
Signs, features of the course, diagnosis and treatment of middle caries

  • Signs, features of the course, diagnosis and treatment of middle caries

    The next stage of the carious process is the middle caries. This form of pathology is intermediate between the initial and deep carious process.

    Medium caries distinguishes the spread of rotting not only on tooth enamel, but also on dentin. It is in the dentin that the microchannels, invisible to the eye, contribute to the rapid progression of the pathological process into the interior of the affected tooth.

    When to beat the alarm

    The insidiousness of the average caries is that this kind of pathology has practically no specific signs. A person whose tooth has struck rotting does not feel an acute long-lasting painful syndrome. It can be disturbed only by short-term pain, the weak intensity of which makes it almost impossible to pay attention to it. Pain occurs only if the affected area is in contact with food irritants.

    The history of the disease of middle caries in each person at risk is different. The clinical picture is as follows:

    1. Damage to the tooth enamel and its integrity.
    2. instagram viewer
    3. The formation of a pathological cavity of small size( in the cavity is softened dentin).
    4. Preservation of a large amount of unaffected dentin.

    This carious stage can be detected by the person himself. To establish a preliminary diagnosis, it is necessary to focus on the formation of pathological cavities, as well as the sensations that arise during meals.

    How is the pathology of

    diagnosed? Diagnosis of this carious stage is not difficult for a qualified specialist. During the diagnosis, the dentist performs the following manipulations:

    • oral examination involving the use of a dental probe( the dentist draws attention to the pathological cavity inside which are leftovers of eaten food and soft dentin);
    • X-ray of rotted tooth.

    Diagnosis is complicated by the absence of a painful syndrome during sensing. A similar sign may accompany pulp necrosis. X-ray is necessary for the doctor to eliminate all doubts and to accurately establish a correct diagnosis.

    Dentist's help

    Treatment of medium caries can be performed only in a dental clinic after an accurate diagnosis.

    The treatment process is as follows:

    1. Enamel treatment.
    2. Treatment of dentin.
    3. Establishment of special tabs in the pathological cavity, and then fillings.

    The obligatory stage of treatment is the preparation of the pathological cavity.


    Treatment of medium caries involves the following manipulations:

    • reaming of the affected tooth( the procedure must be performed even in the presence of a painful syndrome), which must be done to prevent the development of recurrent caries;
    • disclosure of the pathological cavity( for performing this procedure the dentist is "armed" with a drill), in the process the doctor eliminates those enamel borders on which there is no unaffected dentin;
    • rinsing the cavity using an antiseptic solution, air or water;
    • sealing.

    Child's issue

    Treatment of middle caries in children requires timely sanitation of the oral cavity. The procedure is carried out by a children's dentist in a dental clinic.

    If pathology is detected in children in a timely manner, it will contribute to the correct development of the jaw and its growth. Also, sanation is exploited as a prophylactic measure with the risk of developing stomach diseases.


    If treatment of middle caries is carried out in a timely manner, then the pathological process will stop. This will allow a person at risk to avoid relapse.

    Of no small importance is the extent to which the attending physician is experienced. The responsibility of the dentist includes careful treatment of the cavity and cleansing it of decay.

    The presence of even a small untreated site provokes further development of the carious process.

    Caries will not return if the patient uses a dentist-prescribed complex of calcium-containing and fluorine-containing vitamins. It is also important to see the dentist regularly. If rotting, going deep, will amaze the pulp, the patient will develop acute pulpitis, and it will be impossible to save the affected tooth.

    Preventative measures

    In order to avoid the development of this pathology, it is important to pay attention to preventive measures in a timely manner. First and foremost, it is important to exclude from your diet refined food, which contains a large number of carbohydrates. This is necessary, since it is carbohydrates that feed harmful bacteria that secrete lactic acid, which contributes to the destruction of tooth enamel.

    The development of a carious process is facilitated by the observance of certain requirements, including the Correct oral care( if you comply with all requirements, the need for dental intervention is reduced by eighty percent).

    An anti-caries diet is of great importance. It involves a radical revision of the diet. A person at risk should minimize the use of carbohydrates. It is also important to regularly eat rough food by including in the diet solid fresh vegetables and fruits.

    Given that the main "building material" of tooth enamel is calcium, it is important for the patient to eat dairy products and nuts.

    Drinking too cold or hot food is not recommended. Do not combine hot foods with cold ones( for example, tea with ice cream), as this contributes to the appearance of microcracks on the enamel.

    For harmonious assimilation by the body of calcium, you should use sea fish and dairy products.

    At last

    The monitoring of the health of the gums is of great importance. How to do this, only a qualified dental clinic specialist can tell. You should visit the dentist systematically - at least twice a year.

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