  • Treatment of eczema with folk remedies and methods

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    Eczema is a neuro-allergic, chronic disease of the outer layers of the skin, characterized by itching and the appearance of nodules, vesicles, ulcers and scales. Eczema, as a rule, has a long, chronic course. Most often, eczema manifests itself in the elbow and knee folds, as well as on the face, but can affect any parts of the body.

    The development of eczema is associated with malfunctions in the central nervous system, the immune and endocrine systems.

    Several forms of eczema differ: true, in which there is a development of edema, small vesicles;microbial - develops in the presence of chronic foci of infection, manifested by the development of scalloped foci;professional - under the influence of various harmful substances;Seborrhea - develops in patients with seborrhea.

    Treatment should primarily focus on removing the factor that caused eczema. Patients should limit themselves in the use of products containing allergens( spices, cocoa, etc.).

    Symptoms: , first red spots of different size appear on the skin, on which small bubbles with clear liquid are visible. When the vesicles are opened, the wetting surfaces are exposed, some of the vesicles are squeezed into crusts. In the long course of the disease, the process can spread to large areas of the skin. The disease is usually accompanied by severe itching. More details about the symptoms of this disease look here.

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    What's going on? The development of eczema is greatly influenced by disorders of the nervous and endocrine and immune systems, metabolic processes, functional state of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbiosis. Determining the source of the disease is not easy.

    Often the cause of eczema is a skin allergic reaction to food( milk, eggs, wheat flour, etc.) or medicines. Allergies can cause animal hair, as well as woolen clothes and blankets. Washing powders are also one of the possible allergens. Another allergen is nickel, which is often added to inexpensive ornaments and bracelets for watches. If an allergen is detected and it is excluded from the "circle of contacts", complete recovery is possible.

    In addition to allergies, eczema can also provoke nervous tension. In this case, the sedatives prescribed by the doctor will help.

    What should I do? Treatment of eczema should be comprehensive, aimed at normalizing disturbed processes and strictly individual. First, a thorough examination is needed to identify the causes of the disease. Treatment of eczema usually goes in two directions: local, whose goal is to alleviate skin manifestations, and general, aimed at eliminating the pathology of internal organs, nervous and endocrine systems. Local treatment depends on the stage of the disease. With redness and unopened blisters apply "boltushki" and powder: talc, starch, zinc. With a wetting skin - cooling lotions and compresses without cotton wool, with disinfectant fluids. With chronic eczema - hot local baths( only in case of good individual tolerance), warming compresses and absorbing ointments with tar, sulfur, etc.

    Treatment of eczema individually, but there are common recommendations for all, compliance with which will help to speed recovery.

    • Compliance with the regime of work and rest, daily walks. In spring it is desirable to avoid places of congestion of flowering plants.

    • Systematic wet cleaning of the apartment. It is desirable to use a vacuum cleaner with a water filter. It is recommended to get rid of carpets, down and feather pillows. Pets and birds are also excluded, since their wool and fluff can serve as allergens.

    • If there is no way to avoid contact with detergent, detergents, glue, varnish, dyes, shoe creams and other household chemicals, you should wear 2 pairs of gloves( cotton and plastic, but not rubber) and gauze bandage.

    • To wash yourself is best with "Children's" and "Lanolin" soap, and to wash your head use shampoos without perfumes and dyes. Affected areas can not be wetted, nor, moreover, washed with soap. The skin on the affected areas is best cleaned with various liquid oils.

    • You can not smoke in a house where there is a sick eczema.

    • Patients with eczema should not work with chemical products and drugs.

    • Wool and synthetic clothing can only be worn over cotton.

    • A very important condition is to avoid stress. It is recommended to take soothing: for example tincture of peony( on a teaspoon 2-3 times a day) or tincture of motherwort( 20-30 drops per night).

    • The food should be full, with enough vitamins and microelements. From the diet should be excluded citrus fruits, strawberries and strawberries, raspberries, melons and pineapples, coffee and cocoa, chocolate and milk, smoked products, semolina, dough products, spices, alcoholic beverages. It is useful to include vegetarian soups, porridges( buckwheat, oats, millet and rice), boiled beef, boiled or baked potatoes, fermented milk products( kefir, curdled milk, cottage cheese), sunflower oil, fresh cucumbers. Very useful are green apples, plums, cherries. Must be a variety of green salads.

    Traditional medicine recommends for the treatment of eczema:

    1. Ointment from burdock leaves( compound).Dried leaves of burdock -20 g. Chamomile flowers - 20 g. Clefthoof root - 20 g. Herb of boiling water( willow-tea) - 20 g.

    2. From eczema to drink nettle flowers-nettle( nettle that does not prickle has whitecolor zevikov).Brew 1 tablespoon of flowers in a glass of water( boiling water).Insist, wrapped, for 1,5-2 hours warmer. Drink 30-40 minutes before eating one glass each. Good for eczema, sick kidneys, bleeding. Flowers are drunk in diseases of the respiratory tract, with dyspepsia. Decoction of the herbs is consumed from scrofula, with furunculosis and other skin diseases.

    3. Boil 6 eggs( cook for 12 minutes).Gently pull the yolks. Put the yolk on a spoke or a long wire. Keep the yolk over the fire until a white liquid flows from it. Will drip in small drops. Collect these drops in a clean jar. Spread this clear solution with sore spots. Previously, this was done in the people and helped.

    4. Berry of wild strawberry. Outer straw from the crushed berries strawberries are treated with eczema. Make compresses on the affected area.

    5. The berry of the blueberry.

    Freshly harvested berries in grated form are used in compresses and lotions for the treatment of wet eczema, for the treatment of burns and other skin diseases.

    6. Fresh cabbage leaf tied to the affected area. Hold for 2-3 days until it settles. Then remove the sheet. Do it several times. Assists, Village recipe

    7. Pyrite( root).

    Collect in May.20 g of roots boil in a glass of boiling water. Take a decoction during the day, 3 times before meals. Out of the broth do the lotions.

    8. Aspen( wood).Ashes from wood to mix with Vaseline in half or 1: 4 for ointment. To smear the amazed places.

    9. Ointment( liquid) wood.

    The product of heat treatment( dry distillation) of certain wood species( hazel, alder, can linden).It is applied externally with eczema, neurodermatitis and other skin diseases. Pharmacy preparation.

    10. Copper sulphate is bred to tender blueness. Wipe( wash them sick affected area).How to dry, grease with oil or petroleum jelly.3-4 times is cured. There was a case when it helped a man whose skin was hanging on his feet and flaking away. At first he was washed with a strong solution( decoction) of onion husk. Then this solution and fat.

    11. Birch trees, tincture.

    External tincture is used with bedsores, sluggishly flowing granulations, in the form of hot baths for the treatment of acute and chronic eczema.

    12. Yarrow.

    Eczema is quickly cured if a strong infusion of yarrow soar sore spots and take infusion of the same plant inside 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

    13. One tablespoon top( top with standing natural milk) plus a fresh egg, plus 100 g of birch tar. All is well mixed. Spread the composition on a cloth and apply to the eczema-affected area, bandage. Change daily. Do the procedures until the spots disappear. You can do with juniper tar. This recipe is good for wet eczema.

    14. Devyasil high.

    Decoction of elecampane high( 10 g per 100 ml of water) is used in dermatology and 1 tablespoon 3 times a day in the treatment of eczema, prurigo, flat lichen. Decoction;The roots are also smeared with affected areas of the skin during cemodecosis and scabies.

    15. External treatment of eczema is carried out depending on the severity of the inflammatory process. In the beginning, scales and crusts should be removed from the foci of eczema. For this, bandages of sterile gauze impregnated with vegetable oil for 12-24 hours are applied to the lesion site. The wetting stages of the specimen are well amenable to therapy with refrigerated lotions: with 2% boric acid, with 0.25% silver nitrate, etc. After drying of the wetting areas, a variety of ointments are used.

    Dry mustard - 1h.spoon, vegetable oil - 1h.spoon, infusion of eucalyptus - 2 tsp.

    Mustard dilute with eucalyptus infusion, add butter.

    Apply to the skin and leave for 5-10 minutes. Wash off first with warm water and then with cold water. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a nourishing and moisturizing cream to the skin.

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    Dry mustard - 0.5 teaspoons, butter - 1 hour.a spoon, a decoction of St. John's wort - 5 tbsp.spoons.

    Dissolve dry mustard with a warm broth of St. John's wort, add melted butter.

    Apply the mixture to the skin with a cotton swab. Hold 2-3 minutes, depending on the sensitivity of the skin, then rinse with cool water, directing the water jet to the skin. After that, apply a moisturizer to your skin.

    This procedure can not be done very often, once a week it will be quite enough.

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    Dry mustard - 1h.spoon, vegetable oil - 1h.spoon, infusion of needles - 2 tsp.

    Mustard spread with infusion, add butter.

    Apply to the skin and leave for 5-10 minutes. Wash off firstly with warm water, and then

    cold. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a nourishing and moisturizing cream to the skin.

    Garlic - 1 clove, golden mustache juice - 1h.spoon, dried mustard - 1 tbsp.spoon, vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.spoons.

    Porridge of garlic mixed with the juice of a golden mustache, mustard, oil, carefully rub.

    Spread the mixture on the gauze, apply a compress to the back, cover with parchment paper, warm it. Keep 1-2 hours( depending on the state of health).

    Treatment with vodka. 1. Requires: 100 grams of vodka, 20 g of juniper fruit, 15 g of sage medicinal leaves, 15 g of yarrow, 250 ml of water.

    Method of preparation. Pour the shredded herbs with boiling water and leave in a warm place for 35-40 minutes. After that, strain and pour the vodka.

    How to use. Use as compresses. Apply a moistened bandage to the eczema-affected area, top with a clean dry cloth and leave the compress for 20 minutes. Then remove it and rinse the skin. Do compresses 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

    In some cases, when the rashes on the skin are not too extensive, folk medicine recommends that you rub the herbs infused with vodka, combining them with the intake of the same composition inside.

    2. Requires: 250 grams of vodka, 10 grams of St. John's Wort, perennial leaves of plantain, juniper and nettle, 25 g of calendula flowers, 3 tbsp.l.carrot juice.

    Method of preparation. Ground the medicinal raw material with vodka and put in a dark place for 7 days.

    How to use. Take 10 drops per 30-40 grams of water 3 times daily before meals, combining with daily rubbing of the affected areas of the skin with vodka. For rubbing it is recommended to add 15 drops of solution to 20 g of water. Use this tool is recommended 2 times a day for 2 weeks. Then take a break for 10 days and repeat the treatment.