
The child draws circles, what does it mean: the opinion of psychologists and video materials about the significance of children's drawings

  • The child draws circles, what does it mean: the opinion of psychologists and video materials about the significance of children's drawings

    The child begins to draw from an early age, when he still does not know how to speak. Parents joyfully watch the first "masterpieces" of their baby, collect albums of children's drawings. But psychologists advise to look closely at the child's drawings, they can tell about the level of development of the child, how he perceives the world around him.

    Development of drawing

    For young children, drawing is not only a reflection of the surrounding world, but rather an expression of their emotions and feelings. Children try to display in the figure what they can not express in words. Up to three years the child draws sticks, dashes. Then he starts drawing ovals and circles. The child does not yet have a plan for drawing.

    The child draws in circles, what does this mean? If a child is under three years old, then he just likes to draw circles.

    Only for four years there is a plan for drawing, and then you can view the drawings of children in terms of their psychological state.

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    At this age the child begins to draw a person. And the circles will again be used in large numbers: the head, eyes, even the trunk and hair.

    The circle is very important in the drawings of children - this is the simplest drawing and very often found in nature, so very often children use them in their work. From the point of view of the psychology of children's drawings, the normal level of emotional development.

    Feelings analysis

    Try to look at the child's picture yourself and understand the sensations that it causes. Try to determine it using the characteristics of "sad - hilarious", "dark - light", "bright - dull".Carefully consider the details of the drawing. What's bothering you? For a more objective analysis, try sharing pictures of children with other parents and discuss your impressions.


    By what colors and how many they are used by the child in your drawing, you can judge the inner state of the child. Usually children use in the figure 5-6 colors. More colorful drawings show emotional and creative nature. If the child uses few colors, then this indicates his uncomfortable state at the moment. To

    , each color has a corresponding conditional psychological attitude: red - willpower, aggression, excitability, blue - concentration, internal problems, green - poise, independence and so on.

    Children's drawings should become for parents in one of the subjects of analysis of the child's personality.

    Video materials on the topic of the article

    Psychology of children's drawings:

    Conversation with a psychologist:

    Importance of children's drawings:

    What children's drawings say: