
Methods of treatment of stomatitis in the language of children and adults

  • Methods of treatment of stomatitis in the language of children and adults

    Our distant ancestors often frightened excessively chatty interlocutors with a tongue in the language. Unwanted associations with an unpleasant wish arise immediately when a person feels discomfort in the mouth and sees formed sores in the tongue. Of course, stomatitis in the language has nothing to do with the legendary tippoo. This pathology, also called catarrhal glossitis in medicine, is in most cases due to inadequate oral hygiene.

    Why does it strike?

    Stomatitis in the language is a child's disease. But in some cases this cup does not pass the adults. Modern physicians identify the following causes of the emergence and progression of this pathology:

    • non-compliance( or incorrect compliance) with oral hygiene;
    • presence of calculus or deep caries;
    • presence of chronic gum disease;
    • systemic complication of chronic pathology of the gastrointestinal tract( relevant for adult patients);
    • periodic injury of soft tissues( can be triggered by wearing braces or loosening seeds);
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    • consumes too much hot food;
    • presence of harmful harmful habits;
    • contact with a cold;
    • frequent viral diseases;
    • "hay fever" and other forms of allergy;
    • effects on the human body of heavy metal salts( in this case there is a risk of irreversible effects).

    If stomatitis in the tongue occurs too often, it can be assumed that a person has worms. This disease manifests itself and such symptoms as headache, problems with defecation and articular crunch.

    Alarming symptoms of

    The initial stage of this unpleasant disease is characterized by the appearance on the tongue of a specific plaque( shade - yellowish or white) and bubbles, inside of which there is pus.

    When the pathology progresses, the following symptoms are observed:

    1. Sealing of the current parts of the tongue.
    2. Appearance of puffiness, a feeling of discomfort.
    3. Decreased taste sensations.
    4. Rapid exfoliation of the epithelium.
    5. Skin changes at atrophied sites.
    6. Itching and burning.

    The main feature of the pathology is the appearance of gray spots of small size. As the disease progresses, they change their configuration and become red. The danger is that the infection can spread throughout the oral mucosa.

    Helping a patient

    Treating stomatitis in the language involves the rapid elimination of the source of the inflammatory process. It is important to pay attention to the treatment of the underlying disease.

    Application of local measures

    Correctly answer the question of how to cure stomatitis in the tongue, only a professional doctor can. The purpose of local therapy is:

    • pain relief;
    • disinfection;
    • cupping of inflammation;
    • recovery of the epithelium.

    As a preventive measure, you should regularly take care of the oral cavity and use a sparing toothpaste.

    If the disease recurs, the doctor may recommend treating the affected areas with antiseptics:

    • with furacilin;
    • aminocaproic acid;
    • with chlorhexidine.

    Pharmaceutical preparations

    Treatment of stomatitis in the tongue can be carried out with the help of special ointments and solutions. The patient is recommended to use such medicines, as:

    1. Oxolin ointment.
    2. Romazulan.
    3. Iodinol.
    4. Stomatophyte.

    In order to strengthen the immune system, the patient undertakes to take antihistamines and multivitamin medicines.

    Grandmother's wisdom

    If there is no desire to "stuff" the body with medicines, one should turn to folk wisdom. Our ancestors perfectly knew how to cure stomatitis in the language, using the gifts of nature.

    So, the excellent anti-inflammatory agent are:

    • infusions of calendula and chamomile( the rinse liquid should be warm, the procedure should be performed every three hours);
    • slices of raw potatoes( the product can be used as an application that is applied to the affected area);
    • rinsing with potato juice;
    • lubrication of affected areas with aloe juice;
    • oils of peach and rose hips( these means processed the surface of the tongue).

    Helping babies

    Stomatitis in a child's tongue appears much more often than in an adult. The pathology develops rapidly and proceeds in an acute form.

    The reason for the appearance and spread of infection is that the baby often pulls unwashed toys or hands into his mouth. How to treat stomatitis in the language of a young child, should be prompted by a qualified specialist. Treatment of pathology depends on how difficult it is. Most often, sparing therapy is prescribed, which involves the use of phytochemicals.

    In the presence of puffiness and pain syndrome, antiseptics and pain medications are prescribed. If stomatitis in the child's tongue is accompanied by a fungal infection, it becomes necessary to treat the oral cavity with a soda solution.

    Compliance with the

    diet The treatment of stomatitis in the language is impossible without observing a sparing diet. In the daily diet should include fresh food, which should be cooked for a couple. On spices, salt and pepper must be forgotten until full recovery. The food should be warm( but not hot) and puree or mush.

    Preventative procedures

    In order to prevent the development of an unpleasant disease, it is necessary to remove pathological deposits and dental calculi, root gum inflammation and correct hygiene of the oral cavity.

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