  • Perm hair large curls on medium hair with photos and reviews

    Not all the girls were born with curly locks, and sometimes you want to have such playful curls. But for today there is a solution to this problem. There is such a technique as a chemical wave of hair that will embody any woman's dream into reality. It is in this article that we'll talk about the chemical wave of large curls on medium hair with a photo-selection.

    What is it?

    First you need to clarify what kind of method it is, and how the hair will change its structure for a long time.

    Hair dressing is a procedure that is carried out by applying a chemical substance to curls, which eventually makes them curly. This is due to the reaction that occurs with the keratin of the hair, resulting in the breakdown of the bond of cystine with the release of thioglycolic acid. The hair softens and takes on a wavy shape at the expense of the curler. Since hydrogen peroxide acts as an oxidizing agent, the disulfide bonds reconnect and the hair acquires a stable structure in the form of curls.

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    What types of curls exist?

    1. Alkaline - a kind of waving, in which the most resistant chemicals are used. With this manipulation, the drug is able to penetrate deep into the hair, due to this, the hairdress retains its appearance for 6 months.

    2. Acid - in this case the chemical substance is not able to reach the depth of the hair shaft, which is much softer in comparison with the first species. The very structure of the hair does not fall under the destructive effect. But, consequently, the effect of such a procedure is short( about 6 weeks).

    3. Neutral - such a wave is considered the most favorable option. This is explained by the fact that in relation to female hair, this technique is the least harmful. The advantages of this technique include the natural look of curl and firmness. For this effect, amino acids and proteins useful for hair are added to the chemical substance.

    Gentle version of

    The term "gentle chemical wave" refers to the use of additives and mixtures for a softer effect on the texture of the curls. To such a variety can be attributed acid and neutral curls, with the latter species more suited to this definition. This method provides a more natural look of hair, gives them volume and vitality.

    What are the advantages of this hairstyle?

    1. The most obvious positive moment of a perm is simplicity in hair styling. After all, for most women - this is torture, every morning to style your hair: either align it, or lay it, or put it in a bundle. .. And there's no question of making large curls in your home at home, because this procedure takes two hours. Or, if you choose the option with curlers, then you have to suffer all night, because sleeping with such a head is quite inconvenient. And how it will look like in the morning, nobody knows. After all, images of stars with large and perfect curls pop up in dreams, but in the end it goes far not so.
    2. In the case of chemistry things are different, in the morning you should lightly mash the hair with your palm, and after a minute you are ready. Do not even need to use a hairdryer. And here is the second plus - saving expensive time, effort and money.
    3. The third plus is a visual increase in volume. After all, not everyone can boast of magnificent hair.

    What are the disadvantages of the procedure?

    1. The disadvantages of this trend in fashion, too, unfortunately, there are. This pampering leads to dryness, brittle hair. If you repeat the chemical wave several times, then the strands will fall out altogether.
    2. Unpredictable result. This can also happen if they decided to do the first wave for the first time. After all, no one can foresee what will eventually happen. The result can be catastrophic, and if horribly cut hair can be quickly grown, then you must endure a wave for half a year.

    How to avoid harmful effects on the hair?

    1. Like any other disease: it is better to warn than to cure. The hair needs care, because they have already suffered badly. You should buy special care products. Such a finding is not at all difficult, the package should indicate "for damaged hair" and, naturally, the more expensive the drug, the more effective it is with respect to the curls.
    2. You can resort to natural ingredients and yourself, at home, to prepare masks. They will nourish the hair and give it vitality.
    3. Strengthen the structure of the hair will help essential oils, which can be added to the shampoo.
    4. Broths of the medicinal herbs cope with the health function.

    Reviews of the owners of chemical curls

    In order to make a decision about the chemical wave finally, read a few reviews of the girls who have already had time to try this method on themselves.

    Natasha wrote:

    Did silk chemistry times 2. The result is satisfied, the wave looks natural. It is very easy to style with hair foam!

    Guest wrote:

    The main thing is not to do a perm on colored hair. Then curls are really very beautiful come out.

    Gilberta wrote:

    Curl made once. Hair certainly a little spoiled, but not so much. If you use special creams and masks for grooming, then damaged hair as it has not happened. True, the tips are crossed.

    Valeria wrote:

    Girls, I've been doing chemistry for 10 years and do not regret it! The most important thing is a good master. Choose a good chemical solution, I constantly use the solution of Natural Styling Hydrowave and is very pleased.

    And here are a few photos before and after the perm, provided by many girls who have tried this method for themselves at least once.

    There are many cognitive videos on this subject, you can see them here.

    Video compilation

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