
Long-term hair styling for short hair, medium and long

  • Long-term hair styling for short hair, medium and long

    Long-term hair styling also has a second name - carving. This procedure is used by those who are tired every day to do the styling. This laying is a kind of "chemistry" of hair. However, it is done with the help of preparations with fruit acids, which are sparing and do not spoil the hair.

    Specialists have developed different compositions for long-term styling. The success of laying will depend on the means that are used. Buy these funds easily in a specialized store, and the price will depend on the manufacturer. Carving is done on different curlers: thin, spiral, large, etc. - to create large curls or small curls. More on the video.

    Carving procedure

    First the specialist will check on a separate strand whether there is any allergy to the remedy. Then the hair curlers are taken of the right size, strands of hair are wound on them. The top is applied to the preparation and allowed to stand for a while. Then they take off and wash their hair. Apply the fixing agent, again wash off and nourish with balm. You can see the process in the photo.

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    After the procedure, it is best not to wash hair with shampoo for 3 days. Then you must carefully monitor their hydration and nutrition, then they will please you with a healthy and well-groomed look.

    For carving tools are used that do not affect the structure of the hair, leaving it whole and healthy. However, this affects how long lasting stays. Unfortunately, carving keeps much less perm: only 7-9 weeks. Hair at the same time can be painted, but only three days after stacking. The result is voluminous and elastic curls.

    Advantages and disadvantages of carving

    Compared with the chemical wave of hair, long-term styling has a number of advantages:

    • hair does not so strongly deteriorate, remaining soft and obedient, the hair becomes lush;hair color remains bright;
    • the procedure can be repeated every 2-3 months;
    • is good for oily hair, as the sebaceous glands begin to produce less secretion;
    • does not need to cut hair, if you're tired of styling, it will gradually go away;
    • saves time, you do not need to style your hair every day;
    • long-term styling can be done at home.

    Cons of long-term styling, judging by the reviews, is that the result is not very persistent, somewhere in a month the shape and volume of the hairdo is getting worse. Also, carving does not allow you to abandon hair styling completely, it just becomes possible to do it as rarely as possible. Despite the fact that the laying is considered to be gentle, the outer layer of the hair is broken, it begins to be cut.

    Carving for short hair and square.

    Short hair looks wonderful carving, which has the effect of light wave and volume. For this, the hair is treated with a special agent that softens them, and then they are given the desired shape. Carving on short hair will be a convenient base for any hairstyle with a hair dryer or curlers.

    Well in this case, look and lush elegant styling. Examples of such packing can be found on the photo.

    The carving of the square is quite versatile and looks good on different hair. If you do not have the time or desire every day to style your hair, then long-term styling on the square will surely suit you. Doing long-term styling on the carot, you need to dry your hair, creating a volume at their roots, always grabbing all the hairs while drying, so that the hair does not get shaggy.

    Carving for medium hair

    Styling will best look at short hair or medium length hair. On medium hair carving will last longer than on long hair.

    Carving for medium hair will take a little longer, but the result will be worth it. Everyone likes soft, flowing curls. Judging by the positive feedback on the forums, carving on medium hair looks just wonderful! More on the video.

    Long hair carving

    Many options for beautiful long-lasting styling on long hair can be done with curlers, creating large curls. The main thing is to correctly apply all the styling products. Very long and heavy hair in front of the carving is better to facilitate the haircut with a cascade. Examples of carving for long hair you can see on the photo.

    Rules for the care of long-term stowage

    Despite the sparing formulations for carving, after it the hair still needs constant care. If you follow the rules, they will remain shiny, healthy and dense. Here are these rules:

    1. You need to buy special anti-dandruff remedies, since long-term styling dry the scalp.
    2. It is necessary to try to apply more often nutritious masks with oils( burdock, olive, almond).
    3. It is necessary to cut the ends of the hair in time.
    4. Styling hair is desirable only with light emulsions and sprays, since mousses and foams make hair heavy.
    5. When carving hair can be straightened with a hair dryer and a round comb.

    Carving at home

    Of course, the best option is professional hair styling in the salon. However, carving is one of the most expensive procedures in the salons. If we talk about how much carving costs, then the price it will cost you about 2000 rubles.

    But, according to women, a good result can be achieved at home. The main thing is to know the structure of your hair and to properly buy a remedy for them. When laying, you need to focus on the instructions, in principle, carving at home with any means is almost the same.

    Contraindications for carving

    • very long hair, because they are heavy;
    • dyeing hair immediately after laying( it is better to transfer it for a week);
    • melioration on the hair( in this case they are damaged, and the means for long-term styling will only worsen their condition).

    Strong and healthy to you hair, dear readers!