  • Video hairstyles for medium hair: these can be done at home

    Every woman dreams of being beautiful and well-groomed. One of the components of the feminine image is a female hairstyle. Today we offer you a selection of videos on hairstyles for medium hair. Some of them can be repeated with their own hands, some more difficult - for their laying the hand of the master is necessary.

    We offer you a selection of educational videos, which show beautiful options for laying.

    It can be a variant of weaving, laying of curls or a combination of both, fixing hair on the crown or on the back of the neck and much more.

    On New Year's Eve

    On the eve of New Year's Eve, every woman thinks about creating an image, part of which will be a beautiful styling. New Year's hairdresses are not much different from the evening, they are just neat, well thought out, it's worth adding a few shiny decorations - and your styling is ready! Make such a beauty with your own hands or trust the master - the choice is individual. Let's see how it looks in practice.

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    At the wedding

    Wedding is an important and unforgettable event in the life of every woman. On this memorable day, you want to look like a queen. The delicacy of this laying is best entrusted to the hairdresser, having previously made a trial hairstyle. For medium hair, there are a lot of wedding options. The abundance of snow-white decorations, light curls, a bundle gathered, a fixed diadem or special hair clips are all wedding wraps. The following videos are designed to inspire future brides or to submit an idea for their wedding image.

    As an example, consider a masterclass of evening styling. This hairstyle can be done by yourself.

    For work we need a fixation tool, namely - hair spray. It is important to have a spray, because the gel or foam does not fit, we will need to fix the ready-made strands. We will definitely need hairpins, a few small hair bands. On request, you can prepare hairpins and jewelry. It can be bows, hearts, shiny invisible, depends on the chosen image.

    Divide the hair into two parts: the upper one will be an option for combing, bangs, laying the curls along the head;lower - collected curls along the length. With the top you can safely experiment. Make a haircut, braid thin pigtails, lay the curls. All this grab a small rubber band on the back of the head from the side where there will be a basic hairstyle. It depends on personal tastes. One is more convenient to the left, the other to the right. The remaining curls to wind on the curling iron, well fixed with a hairspray. Place the decoration in the place of the base of the beam.

    Time progresses and does not stand still. Now the Internet is very popular. If a girl has a question about creating an image, she can easily open the search engine and find a variety of options for hairstyles, both everyday and festive. For especially demanding there are video lessons, browsing which you can see the creation of a particular hairstyle in detail. And, accordingly, in house conditions to lay curls.

    Tips for the last time

    When creating styling, girls need to remember - you need to take care of your hair. Frequent use of fasteners, ironing, hair dryers leads to dullness and dry hair, lifelessness and broken ends. Therefore, at least once every two weeks, it is necessary to feed hair, pamper them with masks, which will be based on natural ingredients. After each washing of the head you need to use balm. In the cold season hide your chic locks under the cap or hood. Hair is contraindicated in frost. Only healthy hair will look chic in the context of any hairstyle, whether it's evening, wedding or everyday.