, containing, perhaps, a lot of chemistry, to which your hair will get used and "wean" them will no longer be possible.

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    Masks from natural ingredients

    Let's start with organic products.

    Honey mask

    The best mask of natural products is considered to be honey, allergy to it is very rare and is not produced from frequent use. Also, honey does not harm the structure of the hair, improving their condition. In addition, make a mask at home is not difficult.

    Buy in the pharmacy the flowers of chamomile and prepare the broth, fill 300g of flowers with 100ml of hot water, leave to cool for a while. When the mixture is slightly cool, add 1 teaspoon of honey to it.

    Then rinse the hair with usual shampoo and apply a mixture to the wet hair. Close your hair with your hair cap and leave it for half an hour. After this time, simply rinse the mass with warm water. Attention on the video:

    Mask with aloe juice

    Mask with the use of aloe juice is not without reason called the best in the matter of strengthening weak and thin hair. Often, girls face such a problem after brightening the curls( which is why it is better to give preference to natural remedies), then this kind of natural masks comes to the rescue.

    Mix one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of aloe juice, gently stir until smooth and apply evenly to the curls. Hold the mask for about 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. Note that if you have a lot of unused mixture left, then you can leave it until the next time, honey and aloe will be well preserved.

    We offer to watch an interesting video:

    Chemical masks

    A truly professional mask, from the point of view of experts, is a mask made of several ingredients, rather than one or two. Mixing natural products is a rather risky step, since allergic reactions and incompatibility of funds can be detected. In this case, organic cosmetics come to the aid, which can be bought in specialized stores.

    1. "Planet Organic" - masks from this company, basically, consist of organic substances, and also mineral ones. The mixture has a pinkish tinge - it is a damask wax that protects the hair from the adverse effects of external factors;
    2. "Loreal" - masks from this brand are aimed at reducing hair loss, which is very good to cope with. Serum penetrates deep into the scalp and improves the structure of the hair;
    3. "Olive" - ​​this company perfectly copes with exports restoring masks for brittle and fragile hair, the composition of the product is aimed at improving the structure of the hair, and in the future, the volume of the entire hair;
    4. Indola is a brand that is ideally suited for split, brittle and fine hair. One of the cheapest, but you will not regret buying it. But it's worth noting that this mask will not work for oily hair!


    In this part of the article you are given the testimonies of girls who tested the restoring mask on themselves.

    Elena: "I use cosmetics" Planet Organic "and have never regretted, for my hair the mixture came up perfectly, and it does not cost so much. I use once a week, it happens less often, but I have not noticed any negative effects »

    Anastasia: "About a year ago I had catastrophically fragile weak hair, I tried to use special masks, but there was almost no effect, the problem remained. Then I decided to try myself in folk methods, made egg masks, honey with burdock oil. And I can recommend this from essential oils. A few months later, the fragility has come to naught, and now the hair has even become bigger. "

    Evgenia: "My hair has never needed urgent treatment, but I do preventive masks, basically I use oils, but in summer I always try to stock up with red pepper, honey and yogurt."

    Alexander: "At one time went to the salon, so that the master made me a suitable restoring mask. I had to appear there several times a month, this hobby was quite expensive, therefore after some time I decided to try to make a restoring mask myself. The beginning, of course, with natural products - egg, butter, mustard. I do not regret that I stopped going to the salon! "