
What to do if the child has colic - how to avoid the occurrence of colic in infants

  • What to do if the child has colic - how to avoid the occurrence of colic in infants

    Intestinal colic in newborns is a rather serious problem for all young parents. Seeing the incredible suffering of his baby, moms and dads are trying to do everything possible to alleviate his condition.

    Colic is the result of the accumulation of gases in the baby's unsettled stomach. This is an absolutely natural process that occurs in the majority of newborn children due to the immaturity of the digestive tract. They begin about the first 2-3 weeks of a child's life and stop in three to four months, when his body will finish the initial acquaintance with more adult food and adapt a little in a new environment for himself.

    Causes of colic

    Proper nutrition

    Will consider the most common causes of colic.

    • An unbalanced diet of the mother, if the child receives breast milk as the main source of food. There are a number of products that increase the process of gas formation in the baby's stomach. These include all legumes, cabbage, carbonated drinks, grapes, black bread, etc. It is advisable in the first months of your baby's life to take a more responsible approach to his nutrition. A young mother should observe that from her diet causes a baby colic and temporarily exclude these foods.
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    Milk mixture
    • Incorrectly selected mixture if the infant is on artificial feeding. It often happens that colic is caused by palm oil, which is part of some mixtures. Try to try several versions of the mixtures and choose the one that least harms your child.
    • Incorrect feeding. Often, due to incorrect attachment to the breast, the baby swallows a lot of excess air along with the milk, which is why his intestine is upset. It should be ensured that the baby captures not only the nipple itself, but also the greater part of the areola. It is necessary to try at first to give the baby a breast as soon as he asked her not to let his screaming. After all, starting to cry, he can swallow excess air. In addition, the hungry baby will begin to greedily and quickly suck, which will also lead to excessive gas formation.

    Prevention of colic

    Massage and gymnastics

    To avoid the occurrence of colic, it is necessary to perform simple procedures.

    Please note! Gymnastics is very good.

    Here are some of the easiest exercises.

    • As often as possible lay the child on the tummy and stroked on the back. Of course, it is not necessary to do it on a full stomach.
    • It is necessary to put the child on the back and bend his legs in the lap, bringing them to the baby's chest.
    • You can iron the baby's belly clockwise or from top to bottom.

    After feeding, be sure to press the child to yourself with a "bar", giving it a vertical position. So he can regurgitate excess air.

    A warm bath also contributes to the prevention of abdominal distension in a child. A warm diaper helps to put it on the tummy of a baby.

    Communicating with the baby

    It is advisable to contact the child as much as possible so that he will feel the care and gentle touch of the mother and calm down.

    Please note! It is noted that colic is most often affected by troubled children and toddlers in families with a stressful emotional background.

    You should carry the child more on your hands, sing to him children's songs, whisper kind words - so the child will feel loved and protected.

    Treatment for colic

    Dill water from colic

    What if the baby has colic? If the means described above are not helped, the baby will have to drink the baby with herbal teas, for example, from fennel or fennel. You can make them yourself, but you can buy a ready-made collection. However, not all babies will agree to drink such water.

    If you do not want to use folk remedies, you can buy drugs at the pharmacy that relieve colic.

    Colic Drugs

    1. Espumizan. Operates due to the constituent substance simethicone. It eliminates flatulence in a child. Assign Espromizan 25 drops several times a day. It can be diluted with water to make it easier for the child to take it. However, not all he helps. It is necessary to try, perhaps, your baby will fit it.
    2. Bobotik. A good remedy, but pediatricians do not recommend taking it earlier than 28 days after the birth of the baby. It also works thanks to simethicone. The dose of the drug - 8 drops, can be given up to 4 times a day.
    3. Plantex. This preparation contains herbal substances. It is allowed to apply from the very birth of the child, but only after consultation with the pediatrician. The medicine is packaged in sachets. The packet must be dissolved in water, previously purified or boiled.

    To help a child with colic in the abdomen is simple enough. The main thing is to choose your own recipe that will suit your child. Remember that most often it's just a natural process of development of the baby. Try to create a favorable home for love and understanding, and then the child's nervous shocks will become smaller and, possibly, colic will also remain in the past.