
Bracelet made of polymer clay: master class, photo and video

  • Bracelet made of polymer clay: master class, photo and video

    Bracelet made of polymer clay: master class and video lessons describing different techniques

    A beautiful bracelet is the dream of every girl. And choosing this accessory, each of us dreams about its exclusivity. But, alas, such things are not cheap. What to do if you want to become the owner of a unique decoration? Today we will show you how to make a bracelet made of polymer clay in a master class.

    Types of products

    Polymer clay is a new material that is gaining popularity every day. In the work she is malleable and does not require special skill. This kind of material is suitable for making as complex ornaments( with elements of flowers and intricate figures), and for very simple( for example, a knitted bracelet made of polymer clay).

    Materials that will be needed for the work of

    • polymer clay in the same color;
    • bugle long;
    • plain beads;
    • beads-pearls are average in size;
    • varnish for polymer clay;
    • fishing line;
    • needle;
    • stationery knife.
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    So, we suggest to "blind" a bracelet made of polymer clay with roses. The color of the product can be chosen at your discretion, but the classic white in combination with a black bead will look very gently.

    Step-by-step instruction

    At the beginning of the work we need to mold a specific number of roses. Their number determines the length of the bracelet. For a medium-sized product, 10-11 roses will suffice. Start the work should be with the heating of clay, so mash it in your hands and blind the balls of a small diameter. Then from each pea we sculpt the petal. Just lay the material on the palm and stretch it in different directions, with your thumb. Below in the photo is an example of how this is best done.

    So that the clay does not stick to the skin, grease the palm with cream or dampen with water. When instead of a ball you get a flat and elongated petal, gently bend it from the top down.

    We collect our rosette from the core. To do this, turn the petal into a tight spiral( the bud is ready).Then we sculpt the rest of the petals in a circle, imposing them overlap. Continue until a rose forms. One small rose can take about 12 petals. At the very end of our flower it is necessary to cut off the formed stem. In the rose itself, in the middle, make a hole for the line with a needle or toothpick.

    When all the blanks are assembled and the holes are made, they can either be boiled in boiling water( no more than 5-7 minutes), or sent baked, following the instructions clearly. This is done so that the plastic hardens, and the roses do not lose shape.

    After heat treatment, our buds must be coated with varnish for products made of polymer clay.

    Assembling the product

    We will need a line of medium diameter. String on it the first bead. Then fold it in half and pass round beads on the cross( first the right end, then the left one), in the same way we dress the second bead. By analogy, we string the first bugle and follow one by one for each piece of line. We finish the link with a rose, as we pass the line to the cross. Alternate according to the scheme:

    • one bugle for each piece of the line, close it with cross-bugles,
    • one bugle for each piece of line, close with beads criss-cross,
    • one bugle for each piece of line, close with a rosary crosswise.

    And so on up to the required length. At the end of the line we tie in the center of the last bugle. We make a loop for the fastener, which will cling to the first bead. The remainder of the excess line is cut. Our air bracelet is ready.

    This decoration is more suitable for those who are just starting to work with polymer clay.

    Video tutorials on this subject

    Golden roses:

    Wide version:

    Delicate accessory:


    Juicy forest berries:

    Before you start with more complex products, see the video where the techniques are detailed:

    "Sausages" or"Canes":


    Skinner of the mixture:


    Create for your own pleasure and stay unique.

    A beautiful bracelet is the dream of every girl. And choosing this accessory, each of us dreams about its exclusivity. But, alas, such things are not cheap. What to do if you want to become the owner of a unique decoration? Today we will show you how to make a bracelet made of polymer clay in a master class.

    Types of products

    Polymer clay is a new material that is gaining popularity every day. In the work she is malleable and does not require special skill. This kind of material is suitable for making as complex ornaments( with elements of flowers and intricate figures), and for very simple( for example, a knitted bracelet made of polymer clay).

    Materials that will be needed for the operation of the

    • polymer clay in the same color;
    • bugle long;
    • plain beads;
    • beads-pearls are average in size;
    • varnish for polymer clay;
    • fishing line;
    • needle;
    • knife stationery.

    So, we suggest to "blind" a bracelet made of polymer clay with roses. The color of the product can be chosen at your discretion, but the classic white in combination with a black bead will look very gently.

    Step-by-step instruction

    At the beginning of the work we need to mold a specific number of roses. Their number determines the length of the bracelet. For a medium-sized product, 10-11 roses will suffice. Start the work should be with the heating of clay, so mash it in your hands and blind the balls of a small diameter. Then from each pea we sculpt the petal. Just lay the material on the palm and stretch it in different directions, with your thumb. Below in the photo is an example of how this is best done.

    To prevent the clay from sticking to the skin, use a cream or moisten with water. When instead of a ball you get a flat and elongated petal, gently bend it from the top down.

    Collecting our rose from the core. To do this, turn the petal into a tight spiral( the bud is ready).Then we sculpt the rest of the petals in a circle, imposing them overlap. Continue until a rose forms. One small rose can take about 12 petals. At the very end of our flower it is necessary to cut off the formed stem. In the rose itself, in the middle, make a hole for the line with a needle or toothpick.

    When all the blanks are assembled and the holes are made, they can either be boiled in boiling water( no more than 5-7 minutes), or sent baked, following the instructions clearly. This is done so that the plastic hardens, and the roses do not lose shape.

    After heat treatment, our buds must be varnished for products made of polymer clay.

    Assembling the product

    We will need a line of medium diameter. String on it the first bead. Then fold it in half and pass round beads on the cross( first the right end, then the left one), in the same way we dress the second bead. By analogy, we string the first bugle and follow one by one for each piece of line. We finish the link with a rose, as we pass the line to the cross. Alternate according to the scheme:

    • one bugle for each piece of the line, close with cross-bugles,
    • one glass beaker for each piece of line, close the bead crosswise,
    • one glass beaker for each piece of the line, close the rosette criss-crosswise.

    And so on up to the required length. At the end of the line we tie in the center of the last bugle. We make a loop for the fastener, which will cling to the first bead. The remainder of the excess line is cut. Our air bracelet is ready.

    This decoration is more suitable for those who are just starting to work with polymer clay.

    Video tutorials on this subject

    Gold roses:

    Wide version:

    Delicate accessory:


    Juicy forest berries:

    Before you start with more complex products, see the video where the techniques are detailed:

    "Sausages" or"Canes":


    Skinner of the mixture:


    Create for your own pleasure and stay unique.