
Oil painting: master class with video for beginners

  • Oil painting: master class with video for beginners

    We master oil painting: a selection of master classes in drawing various landscapes

    Painting is an incredible kind of creativity, which allows using the elaborated technique and fantasy to paint the world in all its color and volume on canvas. The prospect of feeling yourself a creator, embodying your fantasies, your vision of reality, creating your own world, attracts creativity lovers, lures you into an amazing world that opens for oil painting artists;the master class will become a good example and an opportunity to independently develop some skills, learn the most basic techniques, and learn how to choose materials.

    Required materials

    Before proceeding with the training process, you should stock up on the following materials and tools:

    1. Oil paints. You can buy in the kit or by the piece.

    2. Brushes. Several of the usual, of bristles, of different sizes and shapes and a pair of crocheted, which are designed to prescribe small parts.

    3. Thinner No. 3( "tee"), linseed oil for painting and a drama varnish for the dilution of paints.

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    4. You may also need a palette knife - a trowel for oil painting.

    5. The palette. Choose a convenient for yourself, arrange the colors every time in the same place: soon you will intuitively reach for the right paint, without looking.

    6. For beginners, the canvas on the cardboard. For more serious creativity, you can buy a canvas on the stretcher.

    7. Easel. Really necessary and useful( especially for your convenience).

    8. Water in a container for washing hands and brushes and rags, which is useful for wiping dry working brush.

    Master-class № 1: Drawing the sea and sky

    In this video lesson, the author in detail shows all the stages of creating a picture of the sea landscape: from the selection of colors and instruments and the choice of motif - pictures of the great seascapes Ivan Aivazovsky "Sunset at sea"The smallest methods of painting used in the work with oil paints.

    Master class number 2: Drawing flowers

    We should not forget that this kind of creativity requires patience and perseverance, so if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to try to write smaller pictures, for example, flowers: lilacs, roses and peonies will look,as if they were alive. And ready-made works can be presented as a present to relatives.

    For example, this video master class on oil painting shows the process of creating a small masterpiece - pions in a vase - in a fairly original technique - without the use of traditional tools - brushes. This will help develop creative thinking, develop your style and boldness of writing. After all, the main thing in painting is not to write out all the smallest details, but to convey impressions and emotions.

    The next series of master classes is devoted to landscape painting.

    Master-class №3: Autumn landscape

    In this video together with the author we step-by-step depict autumn on canvas - bright, juicy paints, fatty, confident strokes in the image of trees are combined with inexpressive shades, blurriness of background and road. It helps to feel better, to plunge deeply into the state of the picture, maybe even to smell the autumn - the smell of smoke, leaves and apples.

    Master Class №4: Winter Morning

    In the next lesson we paint winter - a gentle, light landscape depicts a snow-covered field, illuminated by the scarcely appeared glimpses of the morning dawn. Quite simple lesson, to succeed in which even beginners can - all the techniques are extremely simple and understandable, therefore, even without having sharpened drawing techniques, we can get an excellent result.

    Master class №5: Fog on the lake

    And this small master class is dedicated to the image of the lake at dawn, covered with fog. Such a small and simple, but very useful lesson of oil painting. We hope that you liked our selection!

    Painting - an incredible kind of creativity, allowing using the elaborate technique and fantasy to embody on canvas the world in all its color and volume. The prospect of feeling yourself a creator, embodying your fantasies, your vision of reality, creating your own world, attracts creativity lovers, lures you into an amazing world that opens for oil painting artists;the master class will become a good example and an opportunity to independently develop some skills, learn the most basic techniques, and learn how to choose materials.

    Materials required

    Before proceeding with the training process, the following materials and tools should be stocked:

    1. Oil paints. You can buy in the kit or by the piece.

    2. Brushes. A few ordinary, of bristles, of different sizes and shapes and a pair of crocheted, which are designed to prescribe small parts.

    3. Thinner No. 3( "tee"), linseed oil for painting and a drama varnish for the dilution of paints.

    4. You may also need a palette knife - a trowel for oil painting.

    5. The palette. Choose a convenient for yourself, arrange the colors every time in the same place: soon you will intuitively reach for the right paint, without looking.

    6. For beginners, a canvas on cardboard. For more serious creativity, you can buy a canvas on the stretcher.

    7. Easel. Really necessary and useful( especially for your convenience).

    8. Water in a container for washing hands and brushes and rags, which is useful for wiping a dry working brush.

    Master class № 1: Drawing the sea and sky

    In this video lesson, the author in detail shows all the stages of creating a picture of the sea landscape: from the selection of colors and instruments and the choice of motif - a picture of the great seascapes Ivan Aivazovsky "Sunset at Sea"The smallest methods of painting used in the work with oil paints.

    Master class number 2: Drawing flowers

    We must not forget that this kind of creativity requires patience and perseverance, so if you are not sure of your abilities, it is better to try to write smaller pictures, for example, flowers: lilacs, roses and peonies will look,as if they were alive. And ready-made works can be presented as a present to relatives.

    For example, this video master class on oil painting shows the process of creating a small masterpiece - pions in a vase - in a fairly original technique - without the use of traditional tools - brushes. This will help develop creative thinking, develop your style and boldness of writing. After all, the main thing in painting is not to write out all the smallest details, but to convey impressions and emotions.

    The next series of master classes is devoted to landscape painting.

    Master-class №3: Autumn landscape

    In this video together with the author step-by-step we depict autumn on canvas - bright, juicy paints, fatty, confident strokes in the image of trees are combined with inexpressive nuances, blurring of background and road. It helps to feel better, to plunge deeply into the state of the picture, maybe even to smell the autumn - the smell of smoke, leaves and apples.

    Master class №4: Winter morning

    In the next lesson we paint the winter - a gentle, bright landscape depicts a snow-covered field, illuminated by the scarcely appeared glimpses of the morning dawn. Quite simple lesson, to succeed in which even beginners can - all the techniques are extremely simple and understandable, therefore, even without having sharpened drawing techniques, we can get an excellent result.

    Master class №5: Fog on the lake

    And this small master class is dedicated to the image of the lake at dawn, covered with fog. Such a small and simple, but very useful lesson of oil painting. We hope that you liked our selection!