  • Rhythm of the body - a guarantee of health

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    It is established that adaptation of the organism to various environmental influences is provided by appropriate fluctuations in the functional activity of organs and tissues, the central nervous system, including changes in the rate of biological reactions.

    Biological processes in the body proceed with a certain rhythm, wavy.

    The most important property of adaptive reactions of an organism is the ability of an organism to change the intensity of expenditure and restoration( regeneration) of various structures, depending on the frequency and force of environmental impact.

    There is a close relationship between the spatial and temporal organization of biological systems.

    The scientifically based idea of ​​biological time belongs to the great Russian scientist VI Vernadsky.

    American scientist F. Halberg introduced the concept of circadian( circadian) rhythm.

    Biological rhythms of the body are congenital( endogenous) - this is a time-ordered and predictable phenomenon.

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    The temporary organization of an organism is a collection of biorhythms having different periods, but coordinated with each other in time.

    Each organ has its own biological rhythm with its inherent period and frequency. The period is the time of one full swing, and the frequency of the is the number of oscillations per unit of time.

    Oscillations of biochemical processes occur both at the level of cells, both at the level of the organism and outside it.

    For its life support, the body tends to maintain a certain level and amplitude of fluctuations.

    When the oscillation periods of the two rhythms coincide, occurs, their synchronization, and, with a significant mismatch, desynchronosis.

    The environment, the rhythms of the Sun, the Moon and other rhythmic influences can affect the frequency and amplitude of biorhythms.

    Many external rhythms are synchronizers of biorhythms - they are also called time sensors.

    Biological rhythms of the body - this is the background on which periodic and non-periodic changes in environmental factors are superimposed.

    Predictability of these phenomena( the motion of the Earth, the Moon and the planets relative to the Sun) made it possible for living objects to program behavior patterns, ensuring anticipation of possible changes.

    The change of day and night, the seasons of the year, the rhythms of solar activity( SA), the phases of the moon, the approach and removal of planets - all this interacts with the biological rhythms of man.

    The cyclicity of the biological processes of is expressed in the continuous alternation of amplification and attenuation of the activity of certain cells, tissues, organs and the organism as a whole.

    The fact is that the excitation of the nervous system is replaced by inhibition, the motor activity of the body in the afternoon is replaced by rest at night.

    But does this mean that this or that organ or system is completely resting?

    The well-known Russian scientist GN Kryzhanovskiy formulated the principle of the operation of individual organs, tissues and cells as "the law of intermittent activity of functional structures."

    This means that part of the organ structure is updated, accumulates energy, and part of it functions - that is, the work of the organ is not interrupted.

    However, the number of cells in the body that are in a state where old structures are replaced with new ones periodically changes.

    When more cells of the organ are in a state of division and renewal, the functionality of the organ is reduced. And vice versa, when most of the cells of an organ function, its functional capabilities increase.

    In view of the fact that each organ or system has its rhythm of growth or renewal( physiological regeneration), there may come moments when most organs or systems are in a state of reduced functional activity. And then the adaptive capabilities of the whole organism decrease.

    But it should be noted that our biological system is constructed very sensibly and rationally.

    In each organ, as the distinguished scientist DS Sarkisov showed, using the method of electronic radiography, there are also reserve possibilities - dark cells that are at rest.

    When the load on the organ is increased, intensive functional activity is accompanied by an increase in the expenditure of structures.

    Then the help appears - these dark redundant cells lighten and are included in the work.

    In the future, they are disconnected from the activity and go back to the reserve. But if the load was excessive, then these cells of the organ do not go to the reserve, and in the future the functional capabilities of the organ decrease.

    This directly applies to the heart muscle of a person. When excessive physical exertion( especially in young athletes), the heart is overloaded and working capacity is reduced.

    Therefore, the load available for the given organism gives a good result, and excessive - reduces the functional and adaptive capabilities of the body.

    Therefore, control of load tolerance is required for any physical work and exercise, and the developed tests help in this.

    The endogenous biorhythms of the of an organism can not provide a full vital activity, unless they are stimulated by certain impulses from the external environment.

    One of the most important incentives for charging a biological clock is motor activity.

    Muscular activity is accompanied by increased blood circulation throughout the body and affects the entire intracellular energy of all organs.

    During physical training, intracellular processes become more labile( fast) and can switch to high rates of renewal in the shortest possible time, and material resources for further growth or regeneration are increased.

    An essential property of any biological structure is the processes of reproduction and decay that occur at certain periods of time - the concept of structure is inseparable from the concept of time.

    The destruction and recovery in the body is not entirely, but in separate parts of the ( quanta).

    The rhythmic functions of the organs are consistent among themselves. If such consistency is violated, then there is a mismatch in the work of internal mechanisms of the total daily rhythm - desynchronosis.

    Mismatch and restructuring of biological rhythms are associated with stress.

    Desynchronosis is internal and external. Internal desynchronosis occurs when the matching of rhythms within the body is violated, and external - when the synchronism of the rhythms of the body and environment is violated.

    Desynchronosis constantly accompanies any damage in the body: fatigue, violation of the regime, with stress of any nature, etc. The most severe degree of desynchronosis( no longer compatible with life) is called asynchronosis.

    Desynchronosis happens:

    • acute and chronic;

    • explicit and hidden;

    • total and partial.

    Acute desynchronosis occurs when mismatched time sensors and body biorhythms. Such desynchronosis can occur with a rapid movement in the latitudinal direction( for example, by plane from Russia to Japan or America).

    With repeated similar movements - mismatches - chronic desynchronosis may occur. That's why for pilots going to different points of the globe, there is a restriction on the number and time of flights.

    With clear desynchronosis:

    • the person feels unwell;

    • disturbed sleep;

    • mood worsens;

    • Irritability increases;

    • increases the heart rate;

    • slightly increases body temperature;

    • blood pressure increases( and sometimes on the contrary decreases).

    Even with initial manifestations, it is necessary to take measures to normalize the regimen of the day, the general condition of the body.

    Hidden desynchronosis is hard to notice right away, for subjective comfort( good sleep, mood, working capacity) is felt. But the body has already begun to violate the natural phase synchronization of rhythms.

    This state occurs when going to "winter" or "summer" time. Especially noticeable desynchronosis becomes in April, when the discrepancy with external sensors is already 2 hours.

    First, there is a mismatch in a number of internal rhythms, but signs of obvious desynchronosis soon appear: , sleep deterioration, its duration, food meal failure, then stool disorders, sometimes loss of appetite, increased sensitivity to colds, etc.

    With partial desynchronosis there is a mismatch of individual body functions, and with total - in all links.

    An indication of good health is a good temporal sequence in the functioning of the body.

    The general biological regularity is revealed, according to which, as the body grows, the amplitude of biorhythms gradually increases( until reaching adulthood), and then to old age begins to gradually fade.

    Therefore, while maintaining the amplitude of their biorhythms, a person can push back the onset of old age.

    At a young age, short-term phase shifts of biorhythms recover quickly, maintaining a biorhythmic status.

    As you age, this ability is gradually lost and desynchronosis begins to develop with all possible diseases as it builds up.

    An even more interesting fact is established: more stable synchronization of biorhythms is observed in elderly people living in the environment of people, rather than those who live alone.

    A faster aging of a person is also observed after retirement( abolishment of the hard regime of the day and the weakening of social factors).

    Scientists attach special importance to the assessment of human resilience for the long-term preservation of the rhythm of the work of the organism, maintaining the constancy of the amplitude of its biorhythms. It is in this direction that many researchers now work, believing that the loss of rhythm of the work of a particular organ( its disease) can be eliminated by "imposing" a rhythm peculiar to the given organ, forcing it to regain its vibrational mode, that is, to recover.

    Many systems and, especially, nervous, neuromuscular and hormonal are involved in the adaptation of the organism.

    The nervous system is the highest, coordinating apparatus of the body. As Sechenov said, the great Russian physiologist, "the source of the feeling of fatigue is usually placed in the working muscles;I place it. .. exclusively in the central nervous system. "

    Therefore, the adaptation of the organism to this or that effect is connected with the reactivity of the central nervous system, which in all people is different.

    Directed adaptation of the organism in each case should cover as much of the number of genetically determined individual traits as possible.

    For example, many people have a special ability for a specific manifestation of fastness or

    endurance - as they were called by academician VP Kaznacheev - sprinters or staplers, or phlegmatic and choleric, , etc.

    Unequal in humans and is the reliability of the biological system.

    The greatest reliability of this system in people with a high level of is the autonomy of the organism. And this means that under the influence of stress the body reacts promptly and maintains the constancy of the internal environment, minimizing the phenomenon of desynchronosis - the mismatch of the work of vital biological rhythms.

    For example, when magnetic storms( and they affect blood pressure, dramatically reducing it) the body, immediately increasing the heart rate, tries to keep it constant.

    But in people with excitability, with weak inhibitory processes, the pressure immediately rises sharply and the hypertensive crisis may occur.

    Consequently, autonomization, the reliability of the body's defenses are heavily dependent on the brain-relaxation-functional system.

    Classic world physiology C. Bernard argued that the constancy of the internal environment of the body is a condition for a free, independent life.

    G. Selye, who first used the term stress, believed that there was a certain parallelism between resilience and adaptability in animals and humans.

    Stresses can be both physical and mental, or else they are called stresses physiological and psycho-emotional.

    However, both are interrelated with the characteristics of the central nervous system and the subject's ability to quickly normalize its balance, including the brake-relaxation functional protection system.

    Therefore, a person who is able to manage his emotions and who is able to "turn on" his inhibitory-relaxation functional defense system in a timely manner will be more adapted to various negative physiological( illnesses, traumas) and psychoemotional stresses, and thus healthier.

    It is established that many human diseases are associated with a violation of biorhythms of a particular organ and a violation( as a result) of a development program.

    Chronobiologists emphasize that a disturbance in the rhythm of the work of the organism and its individual systems can serve as a marker for the onset of aging of the organism.

    The preface to the WHO Constitution states: "Health is a state of complete bodily, mental and social well-being, and not just a lack of health or a bodily defect."

    In many attempts to characterize the state of health that have been undertaken at the present time, the chronobiological approach has not been taken into account, despite the fact that the spatio-temporal organization of the human body has been confirmed in many scientific works.

    Meanwhile, the temporary organization of biological systems is considered as an integral part of the individual human constitution.

    The development of each organism is carried out according to a certain genetic program, which begins already from the moment of conception. The function of each organ is characterized by rhythmicity occurring at certain intervals of time.

    The space and time of are the main forms of existence of organisms, which have spatial-temporal regularities.

    Human life is also inextricably linked with the factor of time, each period of his life in time is characterized by his condition.

    That's why the level of health should be considered as a state( corresponding to a certain stage of development) within the time frame of a person's life.

    Studies, which were carried out in 1995 by Tristan, made it possible to establish that the deterioration of health primarily depends on the violation of the temporal consistency of the work of various functions of the body. In other words, "the living hours of the body begin to deteriorate," "lag" or "run away" in the time of their working functions.

    The amplitude of the daily biorhythm is one of the most important indicators of disturbance of the temporal organization and is important as a prognosis of the state of health assessment,

    . With the deterioration of health, the parameters of the rhythms of psychological indicators first of all change.

    The scientist has proved that subjective sensations of "ill health", as a rule, outstrip functional manifestations, therefore they allow to assume the appearance of future violations in the work of the organism.

    Psychological indicators of the state of health( mood, individual minute, color test Lusher) can allow yourself to estimate the value of these values.

    In the thirties of the last century, Academician VI Vernadsky proposed the concept of "biological time", i.e., time associated with life phenomena. The internal proper time is interrelated with the time of the environment.

    In a healthy person, his "internal biological clock" quite clearly measures the length of time. Such people do not need alarm clocks in the morning, they can wake up themselves at the appointed hour.

    However, there are times when these "live hours" begin or lag, or rush.

    To test the progress of your biological clock, a test is suggested.