
Haircutting Hitler Youth: photos and videos on the technique of this hairstyle

  • Haircutting Hitler Youth: photos and videos on the technique of this hairstyle

    What do you look for when you first meet a person? On behavior, appearance, character and hair. From time immemorial, the hairstyle attracted the attention of others, emphasized the facial features or even the inner world of the owner.

    The male haircut of the Hitler Youth has returned to us since the 1980s, and after her return many people looked at the hairstyle in a new way. Hardly anyone will argue with the fact that on young guys, it looks pretty impressive, especially if men have tattoos. However, in 2015, young guys prefer to cut their hair "under Hansa."This image gives men sharpness, eccentricity and severity.

    Initially, the haircut in the style of "Hitler Youth" belonged to the Germans,( as you could already see by the very name), because in the first half of the last century there was a military organization with the same name, so everyone who entered this organization wore such haircuts. Be that as it may, the times have passed, but the style has remained.

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    Despite the time, the hairdress has kept its standards. It is ideally associated with rebellion, freedom, coolness and all that young people want for self-expression. If you liked this hairstyle, then first you will need not very short hair, the ideal long hair will be 10 cm on top and 5 cm on the sides. Using a machine shaved on the back of the head and temples.

    Young people use styling products for a long fixation, and it's not surprising. Basically, fixation uses mousse, wax or gel. The main thing - to use only a high-quality professional tool, so that the fashionable hairdress stayed as long as possible.

    This hairdo is really unique, because it literally opens the way to the owner in the business world, to all the rest she conquers the youth. If you want to make yourself a modern and unusual hairstyle, then this is your choice.

    This hairstyle will never go unnoticed, no matter who it is, from a rich businessman to a brutal plumber. On each person this haircut will look original.

    For women

    Currently, girls and women of fashion found in this hairstyle something feminine, emphasizing their defenselessness.

    Video master-class:

    The technology of doing this haircut is quite difficult and requires professional skills, so we can only show how to cut it. The very same haircut is better to entrust to the hairdresser, otherwise there will be something unintelligible and not impressive.