  • what can you do

    Do not neglect modern medicine!

    Try to consult with geneticists.

    Carry out a full survey of your health( formerly called "medical examination").

    Do all the necessary tests, fluorography to exclude the possibility of tuberculosis, check for any infections, including sexually.

    Accordingly, treat before you become pregnant.

    Determine the compatibility of blood with the Rh-factor with the future father of the child.

    Do a complete biochemical blood test, check the liver and kidneys.

    Very valuable information is provided by the analysis of hair for the content of microelements;

    Give more time and attention to your health.

    Take more natural vitamins and micronutrients. Especially important are:

    natural vitamin E( from sprouted wheat oil), preventing the probability of miscarriage;

    folic acid;

    vitamin C( with bioflavonoids);

    vitamins of group B.

    Try to change your landmarks and vital values: now the first concern is about the future child and, accordingly, about yourself: rest more, eat better. In general, defend the "thesis" on the right to be Mom on excellent!

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    A year before conception is best to stop smoking and drinking( about drugs and say nothing!).And my husband and wife! The next following article details how dangerous these health problems can have these harmful habits. Many methods have been developed that allow smoking to be quit, but, secretly, they help only if one person wants to quit smoking!

    It is very desirable to carry out general cleaning of the body. Doctors-naturopaths believe that the most effective way to cleanse the body before conception is a small course( 7-14 days) of unloading and diet therapy( otherwise, curative fasting).But since not all are suitable for psychologically curative fasting, and we categorically do not recommend this course without qualified medical supervision, we can offer safer and safer methods of short-term purification from the accumulated slag waste in the body that future parents can carry out without complications at home.

    Below is the "Cleansing Diet", proposed by the world-famous physician Bernard Jensen. The purpose of this purification program is to only remove accumulated slags, but also to replenish the future parents' organism with natural vitamins and valuable trace elements, thereby bringing the spouses to the best health condition and preparing them for the conception of a strong hereditary child.

    You can also choose a suitable program of recovery from the books of Dr. Ivan Neumyvakin( the most qualified approach!), Deshenya Semenova, Gennady Malakhov, use other recommendations for recovery, now published in large quantities.

    Only one tough demand: do not choose any extreme measures, do not do anything harsh, only the most neutral recommendations that seem most reasonable to you! Be sure to consult with health professionals.