  • Diet for weight loss

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    The 1st week is 3 times a day instead of breakfast, lunch and dinner for 2 oranges and 3 hard-boiled eggs( always cook for 12 minutes).

    In the 2nd, 3rd and subsequent weeks there is the same food and to the extent, but in addition you can eat an unlimited amount of raw vegetables and raw fruits.

    The author of this weight loss remedy many times applied it with great success. He correctly notes that oranges will give all the necessary vitamins, and eggs - proteins, etc.

    The beauty of a woman largely depends on the food .To premature wilting leads, in particular, a violation of the correct ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins in the diet.

    We get the most calories from bread, sweets, cereals and fats. Especially it would be desirable to warn beginners to plump up women from excessive hobby for sugar and sweets. Sugar is undoubtedly useful, but only in moderation. Daily consumption of it, given the content in all types of food, should not exceed 70-80 grams per day.

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    Sweets are often eaten "by the way", not counting their high-nutrition products. Many believe that the body itself cope with the choice of food. However, the completeness of most women completely refutes this assertion. No wonder they say that we can feel the sweetness in the mouth for a few minutes, in the stomach - for a few hours, and on the stomach and thighs - for many years.

    If you can not do without sweet, then it is better to eat foods that contain along with sugar and other nutritional factors, such as honey and jam. Honey contains vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid, microelements. Useful all sorts of jam, especially black currant.

    A woman after thirty or forty should avoid sudden changes in diet. Remember that the shape of the face and neck, the roundness of the lines and the smoothness of the skin largely depend on the normal development of the subcutaneous fat layer, and the beauty of the skin - from proper fat release and a favorable composition of sebum.

    Those who suffer from redheads, seborrhea or have oily skin are not recommended to use honey, chocolate, cocoa, citrus, spices, alcohol, salty and fatty foods.

    Aromatic oils for the skin used by women many centuries ago in Egypt, Greece, Rome. .. The composition of aromatic oils and the best creams produced in our time include essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are found in vegetable oils, especially in sunflower, corn and soy. Therefore, one of the important rules of a balanced diet is the daily intake of one tablespoon of vegetable oil.

    Chronic protein deficiency in the diet quickly leads to early signs of wilting: the skin loses its elasticity, becomes dry and flabby, premature wrinkles form, hair thinens and grows poorly, lethargy appears. Due to a lack of protein, anemia usually develops, the color of the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips turns pale.

    Fatal deficiency of protein and for hair. They are built from a slightly soluble protein - keratin. If the body receives little protein, the hair grows poorly, thinning.

    Unpleasant swelling of the skin, especially under the eyes and in the eyelids, can also be caused by a violation of the principles of rational nutrition.

    The need for protein is individual, but for young women with an ideal body weight of about 60 kg, it is 70-80 g per day, slightly increasing with physical exertion.

    We remind you that wonderful sources of high-grade protein - many products of animal origin: milk, cottage cheese, cheese, meat, fish, eggs. Vegetable products - bread, cereals, potatoes - also contain protein, but its nutritional quality is lower.

    Vitamins, which are usually denoted by capital letters of the Latin alphabet, are rightly called the ABC of health. To this definition, we should add "... and beauty."Yes, beauty, because the lack of many of them affects the condition of the skin, hair, eyes, etc. Antidermal vitamins( PP, B6 and biotin), which prevent the development of skin inflammation, and vitamin A. Of particular importance are important.health has a diet.

    You should not substitute a full meal with multiple tea-parties or individual meals cooked in a hurry( semolina, eggs, etc.).

    For women seeking to maintain a good figure and look, 3-5 times a meal is recommended, in small portions. If you feel hungry between meals, you can drink a glass of skim milk, a cup of coffee or curdled milk.

    American specialists pay much attention to the substantiation of the so-called "cosmetic diets".We cite one of these diets.


    100 g of fruit juice or fresh berries, one egg( or cheese), a slice of lean ham with a piece of toasted bread( 50 g).A cup of tea or coffee, preferably coffee with milk.

    The second breakfast. Cheese or egg. One piece of bread. A small amount of fresh or canned fruit. A glass of tea or yogurt.


    Salad with vegetable oil, one meat dish. Fruit or a dish of them.

    Before going to bed

    A glass of warm milk.