  • Perineal prostatectomy

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    With this type of surgical procedure, a cut is made between the anus and the scrotum, in which the testicles are located. It causes less loss of blood, and patients recover after it faster than after a traumatic prostatectomy. Unfortunately, this approach considerably complicates, and sometimes makes it impossible to determine the exact position and the preservation of neural bundles that are suitable for the prostate. In addition, the surgeon is unable to take for probing nearby lymphatic vessels. For these reasons, this method of removing the prostate is currently used less often.

    You may get surgery if:

    Cancer does not spread beyond the prostate gland.

    You are healthy enough to move the operation.

    The expected duration of your life is longer than you will survive cancer.

    For a cancerous tumor localized in the prostate gland, surgery is a very effective method of treatment. YOU CAN COMPLETE FROM CANCER.

    All serious surgical procedures carry a certain risk of death. With radical prostatectomy, this risk is quite small. One large study, which involved more than 100 male men, showed that 0.5% of men aged 65 to 69 and about 1% of men over 75 died of complications 30 days after surgery.

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    You can become impotent. This depends largely on your age. In 1999, research results were published, in which 1,800 men underwent radical retropubic prostatectomy and who managed to retain neural bundles. The study showed that the potency was restored in 80% of men under the age of 60 years, 60% of men from 60 to 70 years and 47% - over 70. According to the American Cancer Association, some cancer centers in the United States fix the recovery potential of

    ation in 70-75% of men under 60 and 20-30% of men older than 70 years who underwent surgery with preservation of neural bundles. The final result depends on the art of the surgeon, and on the quality of the potency before the operation. If you have had problems with achieving and maintaining the potency before surgery, your chances of becoming impotent after the operation increase.

    You may have urinary incontinence, at least temporary. After removal of the catheter, almost all men have difficulty controlling the bladder. This can last several days, or maybe weeks or months. In this case, special treatment and medications help improve bladder control. About 90% of men eventually achieve complete control when they do not need to constantly use gaskets and they do not leak urine with moderate exercise. From 5 to 10% experience stress incontinence. This means that they can not hold the jet of urine when the bladder is under pressure, as when sneezing, coughing, laughing and lifting objects.

    Recovery can last one to two months or longer.

    There is a small risk of damage to the lower intestine. Then an additional operation will be required to restore it.

    Some statistics for thinking

    Blood loss 800-1400 ml.

    Impotence 60-80%.

    »Urinary incontinence 15-20%.

    The urethral stricture is 7-9%.

    "Phlebotromboses 1-8%.

    Thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery less than 1%.

    Damage to the rectum is less than 1%.